Hello everyone, I decided to join your forum. I have been browsing this website for sometime and it appears to be a very helpful site on obtaining info from people with personal experience on the VSG. I am 4 days into my pre op diet and schedule to be sleeved on Nov. 11. Everything has been going well thus far except for the fact that I was out shopping today and began to feel weak. I had protein shake in place of breakfast but I guess it did not hold for long (it was only noon and I drank the shake about 8:30). To gain strength, and avoid fainting, my son ran into McDonalds and got me a fish sandwish with unsweetend tea. I bit into the sandwich right away ...yes the bread, cheese and tartar sauce too, knowing I should not have because its not on the list of acceptable foods. Nonetheless, it gave me strength and I avoided a headache and fainting. :help:
Have any of you experience this type of event while on your pre op diet? Is is expected?