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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by stoongal

  1. stoongal

    Pills and Vitamins

    The first few weeks most of us found it difficult swallowing larger pills due to the swollen esophagus from the entubation. But crush them between wax paper and mix in with a Protein drink if you can tolerate the taste, or blend in with yogurt. I am still on adult chewable vitamins because they are sweet and it is nice after a meal to feel like they are dessert! :laugh0: Smaller pills I can take quite easily since day one, the horse sized ones - no can do yet. Cheers, Donna :001_cool:
  2. I'm using glycerine suppositories for when I feel a little "bunged" up. Very helpful and very inexpensive way to help move things along. Hope this helps, Donna
  3. stoongal


    Just be patient with them, they are trying to keep you from having to go through such a drastic measure. Remind them that you love them dearly but this is the only way to make sure you won't ever be fat again. Most people yoyo and that is bad for their health, and yes this is drastic sounding but is easier for most people than having their gall bladder removed. Tell them you will still have to work very hard over the next 9 months to a year in order to lose the weight but once it is gone, it stays gone. And that you will be so much healthier and energetic and fun to be around that they will see that the end results justified the means. Remind them that this sleeve procedure is the safest and the one with the least complications and that you are glad to have found out about it, as it just might save your life by preventing all the ailments that obesity contributes to. But once again be patient - they will understand sooner or later, and will be glad for you. Cheers, Donna
  4. stoongal

    Post Op Diet HELP!

    Yes, Tracy, Our doctors gave us the Cornell list as an option for us to follow but thier own guidelines given were also for liquids the first week and in the second week adding apple sauce, Soup broths (potato, tomato, lentil, vegetable and chicken) and third wk adding chopped fruit (tiny pieces) and whole veg juices. 4th 5th and 6th weeks were menus consisting of a lot of things like canned tuna, ritz crackers, yogurt, blended chicken breast, cheese milk, oatmeal etc. as well as the former Soups liquids etc. So I do think we followed much of it but I know I did deviate with the addition of the meats I tried out, (only twice with the beef) so now at 8 weeks feel good about my choices for me...like I said... but secretly I have always felt that people who argue with their doctors live longer. (because they take responsibility for their health and are proactive usually) And I don't mean they literally argue, but that they don't always follow everything doctors recommend due to their own research and knowledge. Sounds sassy of me, but I have seen too many generations of doctors who have been so very wrong and are so slow to accept paradigm shifts. I remember doctors touting smoking and thalidimide and countless other drugs that harmed a great deal of the population, and we think today how could they have, well they are human and get caught up in the days notions and go with the flow with pharmaceuticals. Not to say that this operation and diet recommendations are anyway linked to this, but my trust in doctors has been badly damaged over all my 7 decades and I cannot believe they alone have all the answers to our health and our bodies. Yes, I listen, but I also listen to my own inner wisdom and common sense, chalk it up to my thinking doctors are wonderful at fixing broken bodies and finding diseases but for maintaining our own health sometimes we need to shoulder that responsibilty ourselves and we do have that right! Sorry didn't mean to get on a soap box here, just got off topic somewhat so you can understand where I am coming from.
  5. stoongal

    2 weeks post op

    Of course you will, I am almost 8 weeks out and eating pretty normally. In my second week I made some homemade lentil soup (protein source) and it was delicious. I also ate yogurt (fat free of course) then, protein drinks, V8 juice, applesauce, nibbled on Babybel cheese, soon after that, pretty much what my tummy would tolerate, even a poached egg I remember. You will find many recipes here on this site - check on the forums page and you will see tons of other peoples food and nutrition and also recipe suggestions. Your new tummy is adjusting and it is quite normal to fee what you call weirdness, it takes a while to heal and it gurgles and bloats and all sorts of things while it does so. You will be able to eat somewhat like a normal person again, but in small doses and hopefully in a much healthier way. (protein first, always!) for now, take it easy and keep reading here, lots of info on this site! Cheers, Donna
  6. Oh Judy, I am so happy for you! Did the deep breaths help your lBP readings?? And your date is so soon! WOWee!! Now you can make all your great plans! You'll be on the losers bench in no time girl! WAY TO GO!!! Donna
  7. stoongal

    Post Op Diet HELP!

