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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Bob_350lbs

  1. Bob_350lbs

    Come in and chat with me!

    Sounds good, I am PST and 7 pm my time is good for me. Week nights are when I will be hanging out there. Chat with you soon!
  2. Bob_350lbs

    Things are working out

    One gal did ask, I had just gotten back that day, and told her I had a hernia repair, which was true, they did repair my hernia and did a VG too. I just wasn't ready to come clean, cause I still wasn't sure I would succeed at this whole thing. I still have 65 lbs to go, so it still feels so far away. And, Chancie, about the whole "don't get too skinny" thing, my sister told me "We will tell you when you when you get too skinny" Like hell she will, I told her, when she says that, I am looking forward to that day, because I still know that I will have more weight to lose! haha! She just got embarrassed..teehee Chancie, just follow your heart, you do look fabulous, and you must feel fabulous too. If the rest doesn't come off as fast, so be it, just keep doing what your doing and go for it! My old coworker who got the RnY, she is 5'9" and is in a 10/12 now, for about 2 yrs now. She looks fantastic and her whole outlook on life is so much happier, healthier. Cheers to you Chancie, you are doing great!
  3. Bob_350lbs

    New Addiction?

    Wooo Hooo!! Size 14!!! That's normal sized clothing! You know, I think shopping is good exercise too
  4. Bob_350lbs

    Things are working out

    True, that was so disappointing that Star could not be truthful, it would have helped so many. I have not told anyone except my family. When they start asking at work, I don't know what to say..because I feel it's personal and I don't like being judged regarding my weight. I have had *diet police* my whole life and people who immediately want to compete and beat me as soon as they know I am losing weight. At my last job, a gal had an RnY and it cured her diabetes and she looks fabulous, but still, people say, oh she had WLS, even two years out. I guess people will be people, and eventually it will settle down, and they will move on to talk about other things. Don't they understand how difficult this whole this is? It is not a magic pill, and if you don't follow your surgeon's plan, this might not work either. We all know that now. I guess I need to figure this part out. I can tell them in private, and just say that I don't want them to share with anybody..I don't know. Even my family didn't think I was big enough, cause my BMI was 39. Well, that already seems judgmental. But, we do what we know in our heart is right, and I knew the VSG was the right thing for me.
  5. Bob_350lbs

    New Addiction?

    food was my way to make me feel better when I felt bad, it was readily available, it was pleasureable, distracting, and socially acceptable. You can do it at your desk, in your car, at church, anywhere..and they throw it in your face at every chance they can, billboards, TV, magazines...did we have much of a fighting chance?? I have to find a replacement for that "temporary high" Listening to a really good mix while sweating it out on the treadmill, that releases some of those "endorphins" which I like to call dolphins. Sex would work, but too many diseases out there, so yeah, better stock up on batteries..haha. I think I could easily transfer it to some good drugs, but I don't have Rush Limbaugh's connections..hahah...alcohol just makes me wanna eat more..never really like to drink that much. Smoking? I quit years ago and that would interfer with my *dolphins* when exercizing. Shopping? I am not there yet, still too big to really enjoy it and get a *rush*. But, for me, I difinately need to find another *feel* good drug to replace food. So far, exercising is the only replacement I have found. I wish drugs were legal..hehe.
  6. Okay, I have to up my protein and bring my calories back down. Has anybody tried these? Not the bullets, but proteinex. 2 tbls = 15 gms protein 60 cals, and they are sold in convenient indiv pkgs too.
  7. www.obesitylaw.com helps w/appeals. I like manatee's idea too. Also, for those of use who had hiatal hernia repair as an incidental to the VG, got me thinking, what if the surgeon just billed for a hernia repair? Wouldn't they cover that? This whole insurance issue sucks, I know. The VSG has stats as good as the RNY, even long term out. Don't they realise covering a simple VSG procedure will save them millions in the long run?
  8. Bob_350lbs

