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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jbates

  • Rank
  • Birthday 07/01/1962

About Me

  • Biography
    My name is Janet Bates. I have the best husband in the world, Bob, and two great daughters, Molly and Sarah. Sarah is pregnant with a baby boy and I am looking forward to taking care of my grandson.
  • Interests
    I enjoy spending time with my family going to movies or sitting out by the pool. I also spend the time i have to myself working puzzels in my sudoku book, or surfing the web.
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  1. Happy 51st Birthday jbates!

  2. Happy 50th Birthday jbates!

  3. In reading the posts on this website, I have seen that some people believe that a problem with the band can be an incorrect position of the band. Is this true? I haven't lost much weight since my surgery. I'm filled to over 9 ccs in a 10 cc band and still don't fill very much restriction at all. I don't drink with meals. I don't use a straw. I'll admit that I sometimes eat some soft foods, but I really can eat anything. I have thrown up a couple of times, but it's after eating really fast and really big bites of steak or ham. I just wouldn't think that I should be able to eat the amount of food and the types of food that i can easily eat. I've yet to find a food that I can't easily eat with ease in any amount. I know that I need to diet, count calories and all of that, but obviously I have problems with that or I wouldn't be obese in the first place. I was hoping for more help with the band. When I go to my physician and explain my disappointment with the amount of restriction he just asks what foods I am eating. I explain that I'm aware that if I ate fewer calories I know I'll loose more weight, so he just totally blames me for the lack of weight loss. I'm aware that my lack of weight loss is totally my fault, but I'm tired of totally blaming myself...that's what fat people usually do. I would like to know why the band isn't helping me more. I guess that what I'm asking is... can the positioning of the band be a reason for not feeling restriction?
  4. jbates

    Waitresses and drinks

    I know that I'm probably paranoid, but sometimes when I don't order a drink I wonder if the waiter/waitress might think that I'm just cheap and think that I'll drink my children's in order to save money. Because of this, if water is free, I just get one and not drink it.
  5. I've asked the doc for a barium swallow, but he always redirects. I could see another doctor, but do you think I should?
  6. I keep reading all of the experiences everyone has with the band and I can't believe that I'm not feeling the same thing. I keep going back to my doctor for more fills because I just don't feel much restriction. To make a long story short, I went back to my doctor two days ago complaining that I still don't feel restriction. At that point I was at 9ccs in a 10cc band. I'm not loosing weight and he doesn't believe me when I tell him that I'm able to eat just about anything. He accused me of drinking with my meals and eating soft foods and said that that's the reason I'm not loosing. I got my band 9 months ago and have NEVER had a drink with my meal and have never had a drink for at least 30 minutes after my meal since the surgery. I'm able to eat anything...steak...bread (I could eat a loaf of white bread if I wanted)...ham...hamburger... I mean anything. He just keeps telling me that I need to go on a better diet to loose the weight. Well, I agree with him, but why did I get the band if I don't get the benefits of restriction? Does anyone know...could my band be placed incorrectly? Why don't I have restriction? I keep asking him if something could be wrong and he keeps saying that it's my fault. He won't do x-rays or anything to see how everything is going down. I keep asking him and he won't. From what I've read on here, there are people who can't even eat a banana. I think that I could eat a whole chicken with no problem. What's Wrong?
  7. I really am happy for you, but I'm so discouraged! I had my lapb and on April 30th. So far I've had four fills...I'm now at 8.5 ccs in a 10 cc band and still don't have much restriction at all. I still get sooooo hungry! I just don't know why this is not working for me. I can eat anything...any amount. My doctor said that at 8.5 ccs I'm just about full and he doesn't really know why I don't feel much restriction. I just wish that I had a smaller band or something.
  8. jbates

    Frustrated with my (lack of) fills..

    I know exactly how you feel. I feel like giving up. If I could have done this on my own I wouldn't have had the surgery. It's so hard to take the time to go back for fills. Even when I do go back I have to beg for a fill and he says that I don't give it enough time. I was banded on April 30th and have had three fills that I had to beg for. I sometimes feel slight restriction, but very little and only in the mornings on occasion. It's definately not what I expected. Everytime I go back he schedules my next visit in Three Months! When the fill is not adequate, I have to beg for another visit. I'm getting so mad about this. I don't think it's fair to do this.
  9. I had my band three months ago. I have a 10cc band. My first fill was 9 weeks after the surgery. He filled 4ccs and I still did not have restriction. Two weeks after the fill I went back and he reluctantly filled 1 cc more. Still no restriction after that. I called the behavior specialist... told her that my exercise was going great (I walk for 10 minutes and run for 10 to 15 minutes four days a week and walk for 45 minutes in the evenings 5 days a week). She scheduled me for another fill three weeks later. Well, now three days after the fill, I still don't feel restricted. This is getting so frustrating for me. As I told my doctor, I think I'm doing my part with the exercise and diet...I just want the benefit of the surgery to help me with this. I could eat LOTS if I didn't just stop. I know that I'm loosing some weight...I just don't want to have to do it on my own. The dietitian called me yesterday and suggested that I stay on the liquid diet for three to four weeks and this would help with my weight loss. Well duh... If I could do that I would have before the surgery. Also, why do I feel like I have to beg the doctor to give me a fill. He says I'm not giving it enough time, but I can tell if I'm not restricted. Why do we have to wait so long to get to the "sweet spot"? At the point I am now, I wouldn't recommend the surgery to anyone. The only thing that I see that weighs less now is my bank account.
  10. jbates

    How many cc's

    I know exactly how you feel! I got my band on April 30th. I've lost 37 lbs, but 33 lbs of this was lost on the pre-surgery diet and the two weeks after surgery. I have had no restriction since the swelling went down. I went for the first fill about 2 and a half weeks ago and still had no restriction. He made another appointment for me in Three Months! I didn't want to wait three more months for restriction ... so I went back two weeks later and the Doctor seemed mad and said that I hadn't given it enough time. Well, as I understand this, the band won't get tighter over time and I just want to have the help of the band to loose the weight, otherwise what's the point? Anyway, the first fill I got was 4cc's in a 10cc band. Thursday he gave me one more cc. I do admit that I fell a little restriction, but I'm still not satisified. Just what can I do if he doesn't want to fill the thing enough to make a difference. I've never PB'd...never vomited...never felt like I even have a band until Thursday and still don't feel very much restriction at all. Once again, he made another appointment for three months from now and I feel that the surgery isn't helping at all. I really wanted this to work, but feel that I'm doing everything on my own. Any suggestions?

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