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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Gingin33

  1. So as a tradition each year, I bake a ton of different kinds of Cookies for Christmas and make platters to give away to people. This year I cut back slightly but still ended up making 8 different kinds. This year I nibbled here and tasted this and that. On Christmas day I probably had about 2 cookies total, plus the traditional Christmas dinner I cooked.

    I spent yesterday feeling guilty and worried that I had sabotaged myself because I ate more then I have since surgery. That's a normal feeling for me. Whenever I eat until I feel stuffed, I spend the next couple hours feeling guilty. But I wasn't even thinking about how it takes a lot less to feel stuffed now. I really need to stop and think about that and not let the guilt eat away at me. It's not a healthy feeling. It's very depressing.

    So this morning I thought for sure the scale would be up and I was willing to face that and remind myself it was the holidays, dust myself off and start over today. I stepped on the scale and it was down a pound. A very nice surprise for sure.

    Yes, I may have had a cookie or two yesterday and snacked more then usual but I have to remember I'm eating about 1/4 of what I used to eat. I love my sleeve and I'm so happy I had this done and seeing the results today just confirmed to me that I made the right choice.

    Happy Holidays everyone

  2. MGambino: after only 9 weeks and you look like that? WoW you should be the poster child for VSG. LOL Please tell us that is a picture from a long dam time ago, that you are trying to get back to looking like. huge sigh. anyway, drink a small amount of what ever you want and if it tases/feels good count the calories and get on with it. I used to drink beer too, and still buy it for Hubby. I don't miss it though. I had some champgne punch at a party last night. No problems. I do not believe alcohol per se is a problem with the sleeve its self. I think the problem is the usless calories. And, the fact of staying hydrated. Alcohol will leave you quite de-hydrated. You need to protect your sleeve for awhile yet. I am really watching it until I get my lab work done Jan 15. Be cautious.

    Forgive me if i'm wrong but I believe that is a picture of Brittany Spears.

  3. I was Nov 19th too! Over all I feel great. I still feel like my energy level is still kind of low. I'm struggling with some depression right now. I know the cause and there is nothing I can do except let time heal. It has nothing to do with my surgery.

    I'm down 36 lbs. I had about a 2 week stall but now i'm losing pretty good again. I was getting my Protein and Water in daily but have been slacking on that. Seems to get harder instead of easier like I thought it would

    Sometimes I feel that i'm able to eat quite a bit at one setting and it scares me. Other times I eat very little and feel like I will explode. I dont understand the inconsistency there. I'm not going to let it get me down though. I know I eat a HELL of a lot LESS than I used to so I will lose all my extra weight, eventually.

    Good luck to all.

  4. Well said Tracy. I agree 100%. Judy, you can do this. You were given a tool to help you, the rest is up to you. It's hard and no one said it would be easy. We are here to support you when times are bad but you still have to take responsibility for your own actions.

    Well I'm gonna get "flamed" for this response, go ahead, I'm prepared.


    Lets be truthful here. You've been "cheating" on the post op diet since like...day two. You talked/bragged to me about it in the chat room and realized I would not congratulate you on your choices and left. If you're not willing to follow the post op diet that your doctor recommended...don't bitch about not losing weight! There's no cause for alarm...you're simply not following the plan. You're leapfrogging ahead and then not happy because your plan isn't working.

    This forum is for support....not enabling someone to risk their health and patting them on the back and saying "do better tomorrow". Get real with yourself, return to basics, meaning....follow the post op diet and you'll lose the weight. It's boring, it's monotonous, you'll have cravings, you have to activate some self-control...but just do it.

    Perhaps now you'll see that the DOCTOR recommended post-op diet is effective for reasons more than just the healing process! It's where that first truly impressive weight loss happens.

    I truly am sorry to be harsh. If you were following your doctor's orders I would be the first to research everything I could to help you find the key to a "stall". But you can't expect to break all the rules and still lose weight like the ones that follow the rules. Consequences follow actions....you're not losing weight because you chose the wrong actions.