    Hunger Pains/Burping

    I had *head* hunger, psychological hunger, return at week 3 when I started eating mushies. Missing food, or something like that. I think I was just tired of protein shakes for two solid weeks. But, believe me, the sleeve makes it so much easier. It is nothing like before. Ghrelin is gone, your eating protein, so your insulin in regulated. That is the beauty of the VG. Oh, and your stomach only holds 2 oz. I sometime get a weird burp come out, but hardly ever. It's like a release of gas escaping my esophagus. The fundus part of the stomach is removed. That is the part that makes ghrelin and also expands for gases that are created when digesting your food. I have to ask the RD if that is what causes it next time I talk to her.
  9. Charles Gibson reported what we already know. Refined carbs make you fat. Yes, we know, they increase your appetite and make you crave more and more of the stuff. The more carbs you eat, the more you crave. It messes with your hormones; insulin, ghrelin, cortisol, and one more I can't remember, and changes the chemistry in your brain/body. Research shows that an egg/cheese omelete keeps you fuller 40% longer than oatmeal. Duh. Gee...I am sure General Mills, McDonalds, has known this for a very long time..it's like a legal drug they start selling to kids..Lucky Charms, or silly Rabbit, Trix are just for kids..*Happy Meals* w/a toy surprise and a play area to enjoy it at. There is a reason why the place is painted red/yellow and has a big clown in front.
  10. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It did happened about day 5. The RD suggested that because I am not eating all that junk (sugar, flour) and feeding it what it needs for a change, that is what is giving me all that energy. A *happy* body! Regarding the insomnia, I can't sleep at all if I take my Vitamins or drink a shake b4 going to bed. They have high levels of vit B12, and you know what that does. But, if it not due to that, maybe your RD or MD have any suggestions.
  11. Bob_350lbs

    Have hit the brick wall

    Woo hoo!! 3 lbs is awesome! I am thinking of doing circuit training too. You get cardio & strength training all in one. I have heard that is the best.
  12. I read that LapSF had a patient die WAITING for approval, after she appealed her initial denial. The day after she died, her family got a letter in the mail, approving her WLS. That is tragic.
  13. Bob_350lbs

    Need help motivating myself today

    Oh Tiffy, that did motivate me! Just the thought of going back to 22/24wp got my beehind out the door.
  14. Yes, my PCP and insurance company. Their policy is that unless you have co-morbidities, a lower BMI of 39 (mine) didn't qualify me. That is ridiculous. The 1# cause of death in America is heart disease, directly caused by obesity. So, really obesity is the leading cause of death in America. Just because I haven't had a heart attack or stroke yet, doesn't mean morbid obesity isn't going to kill me. That is why I had to be a self-pay. Dr. C will do the surgery w/o comorbidities, if you are at least 70 lbs overweight. Oh, and guess what? My surgeon's post-op report revealed that I have a fatty liver, that can cause serious problems, and even progress to non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, if weight is not lost. And, I had a large sliding hiatal hernia that went undiagnosed until my VG. My father died due to kidney failure caused by diabetes. He wasn't supermorbidly obese, just obese, and wasn't dx w/diabetes until after his triple bypass, at age 50. They ended up paying for 2 coronary artery bypass surgeries and a kidney transplant, but WLS? Out of the question. I knew if I didn't do this, I would have ended up just like my dad. I have that abdominal fat, which is the worst, and strongly indicates insulin resistance, which is a step away from diabetes. Diets rarely work, so this was close to my only hope to get my health back. I will be 52 in a couple weeks. I wish I would have done this sooner.
  15. Bob_350lbs

    Have hit the brick wall

    Sometimes, I am tempted to drink coffee to get things moving down there. My old trick of ice water on an empty stomach doesn't work anymore. I used to be the person that went 3xs a day, cause I ate so much fiber. Nothing works anymore, not benefiber, greens, and MoM gives me the runs so bad, I can't go anywhere for 2 days. *sigh* I really am full of s***, literally.
  16. Bob_350lbs

    Most sleeve Drs out of country?

    Wow, that's so disturbing, how trained professionals could miss something so serious. But, the patient has to take some responsibility if they never return for follow-ups with their surgeon. That kind of behavior can cost you your life. When I worked at SNMH in Grass Valley, if anybody came in with a suspected DVT, they were immediately put into a w/chair...no more walking! An US was done of LE immediately. If there wasn't a tech on hand (small rural community) they would call on in. If there was a clot, they were admitted for IV anticoagulants. But, that was in 1997. The biggest fear they had was that the clot might travel to the lungs, then it is called a pulmonary embolism, which can kill you. I remember working with a gal who went in to have her first baby, at age 30, and died because of a pulmonary embolism. That was the saddest day ever. I can't believe that I doctor could confuse a clot w/dehydration. But, I guess incompentence can happen anywhere. Yes, it pays to speak up for yourself. My PCP was so ignorant of what a VG even is. I took the illustration and literature from LapSF to show him, and he still confused it with intestinal bypass. He was so against it and told me I would probably gain the weight back later and then be stuck with malabsorbtion. I tried explaining to him, this would never happen with the VG. I am looking to find a new PCP within my network. A doctor with an open mind would be a good start.
  17. Bob_350lbs

    Lost it

    Yes, or find a therapist that specializes in bariactric surgery patients. There are some out that that can help you. We have Tara at LapSF and she does phone coaching. I really like her and she keep me grounded.
  18. Bob_350lbs

    Sketcher's Shape ups vs MBT

    I really liked the way the Sketchers felt when I tried them on, great arch support. The price was a little high and the style I wanted wasn't in my size. I went to Zappos.com to buy the pair I wanted and started reading the testimonials and a couple people recommended the MBT, and their shoes have great ratings. Does anybody own either? They are both pricey, especially the MBT, but I have plantar fasciitis, so I usually buy Danskos, you know how expensive those are.
  19. I should ask my doctor, but has anybody heard of complications past 8 wk?
  20. Bob_350lbs

    Hey...another newbie here!

