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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr

    I met a bandster

    Hey Penni! It was great meeting you, and I really enjoyed dinner, even if I have no clue as to what I ate - I'm glad you knew what everything was, because I was totally lost! Maybe the next time I'm over on the West Coast we can hook up for some California Indian food, but the next time you're in Music City, we definately need to hook up again. I really enjoyed our visit! Hugs backatcha, and one for Mom too! Tricia
  2. Banded14yr

    NSV Size 10 Capris

    That is absolutely incredible and you are to be commended! I can only dream of the day that I can wear a size 10. I'm one of the discouraged one's because my weight loss has really slowed down or stopped, but reading your post gave me encouragment. Congrats!!!!
  3. Banded14yr

    Is this slippage??

    Kathy, I can't make heads or tails out of x-rays but I'm truly sorry that you're going through all of this. Hopefully your band hasn't slipped and there is an easy solution to your problem. I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care! Tricia
  4. Banded14yr

    Back but not so hot

    You sure did go through an awful lot. Continue to concentrate on getting better, the weight will start coming off in time, but for now just work on healing. Hang in there!!
  5. Banded14yr

    Happy Birthday Maire (New Hope)

    Happy Birthday Marie! Sending SPECIAL DAY vibes your way!
  6. Banded14yr

    Chinese Food?

    Unfortunately, chinese food goes down really easy for me. Everyone is different though, if you try it, take it slow.
  7. Alex, You look fantastic! And your girls are adorable!
  8. Banded14yr

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    ** sorry for hijacking this thread ** Donali, Thanks for the links. The Vagus nerve does sound serious. Geesh, when I read about the brain stem part I wondered if I had done some damage
  9. Banded14yr

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    aahh, thanks! Do you know anything about it? I did a search for "vegas nerve" and it brought up some rock band in Las Vegas. haha!
  10. Banded14yr

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    Nykee, Barium isn't that bad. It's kind of a milky liquid that you swallow so that the doctor can see it on the x-ray passing through the band. When you swallow barium, it's almost like it shows up illuminated on the screen, it makes it much easier for the doctor to see it.
  11. Banded14yr

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    Nykee, I guess I should clarify You can't get sick from Flouro. Flouroscopy is an x-ray method used to see barium flow through the band. It's just an x-ray, it's not a drug or anything that could make you sick. I had my first fill without using Flouro and got very sick about 20 minutes after my adjustment. At first I thought I was too tight and the doctor was going to take out 1/2 of what he just put in. After about an hour, I started feeling better so we decided to leave the fill in and see how I did over the weekend. I'm glad I did. I was a tad concerned at how sick I was and how it hit me really hard and fast. My doctor mentioned something about the Vegas Nerve. I haven't heard anything about that and haven't done any research on the issue, but my sudden illness subsided and I was fine after some time.
  12. Banded14yr

    What size Inamed do you have have?

    Brenda, Congrats on the fabulous weight loss! I don't have the Inamed band, but I have the Swedish band which is also a low pressure, larger capacity band. I have been told by two different doctors that the larger bands are harder to adjust. I, like Judy, had to go through several fills before finding the right adjustment level. I also had several fills using Flouro and what they saw on the screen as restriction wasn't what my body felt as restriction. My last fill was done without flouro and I think I'm at a good restriction level right now. I could probably be restricted a little more and will probably go back in another month for a small fill, but I'm feeling pretty good about everything right now. A friend of mine was banded by Dr. Rose and has nothing but praise for him. Good luck on your continued success!!
  13. Banded14yr

    I am sad and angry...

    Babs! Stick to your guns! Way to go! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that EVERYTHING will work out for you! Keep us posted.
  14. Banded14yr

    Fluoro or no fluoro??????

    I had my first fill without Flouro on April 1st. It went very well. I got really sick about 20 minutes after the fill but after about an hour I was on the road to feeling "normal" again. My next fill will be done without flouro also. It's so much easier to have it done in the doc's office instead of the hospital, and in my case since I seem to becoming the "Fill Queen" I don't think flouro is all that beneficial in my case. Obviously my optimal restriction level was not obtained using flouro. I'm at a good restriction level right now, but might go back for a little more in a month or so. I think everyone's situation is different, and I feel good knowing that I've had some previous adjustments using flouro so that the docs could see that everything looked good, but now that I've had one fill without using Flouro, my next one will be without as well.
  15. Banded14yr

    VERA!!!!!!!! Where the heck are you??

    Vera, I'm so happy for you! I'm glad to see that you're doing fine and that you finally have a working band again! gypj - Congratulations on your banding as well!
  16. Banded14yr

    GOTHCHA!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee

    I'm no longer your long lost sister!
  17. Banded14yr

    Vera has a new band

    Woo Hoo Vera!!! I'm so happy for you! You stuck to your guns, you never gave up and you got what you ultimately wanted, a new band! I hope your recovery goes well! It sounds like Dr. Sanchez is a charm! Bill thanks for the update, please tell Vera that we're thinking about her and wish her a safe trip home and an easy recovery. Tricia
  18. Banded14yr

    Such Exciting News!!!

    Michelle, I think Dr. Ortiz is very smart. You are a great success story, you're beautiful and very photogenic, plus you look fantastic. Congratulations!
  19. Banded14yr

    Prayers requested

    Nancy, My thoughts and prayers go out to you during this difficult time. I know that sometimes it feels like everything is crashing down on you or that you're put through more than you can handle, but keep the faith and things will start looking brighter even though it's hard to see that now. May God bless you during this time of loss and concern for your father.
  20. Banded14yr

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    Gosh Vera, I'm so sorry. I thought for sure that the problem with the leak in your tube had been repaired and you were on your way to having a working band again. Didn't you say that you were filled in Mexico after the tubing was repaired? I hope Sanchez will put the band of your choice in. I'm with you, I would demand a new band. Quit messing with the one that leaks, even though your leak is not in the band itself, you can't keep going through all of this. I know that you're very disappointed right now, but hang in there, I feel confident that everything will work out for you. Please take care and keep us updated on your trip back to Monterrey. Tricia
  21. Banded14yr

    ShellyJ are you on the move?

    Shelly, Congratulations woman! What an absolutely incredible story! You two make such a nice looking couple and it's apparent that he is totally head over heals in love with you as you with him I took the time to go to Calvin's profile and read about his story. You two were a match made in heaven! We'll miss you in Nashville, if you ever come back to visit, maybe we can meet for lunch or something. Keep in touch after you get settled in Tricia
  22. Banded14yr

    Eye surgery

    Glad to hear you're doing as well as can be expected. Take care!
  23. Banded14yr

    I talked to Lisa Green

    Tell her a big HOWDY from me! She sounds like she's doing fantastic!! Way to go Lisa!
  24. Banded14yr

    Jamie, Welcome To Bandland

    Congratulations Jamie! Take it easy for the next few days. I think you'll see that the pain subsides a little more with each passing day. Just don't try to do too much right now, get lots of rest, walk when you can and rely on others to help get you out of chairs and your bed for a couple of days. You're going to do fantastic, you have a great attitude. Tricia
  25. Banded14yr

    Condolences - Blossom

    I have seen and experienced all sorts of emotions while visiting this forum, but never have I read a post that made me instantly cry and feel so saddened. Carolyn was so excited about getting the lapband, about starting her new life. It just seems so unfair, but we can't question God as to why he took her so young. He obviously needed another very special angel in heaven. My sincere condolences go out to Phillip and their family. I know they are hurting so much right now. There are no words, hopefully time will help ease the pain. Carolyn, I miss you girl! I know that you're looking down on all of us and cheering us on!

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