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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cherie_B

  1. Hi everyone, Has anyone got info on which surgeons in Phoenix & Tucson, Arizona have (1) the most VSG experience and (2) their prices? I attended a seminar with Burpee & Chiasson in Tucson - their $$ = $18,500 for self-pay. I see that other states have some docs around $12-13K. Are there any in Arizona? I can't see waiting until my insurance would cover VSG as I've sacrificed enough of my life feeling miserable, fat, & unwell. I really don't want a bypass or band although insurance would pay; it seems that many get a band & end up sleeving when it fails to really work for them. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Cherie_B
  2. Hi deedee,

    I read that you were a self-pay for your sleeve. Am I correct that you were sleeved in the states rather than Mx? Since I am likely going the same route, may I ask what the total price was? What really caught my attention was your purchase of insurance for complications. That sure sounds very wise indeed. What company & how did you go about obtaining that insurance? I've found your posts really informative and inspirational. You go, Girl!


  3. I certainly haven't ruled Mexico out, but I would really like to see what else is in Arizona or neighboring states as well.

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