I had a gastric sleeve on August 31. A leak was detected a week later. I've been NPO for 7 days and today will start TPN. I feel like I'm going to die. It is the worst pain and naseau I've ever had in my life and I've had numerous kidney stones and 3 back surgeries. The leak is 2mm and as of Friday it has closed 50%. However, I feel worse today than I have since the procedure. When I vomit it's either a dry heave or bright yellow bile. I know the vomitting isn't helping the leak. I've been on dilauded and zofran for 3 weeks. Has anyone had a leak? What was the treatment? I've lost 31 pounds in three weeks. At this point, I feel I've made a huge mistake that can't be taken back. Any encouragement out there? Would love to hear from people who have experienced this. :cursing::scared0: