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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by carol

  1. Hi Kelsie! I am new here but thought I'd add my two cents worth...I was originally scheduled for the RNY procedure, after seeing my surgeon for my preop it was decided that I would do well with the sleeve gastrectomy...The reason I was originally going to have the RNY was because I had a very high sugary drink intake..ie..MT Dew for one!! After seeing my nutritionist I completely cut out sugar and never drink anything higher then 5 grams of Sugar....mostly I drink Water and Crystal Light now....I have been able to lose 32 lbs prior to surgery following this and the rest of my nutritionist's advice. My doctor said that as long as I felt I could stay away from the sugar he would do the gastrectomy. I find this a much more appealing option as I worried about the malabsorption issues and the dumping!! I advise that you look within and make the decision based on how you think you will do with one surgery versus the other. Don't let others sway your decision. This is your body and you are the one who has to use this as a tool and use it yo your advantage. Hope this has come to be some help...Good Luck with your decision!! And be happy!! A new chapter in your life is about to begin!! Best Wishes!! Carol

  2. Hello! My name is Carol and I live in Illinois...I found this sight when I was searching for personal stories of people who had had the sleeve gastrectomy. I was originally scheduled for RNY on Nov. 3, but after my preop appointment with my surgeon he thinks the sleeve will work for me. I have followed the nutritionist's advice and lost 32 lbs prior to surgery. So, I am trying to find out all I can about the sleeve since I have done all my investigating on the RNY procedure!! I am currently on the all liquid phase...Some days I get darn hungry!!:laugh0: But, I am trudging along!! I am eager to talk to others that have had the surgery or are like me and preop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!! Carol:biggrin0:

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