    It is really weird, Have been eating ham slices from about the third week post-op and have had small pieces of steak tnderloin, and pork tenderloin and had no problems except for eating too much too fast (as they are so good!) but that is a learning process...I just don't do fatty things like bacon or sausages and haven't done ground beef yet, but feel I could if I wanted to, I even have had carbs - but not many. Hate denying myself so many things, and if that makes the weight come off a bit slower so be it. At least it is coming off! The Cornell Weight Loss Hospital recommends for its sleeve patient that they go on mushies as soon as they get home from the hospital...go figure! So I added some of those ideas into my diet fairly early on. Did not want to be a slave to anyone else's dictates, if my tummy could handle it I was fine with it all. Just had to be sensible and go slowly and use my common sense. Seems to work for me. I expect doctors figure we lack a lot of common sense (why we got fat in the first place?) and need strict guidelines. But at my age I know myself and I can be very reasonable about my food choices, especially with this restriction. So the message is do what you think is right and go slowly and try things for yourself. Just make smart choices. Cheers, Donna:001_cool:
  8. Sounds like you are doing really well! Glad to hear you are adjusting to this procedure nicely and the weight loss is super! Congratulations. Watch out for stalls soon though ~sigh~ they frustrate us all but eventually the weight starts to come off again. Dense meat is hard to get down so do stop after 2 ozs to see if you should put the rest away or not, I love the meats but it is so easy to overeat and feel miserable for anhour afterwards that you can't even sip any liquids. Still haven't thrown up but sometimes wish I could! good luck on the solids! Cheers, Donna
  9. stoongal

    My surgery in Mexico

    Yes, it is a life-changing event, but you will be fine afterwards more than likely. They really emphasize good service in the hospitals in Mexico as their reputations are so important. I had mine in TJ, end of Sept. and enjoyed the whole thing immensely. The only thing that to me was worse than anything else was the removal of the drain on the third day post-op. Mine had to have been stuck between organs or something as everyone else said it wasn't that bad for them. But was pretty horrible to me! Lasts only for about 10 minutes though and after that I was tickety-boo! Went shopping first then to the casino (I blew $5 there) and then to the ocean after that so was not a lasting thing for sure! Do keep in touch and let us know how it all goes for you! Cheers, Donna:001_cool:
  10. stoongal

    Fitness Goals

    Vegas, can your doctor prescribe some Nu-naproxin for you? That is what I took for years before my knee replacemants, 375 mg morning and evening kept the inflammation (and consequently much of the pain) down to a manageable level. Ibuprofen helps mask the pain but the naproxin also manages what causes the pain, as one Dr. put it, so I opted for that. You have over the counter Aleve there which is not as strong but better than nothing (contains naproxin as well) Worth a try for the knee! Cheeers, Donna:001_cool:
  11. stoongal

    Denied by insurance

    And for the best value, check out Dr. Almanza at the Emmanuel Medical in TJ. MX. Number is 1 8666 806 4286, you can get the same procedure done for around $5000, I believe and the care is suberb! All inclusive as well, you only need to take your personal items! Everything else is paid for! I went there end of Sept and was so pleasantly surprised how excellent it was for the money as I was self-pay on a tiny pension. Now my daughter and sister are going for their sleeves there in January as it is affordable when you have to take out a loan! Doesn't hurt to ask! Cheers, Donna
  12. stoongal

    Self Pay

    I know all of us feel strongly that our surgery experiences were the best. I also know from my experience that Dr Almanza has tons of sleeve surgeries under his belt and that he is meticulous with details and was a very good choice for so many of us - there are several specials going on right now that cost only $5000 - $5500 with him as the surgeon. I got in on one of those specials end of Sept and it cost me only $5000. So it does pay to ask around when you are self-pay, as I am now having a debt to pay down at more than $400 a month. A lot when one is a pensioner, but could have been SO MUCH MORE with another surgeon. Call the Emmanuel Medical number toll free at 1-866-806-4286 for more info and to see if you can qualify for a good special like I had. Cheers, Donna:001_cool:
  13. stoongal

    YEAH! Onederland Today!