    I'd like to be encouraging at this point, but I'm sure I've already made you mad by speaking the truth. However, I do think you can resume a steady weight loss by returning to the post op diet FROM THE BEGINNING, which will help ease the carb cravings, detoxify your system and get you started back to success.

    Good luck,

  5. You're not being silly at all. I have the same fears. A year ago I lost 70 lbs by dieting. I was feeling very confident about myself but I was receiving more attention from men. I did not like it at all. I start slowly gaining the weight back. I've done that many times.

    I think fat has been my shield for so long I am scared of what it will feel like to not have it anymore. That is something I will have to face and deal with when I get there. I didn't lose the weight to be sexy. I lost it to be healthy.

    I think your personality will be the same unless you allow yourself to become different.

    I have been overweight most of my life. this is all i know. Everyone has told me how pretty I am and how much prettier I'd be if i lost weight. What if I lose the weight and it turns out that I am really not that pretty? Being fat, I alway have my face to make me feel good about myself (I am not trying to be conceited in any way).

    How will I be? Will I have the same personality? will the people who like me today feel the same way about me 10 months down the road? I hope this doesnt sound silly but the prospect of such a drastic weight loss as a result of vsg really has my head spinning. I want to lose the weight more than anything in this world but what will i cost me once i do?

    Am i just being silly?

  6. I'm 17 days out now...still no change. I'm still stalled. I've lowered my calorie intake, upped my Water intake, walk every single say. I'm watching

    my carbs. I've gained 3 lbs. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE? I'm so depressed....

    Am I dumed to be fat the rest of my life? I don't understand this...What is left to do?


    Judy, I promise you, I know exactly how you feel. Please put the scale away or you will drive yourself crazy (If only I was as good at practicing what I preach). You will lose weight. You will have to. Your body is in shock right now. If you went from eating 3000-4000 calories a day to now eating 600-800 calories, most likely your body is holding on to everything right now for fear of starvation. It will start to release the fat once it becomes apparant you are eating every few hours.

    If you are up 3 lbs and you're only eating 600-800 calories, there is no way that you gained 3 lbs of fat. Maybe Water weight.

    Some other suggestions:

    1. Take your measurements and see if you are losing inches.

    2. Up your calories to closer to 800-1000. That's what I did and the weight started coming off again.

    3. Watch your sodium. A lot of Soups and broths have a lot of sodium.

    4. Make sure you get over 60 grams of Protein each day.

    5. Make sure you get over 64 ounces of water each day.

    6. Make sure you are not constipated.

    7. Sit back. Don't stress. It took a long time to gain it and it will take time to lose it as well.

    You'll be fine, Judy.

  7. I've read enough from posters on both forums about infections at Emmanuel clinic that I believe it is true. I would not be able to afford tens of thousands of dollars of hospital bills for treatment if a bad infection occurred. Not to mention loss of work days, pain and suffering, or even possible death. Successful surgery with no complications is my number one priority.

    I believe it is true as well. thinasiwant stated it wasn't true because her coordinator told her so. Why would her coordinator tell her the truth? Not saying she did or didn't, I'm just saying I wouldn't believe everything you hear when someone is making money on your surgery. People need to take all the information they see and form their own opinions.

  8. A friend of mine talked to one of the gals who is in the hospital in the U.S. after returning from

    this facility. Nobody has mentioned the fact that this infection everyone from there is getting is MRSA

    My PCP did a culture and it was not MRSA. She initially treated me for MRSA until she got the lab results back and then switched my antibiotic once the results came back stating it wasn't MRSA. My infection responded quite well to the antibiotics too.

  9. Hi Libby. I remember meeting you there. I can't remember if it was you or your roommate that stated they had the lapband that had tore a 4 inch hole in their stomach and they were getting the sleeve done. The day you all came to the clinic was the day I was checking out to go to the recovery house. I only met you both for a few minutes. I had surgery the same day as Mitzi. Kristina, Tasha and Jesus all had surgery on the 20th. Mitzi also had problems later with a small infection. I haven't heard from any of the others except Jesus and he apparantly didn't have any problems but he had the RNY done.

