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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About mona

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/01/1968

About Me

  • Interests
    reading, horseback riding, family activities
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    Southern usa
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  1. 2 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary mona!

  2. My mother in law just had this surgery done and it has been fine. Your body learns to adjust itself to the bile that once was taken by the Gall Bladder. She started Metamucil and that corrected her bowels and hasn't had any more problems. You will eventually have to face the fact that once it is bad it doesn't get better. I would have the surgery and be done with it. That is one thing that happens to us with this surgery, so I was told. I was given Actigal to take at three weeks but it was just too strong and burned my stomach. I may be in your shape when I get futher along??? good luck to you!
  3. mona


    o.k. Finally the scale is moving. It is only a little but some is better than nothing. thanks to everyone that has given advice through these very tough weeks. I also found a liquid protein that delivers 15 grams of protein per ounce. It is called Protein 100 and very tolerable. I would rather down it and be done with the entire thing. I have also ordered some protein bullets that delivers 42 grams.
  4. mona


    Thanks for all the advice everyone. I hope something changes soon. I do not have many carbs at all. My Protein drinks have less than grams which is the most that my dr. allows me to have. I am not eating as much as I probably should but I eat what I can hold. I do not force myself to eat. Still only 2 oz at a time and 2 liquid meals and one protein meal in the evening. I constantly walk at work. I have joined the gym. I even logged my meals for several days this week and I surely am not over eatting. All my friends keep telling me how much I am losing and yes my clothes are showing a change. But... I just don't understand the reason that scale will not move... I hope this will not last much longer! But... I am glad that I am not gaining... :smile:
  5. o.k. I have never been so frustrated. Before the sleeve, I would not eat and lose a few pounds and stall out. Now I have been on a 5 week stall. Going nowhere! My husband says I don't eat enough. I am having difficulty getting all my protein in but I am very close to my 60 grams. I lost most my weight Pre op and then 20 the first two weeks and I was sleeved on Nov 19. What gives here???? I teach and I am on the move all the time. I walk the halls constantly during my planning period and drink water. I feel like I am constantly cramming water protein or supplement down my face. Help!! :thumbup:
  6. Hi Tinytummy.. I have actually been very depressed. I have been on a 5 week stall. I don't eat much of anything and still having concerns getting my protein down. I just can't get my scales to move like I want. They just stay at the same weight and it is soooo frustrating. I know everyone says it takes time but I am running on fumes and this point.

  7. Hi Mona, howzit goin? I'm getting pretty pumped now that my VSG is only 1 week away! Still struggling about my love affair with food. I've asked God to take control of it all so I know He won't abandon me.

  8. Do you use Powder or premixed??? I tried the powder and Just can't stand any kind. I can only get down Instant Carnation Breakfast sugar free.
  9. What an awesome idea with the Hot chocolate. I got some sugar free from my students at school. I am definitely going to try that.
  10. I just wanted to do a shout out to all the November sleevers and see how we all were holding up. My surgery was Nov. 19 and doing well. No problems with surgery and Dr. is very happy. I don't see him again for 4 months so I am kind of on my own for a while. I have been on a stall for over 2 weeks and I am trying not to get discouraged because I know I am losing weight. I am having problems getting enough food and protein down. I hate the protein shakes so that has become a huge problem. If I don't watch it i get dizzy and almost faint. But other than that I feel wonderful. Sooo much better. How about you guys?:thumbup1:
  11. Frank, You will do just fine. I am only 5 weeks out and it has not been bad. I think the Pre op was worse than these 5 weeks. I was never scared of the surgery only not being able to do the surgery for strange reasons but the Lord allowed everything to go smoothly. I can tell you I have lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks and have been on a stall for two weeks now but... I feel better than I have in years. My pressure is down so low that I am scared to take my medicine. You will feel much better and will never second guess your decision. Promise!!
  12. So glad to see that I am not alone. I am on week 3 and haven't lost any weight in 4 days. I just started my pureed foods and thought maybe my "system" is a little slow with evacuation??? I can not tolerate the protein drinks....I finally ordered Carnation instant Breakfast sugar free. They are soooo awesome. Maybe I will do better. I have learned that Freezing my Crystal lite and drinking it just after my first a.m. protein drink keeps my drinking better. But.. I am worried about not losing weight. I only eat one meal and the rest is liquid?? Is that wrong? I just am not hungry. But.... I have not thrown anything up and can tolerate the liquids I have had so far. I feel GREAT!!!
  13. I am starting my 3rd week today! I have been doing well so far. I have pureed my split pea soup and had an easy time eating. I can't eat very much though. I can't even get 1 oz down. I drink my supplement all day finish it after 12 noon and then start my crystal lite. I only eat one meal and I know that is not enough. I hope to get a better grip as I progress through the next weeks. How is the other nov. Sleevers doing. Also, I have a very strong craving for Pickles. I know it is the salt since I have not had any. Any suggestions??
  14. o.k. I am 7 days out and doing well but thinking of all this crazy stuff that could go wrong. Cooking has been very hard. I can't taste anything so my family has to tell me if it is mixed and seasoned well...I could just about inhale the spoon! o.k. 'what if ...my biggest worry..... I have gone through all of this and then when I finally get to eat I can't stop.... I am not hungry for food I just want something other than broth! What if......I go through this and dont' lose my weight? What if...it doesn't get any better when I can have soft mushies... Did anyone have these worries or feel like they were being tortured by not having real food???:lol0:
  15. I was sleeved Nov 19. and doing well. I had an extremely huge hital hernia which was repaired but I am on the routine diet Dr. Avara has everyone one. I have been on clear broths, protein shakes, crystal lite and supposedly I can have Yogurt drinks but been sort of hesitant. Dr. Told me to just introduce new liquids slowly. I will be on this until 14 days then I can move to pureed foods like baby food and I can tell You I am about ready for that. As long as your are in contact with your Dr. and feel well I wouldnt stress too much. Just do what they say to do! and rest most of all.:lol0:

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