    That is so great KyHen!! It feels good to reach such a goal! I was so happy too when it happened to me except for a few days it seesawed back and forth with 200 again. Now that I am firmly at 195 I feel it is safe to say that the 200's are behind me forever now! Anyhoo, congratulations for reaching that milestone and so soon too! Wow! Donna
  14. stoongal

    HOME after surgery

    I remember having those injections after my knee replacement surgeries last year! I hated them too as they left so many bruises. I know I stopped them long before I was told to (the rebel in me) and now I have a stockpile of them here (in case - I tell myself - of a heart attack or something like that) That scares me a lot because my dad had his first heart attack in his late 40's and died at 56 after a massive one. Mom died of congestive heart failure at 75 after years of poor health with kidney dialysis among that so am determined to outlive them and maybe even my husband who is a year younger than I am. I want to live to be an old, old woman - and a slim healthy one! Cheers, Donna
  15. stoongal

    Aww loan questions!

    Is there any way your bank can extend you or your dad a line of credit? I did that as I too have an excellent credit rating and got my loan for 4.25% interest. My sister got one on her mortgage and got it for 2.5% interest. Worth talking to the banks loan officer about it, you never know. Cheers, Donna
  16. Don't forget to have some fun while you are there! Well especially once you are back in the recovery house! lots of magazines and novels there to browse through and even a bunch of board games or just watch the guys on staff play dominoes! If they take you to the ocean, go down and get your feet wet! Be sure to make use of the free phone calls as well! Enjoy the experience! Stay positive! (Say hi to everyone there for me, will you?) I am assuming you will have access to a computer while there and can read all this.. otherwise I am way too late... Cheers, Donna
  17. stoongal

    more recent

  18. stoongal

    Question about Bowel Prep

    I posted the answer to that below- take the laxative just once three days prior to surgery.
  19. stoongal

    Question about Bowel Prep

    They do want your bowels to be fairly empty Tara, so Dr Almanza usually has us do at leat 3 days of liquids and to take a laxative 3 days pre surgery date (but just once), and of course nothing to eat or drink after midnight before surgery. Those were my instructions anyway, you can always ask Shirley if there are any different ones for you though, not sure if it depends on your BMI or not. Probably not, but I am not sure. Hope that helps, Donna
  20. Hey Lauren I am Alison's mom and will be going to TJ in January with them. They have their surgeries scheduled for the 11th January and are flying down on the 10th (Sunday) and back home on the 15th (Friday) Hope to see you and your mom there! Donna:001_cool:
  21. stoongal

    The Big Leap!

    Actually there is one at least...His name on here is snates, he lives in Costa Rica and had his sleeve done there. Check him out under members at the top of the page here. Hope that helps, Donna:001_cool:
  22. stoongal

    I've been Sleeved!!

    Welcome home Jenn, So glad to hear all went well - we knew it would - and now you need to post some pics and keep us posted as you find things that work and things that don't! I still struggle getting in all my fluids, sigh! Just not used to having to drink this much this often, I keep forgetting as I get involved with what I am doing! The gas will lessen as time goes on, hopefully, if not chew some antacids or sip on milk. Burp lots it makes one feel better! For now, take it easy and one day at a time! Enjoy the experience! Donna:001_cool:
  23. stoongal

    eating has become a problem

    I don't know what mash from Kentucky is being up here in Canada, but if you eat things that cause that burning sensation, chew several Tums or the chewable Calcium that acts as an antacid and see if that helps. Follow with a few sips of milk (skim of course). That should put out the fire! Yes crackers go down super well, if you do that, at least use whole wheat crackers (low-fat, low sodium preferred) so there is some food value there and spread some low fat cream cheese on it or salmon salad to get in more Protein. Makes a nice meal, three or so of those. Try eggs another week and if you do, make it a poached one. Must treat you new sized tummy like a baby - go slow with new additions, and at 4 weeks you are still in the early stages - have you tried fat-free cottage cheese yet? I eat it with chili to control the heat - works like a charm and is high in protein as well. Goes nice with chopped up peaches. Hope this helps, Donna:001_cool:
  24. stoongal

    highest weight

    Judy, Try this in the dr's office next time. Take three deep breaths - exhale slowly - feel yourself relaxing, go limp even, then let him take your blood pressure, close your eyes, and breathe deeply and exhale slowly when the cuff is slowly deflating. Its a good trick to slow your blood pressure. When you are anxious about the possible high reading, it is self-defeating, & it will be a higher reading. Sometimes called white-coat syndrome. (Dr.s make us anxious about the whole thing). If it is not down enough, ask him to take it again, maybe even three times, will yourself into deep breathing relaxation each time. It usually works!! Cheers, Donna:001_cool:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