    I also noticed the glove thing and I also mentioned it to my roommate. I also agree about them not checking vitals once you go to the recovery house. I think at the very least they need to check them before they send you home.

    I spent one night at Dr. Betancourts house. I enjoyed my stay for the most part aside from being cold most of the time and Dr. Batancourt's spare bed was hard as a rock. I feel everyone treated me good and I have no complaints about that. I worry about the infections going on at the time. That's all I was ever trying to say. I hope they can take care of the problem and people can go home on the mend. Not dealing with more problems, making a bargain surgery cost a lot more in the end.

  10. I wanna clear something up here. Maybe I took this thread a little personal because someone posted they are having a major infection and I happen to be one of the unlucky ones that came home with one as well. I've talked to many people that had the same problem. My coordinator never contacted me once I sent in my deposit. Not right before nor after my surgery to see how I was doing. I had to contact her.

    I feel a little cheated because I really wanted to come home and tell of a wonderful experience but I couldn't because I was sick for 2 weeks after I came home with an infection.

    Now it's getting even more personal because some of the things I'm saying are being questioned. Not everyones experience will be the same. Maybe they started the documenting later. I really don't know but they did ask me and the people that were there at the same time to do just that. I will not defend what I said anymore. It's obvious people will believe what they want. I can sleep at night knowing that I speak only of the truth.

    As far as nj goes. I guess that is all up in there air if that person is real and what they say is true or not. I guess I tended to believe her more due to my experience and that of others that have contacted me. If she's not real and her story is false then shame on her for doing such a thing. If she is real, then I hope and pray she will have a speedy recovery.

    I will still stick with everything I said before. I believe Dr. Almanza is a great surgeon but when I was there, there was a high incident of infections. I hope they've taken care of it. Regardless of how you feel about Dr. Almanza and his staff and regardless of your experience, I wonder why so many are quick to believe one person over another.

    I will not respond again to this post unless I'm asked a question or unless my integrity is questioned.

  11. This latest from NJsleever is absolutely NOT TRUE.

    They do NOT do any of these things after the surgery about your experience. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!! They do not ask us to share our experience or do a documentation etc or tape any of it.

    So much for her veracity about anything!

    Stoongal, I'm sorry but I will have to disagree with you. Maybe they didn't ask you to do that when you were there but I can give you the email address of everyone I was there with and they asked them, including myself to do just that. Dr. Betancourt, as I was about to leave, pulled out an ipod looking device and asked me to say my name... etc.

    You can disbelieve njsleeve all you want that is fine. I cannot verify anything she has posted is true or not true and I have not tried either but please do not call me a liar because I have spoken nothing but the truth. I have no reason to lie.

  12. Their in room documentation said to SHARE OUR EXPERIENCE with verticalsleeve.com so I am.

    That is a fact. They said the exact same thing to me when I was there. They said, "Share your experience, they lie about us there." and then they do a documentation and have us say our name, where we are from and what we had done and if we were happy with our service, while they tape it.

    How would njsleever know this unless she has been there? I don't believe her post was fake at all.

  13. No, I'm sorry, I don't remember Marie S. Never heard of her, at least that I can remember. I didn't say you were saying my story was false. I was saying to come here and say someone elses story is false sounds fishy to me. If you do not work for the dr, you sure do seem to have a awful lot of information. Something does not add up. I can't prove her story is true and I can't prove you are telling the truth either. I can use my own common sense and judge for myself, which is what everyone else will have to do as well.

    How do you know me from OH? That also makes me question what you are saying. I remember talking to someone on the phone about a week ago, that works for Dr. A about a smear post but had no idea who posted it or really any details about it. Makes me wonder when you are asking me if I remember...

    As for Dr. A. I have all respect for him. I think he did a wonderful job on my surgery and I'm very pleased. However, there is something going on there with infections that needs to be cleared up. I feel people need to be aware. I'm not trying to keep people from going there. I'm simply being truthful about MY experience.

