I went to my pcp today for a check up and wanted to tell her about my decision to have a vertical sleeve surgery. I had brought this up to her last year and she was not supportive at all, felt that diet and exercise would be better for me. My BMI has been near 36 and now 37 today so just kept plugging away last year but kept gaining weight with my cholesterol and tryglicerides going up also. I recently went to a local bariatric surgeon for a consult, who is well known as a good surgeon but has not done as many sleeves as Dr. Aceves. I am a self pay and in the meantime had started blogging on this blog and learned so many things about my concerns and issues involving the surgery and also about Dr. Aceves. I was afraid to tell her about the surgery, period, much less that I was going to mexico for it, but forged ahead and told her that I was going to get the sleeve surgery and told her it was the local surgeon. I know, not truthfull, but surprisingly she did not care at all, said she had recently had a seminar about this with good results. In the meantime I had asked the local surgeon's nurse how many sleeve surgerys he had done and she said 200 to 300. So guess what, who's done more? Well I know she will continue to do my followup, but need to tell her after the fact. I am going to have surgery with Dr. Aceves in December, talked to Nina today. I hope all goes well!!:sad0: