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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Dale

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  • Birthday 03/15/1965

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  1. Thanks, Susan for your words of encouragement. I just didn't know if I still had a chance at this opportunity and really did not know how serious the surgeon will be if I slipped (mistakenly). Trust me I want this. Thanks again. :scared0:
  2. Help :scared0:, I ate potatoe chips and a kit kat bar today - it just happened. Now I'm afraid I won't pass the liver test. I did not mean to - I was socializing and before I knew it I was eating just like they were. I stopped when I realized......wait OMG what was I thinking. Now I'm worried. My pre-op is Tuedays and surgery Wednesday of next week. Any advice? Do you think I'll make it? Does it really take two whole week of no carb and protein diet to shrink the liver? Any feedback will help.:frown1:
  3. Thanks for the feedback. I did not know about the complications of gout or renal problems but I'm sure its mentioned in the book of info I recieved from Novus. I actually do not have a preop appt with the surgeon until the day before my surgery. But thanks for the advice on drinking something nourishment every 2 hours. I believe this will help. The strange thing about my episode is that I have gone without having absolutely nothing for breakfast in the past and lasted until lunch before I felt weak or felt a headache coming on. Thanks :help:
  4. Very informational. Thanks for sharing so much. I'm scheduled to be sleeved on Nov. 11 and your experience is reassuring that my surgery will go well too. I hope you continue forward with a good recovery. Please keep us informed. :help:
  5. Hello everyone, I decided to join your forum. I have been browsing this website for sometime and it appears to be a very helpful site on obtaining info from people with personal experience on the VSG. I am 4 days into my pre op diet and schedule to be sleeved on Nov. 11. Everything has been going well thus far except for the fact that I was out shopping today and began to feel weak. I had protein shake in place of breakfast but I guess it did not hold for long (it was only noon and I drank the shake about 8:30). To gain strength, and avoid fainting, my son ran into McDonalds and got me a fish sandwish with unsweetend tea. I bit into the sandwich right away ...yes the bread, cheese and tartar sauce too, knowing I should not have because its not on the list of acceptable foods. Nonetheless, it gave me strength and I avoided a headache and fainting. :help: Have any of you experience this type of event while on your pre op diet? Is is expected?

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