    The only thing that caused me to vomit, was when I got home from the hosp the first night, I crushed one of my meds and added to the top of the liquid pain medicine. My new stomach didn't like that and wretched about 5 times. If you wretch too much, it could disrupt the staple line, so you have to call your doc if that happens too much. My mom was so good to me, I moved to the chair in the living room, and she slept on the couch, near me, until I felt better. Sometimes, there is nothing better than family.
  21. Bob_350lbs

    iphone vs blackberry (which one?)

    That's pretty funny, I will try to fix it.
  22. Bob_350lbs


    I think you will find that everyone is different. For the first three days, all the supplements I sampled and bought prior to the VG, made me gag. For some odd reason, my stomach want to wretch anything with artificial sweetners in it. The only I could take in was Water, clear broth and 2% milk for Protein. Then on day 3, my body must have adjusted to the trauma it went through, and I was able to drink the supplement that came with my package deal. I prefer the non-milky shakes. I liked the Healthwise drinks in fruit flavor and the WonderSlim Soups. Now, I really prefer to buy the bullets and dilute w/32 oz water, a little Crystal light and take it to work with me in my water bottle. But, I am on week 7 now and variety is the spice of life to me, I prefer to have 6 small real food mini protein Snacks and the bullet to get in all the extra protein we need so we don't have muscle wasting.
  23. Bob_350lbs

    iphone vs blackberry (which one?)

    Okay, I get it, iphone is the way to go. My font is bigger than yours, Susan's, and is the same as Tiffkins, so I don't understand why you can't read it. Does anybody else have this problem? I really don't want to make bigger, then it takes up too much space in the message.
  24. Bob_350lbs

    Most sleeve Drs out of country?

    My signature shows my VSG surgery date and pratice. Dr. Cirangle performed it, assisted by Dr. Jossart. Dr. John Feng was w/LapSF since 2002, until he opened his own in 2007, Crystal Springs, which he just recently closed. I got a letter in the mail last week from him. You can research Dr. John Feng on OH and find out that information for yourself. There is not one bad word written about him. Most testimonials are glowing. I was debating between LapSF and Dr. Feng, strickly because I was not comfortable traveling a long distance for major surgery. I was willing to pay the extra to be driving distance from home and for a top notch surgeon. I did research, I was just trying to share information regarding the surgeons that I personally spoke to or met inperson. There has been one death at LapSF, it is in their own literature I rec'd prior to surgery from their practice. You got the same literature and forms that I did. It was a pt 10 days out. But, you have to look at the whole picture. If a surgeon has perfomred 5,000 bariatric surgeries and has 1 death, that is much lower compared to a surgeon that has done 1000 surgeries and 1 death. And, you have to know the circumstances regarding that death. Was the patient compliant to the surgeon's post-op instructions? Before I had my surgery, I had to fill out a 25 pg questionnaire regarding my surgery and explain in my own words how I interpreted it, using at in least 10 words or more. There isn't much room wiggle room for a lawsuit. And, you sign a document that you will settle through arbitration only. Of course, if you want to go to court and sue, you still can, but it might not hold up with that massive legal document you signed. Believe me, they are not stupid. As for my surgeon, he will kick my butt if I don't lose wt! That is very motivating, he doesn't just hand you kudos without really deserving them and working your butt off. This isn't a "magic bullet" and you still have to comply to the program and exercise to lose weight. If you don't comply to the diet in the first couple weeks, eating regular food could put you back in the hosp and maybe even cost you your life. I don't blame him for being tuff about it. His reputation is on the line. I really like my RD and counselor. Since I didn't have any complications whatsoever, I didn't need to email or call my surgeon once. But, if I did, they are avail 24/7 on a pager. and, I could have easily traveled to their office in SF if necessary. They care about their patients, because that is what they do for a living and they have a good reputation to maintain. I am sure that I would have been fine going to Mx w/Dr. Aceves, but I know traveling back would have been miserable for me. Everybody has their comfort zone.
  25. Bob_350lbs

    Has Dr. Alvarez had any VSG Leaks?

    Tee Hee, good for you Mac. I have always been a bitch, but now I will be skinny too JK..I used to stuff my anger when I overate, now it just comes out, so maybe I will be a skinny B too :drool5: Anway, welcome back, how was the waves to wine? You must feel great!

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