    Hey....I never said YOUR story wasnt true and btw, I am very sorry to hear it happened. The other one with njsleever is COMPLETELY FALSE.I know you from OH....remember Marie S. and her post "i never expected this?" ...same fake story. Dr. A and his team are dealing with this, however I have it on good authority that there was no surgery that occured on the day "Maria" said was her DOS. I am a patient with surgery scheduled 12/30 and I will provide my own honest review at that time...and u may anytime PM me and confirm my identity! Njsleever cant talk to you....she doesnt exist...btw who was your coordinator?

  14. Judy, I hit a stall at 2 weeks out. I lost 17 lbs in 2 weeks and then nothing for about a week and a half. In fact the scale moved up a pound. I woke up crying the other morning because I was just so sure I'd be all alone and this surgery wouldn't work for me. Well I upped my Protein, I had not been getting nearly enough. I upped my Water intake and I started really paying attention to what I was eating, watching sodium and such. I woke up today and I'm down 2 lbs. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing but I read that sometimes you have to mix things up to keep your body guessing.

  15. I don't believe NJsleever is a fake. I am actually very upset that someone would come here and call her a fake and people are believing it.

    I was there on the 19th of Nov. and I came home with an infection as well. Since I posted my story (on the OH webpage) i've had about 5 other people PM me that they had an infection from going there as well but were to scared to share their stories because they thought it was an isolated incident and didn't want to scare people away.

    Something is going on there and it ain't pretty. My infection never got as bad as some and that is because I went to my PCP right away, the day I came home. It's all healed, at least it looks like it. I can still feel a knot under my skin and when I lay on my tummy if feels like i'm laying on a golfball and some slight pain. I am thinking I need to make another appointment just to make sure.

    About thinasiwant. I would never believe someone that has not even been there yet, or so she says. How would she know if there was no surgery on that day unless she's working for the dr? Of course she's going to call NJ's story a fake. And I think I know who she is, in fact, i'm almost positive.

    Pretty sad when money is more important than people.

    NJSleever, hang in there. Keep your chin up and if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.

  16. I had an infection in the same incision you are talking about. The antibiotics they gave you post op are the same ones my dr at home said I needed. So keep taking them. Make sure you dont miss a dose. Find a dr that will listen to you and take your problems seriously. If needed go to the ER.

    My incision cleared up without having to open and drain it, luckily.

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Please stay positive, it will help with the healing process.

  17. Hi -

    How are you feeling?? I had surgery with Dr Almanza on the 26th and returned with an infection on one of the incisions too and experiencing the same low grade fever - soooo scared


    I'm feeling much better. My infection is almost cleared up. Please see your family doctor and make sure you get some antibiotics. I have heard from SO MANY people that are coming home with infections. Not sure what is going on there but I hope they get it under control. Hope you feel better soon. Please let us know.

  18. This recipe is so easy and delicious! I was sad I couldn't eat more of it.


    • 4 cups chicken broth
    • 4 cups peeled and cubed potatoes
    • 1/4 cup minced onion (I left it out for now)
    • 1/2 teaspoon seasoning salt
    • 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
    • 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
    • 1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, cut into chunks

    1 Combine broth, potatoes, onion, and spices.

    2 Boil on medium heat until potatoes are tender.

    3 Smash a few of the potatoes to release their starch for thickening.

    4 Reduce to low heat.

    5 Add cream cheese.

    6 Heat, stirring frequently, until cheese melts.

  19. I tried this and it was really good. Tasted like pumpkin pie filling but not quite as sweet. I had to cook it quite a bit longer than what was recommended but otherwise a keeper recipe.

    Today I made a cream cheese potato Soup. WOW it was so good I was actually very disappointed I could only eat about 1/4-1/2 cup of it lol. Be happy to share the recipe if anyone wants it. So so easy to make. Even my husband loved it and he's very picky.

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