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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Rick, Several of us that were banded in Mexico get fills from Dr. Hugh Huston in Nashville. Let me know if you want more info. Tricia
  2. Banded14yr

    What happens to some bandsters?

    I started posting here in July of 2004, then a message board war broke out with a few of the members and it got really old and quite disturbing at times to visit here. I mainly read message boards now, rarely post. I think that message boards offer very valuable support and information if you try to keep an open mind about what you're reading. I remember when I first got the band, I was so excited and wanted to know about everything, so I posted a lot. After some time went by, I found myself just reading more than anything, I kind of felt like I asked every question out there already
  3. Banded14yr


    Gotta luv all the Titan fans on here! (I miss #89)!
  4. Banded14yr

    Looking for Tennesseean that have been banded

    Congratulations on your banding Who is your surgeon?, I'm assuming Dr. Morton? You probably won't even feel like you have a lapband until you get a proper restriction level. I hope you obtain that with your first fill, but it's not unusual to take more than one fill in order to feel restriction. I live in Antioch as well, howdy neighbor!
  5. Banded14yr

    Looking for Tennesseean that have been banded

    You might want to call his office and find out what he charges now. http://www.cmcwls.com/houston.php I paid around $400 for a fill which included the hospital fee for use of flouro Dr. Houston is wonderful and genuinely cares about the patients he sees, even if you weren't banded by him.
  6. Banded14yr

    Looking for Tennesseean that have been banded

    Hello fellow Tennesseans! For some reason the Tennessee Bandster Newsgroup has grown silent. Not sure why no one posts there anymore. I also live in Nashville and Dr. Hugh Houston will see patients that have been banded in Mexico. I realize that's a long way from Memphis, but if it's your only option, it might be worth checking in to. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  7. Banded14yr

    Rica and I in Dallas

    Dr. A. Rodriguez held his Patient Bash in Dallas this weekend. I had a great time, especially meeting several people that I have emailed back and forth with and also "met" on this message board. I want to tell you that Rica Rocks!!! She's drop dead beautiful, inside and out! Here's a pick of us at the bash.
  8. Banded14yr

    Heather from the Chat Room

    Hey Heather! Welcome to LBT We're you banded by Dr. Arturo Rodriguez or the Dr. Rodriguez in Acuna?
  9. Banded14yr

    My one year bandiversary

    Congratulations Teresa! You have done fantastic!! You're truly an inspiration to the rest of us
  10. Banded14yr

    Blue Bell Ice Cream Hell!!!!!!!!!

    Blue Bell Blue Bunny It's ALL..... Blue EVIL!
  11. Banded14yr

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    Congratulations Trish! Welcome to banded land!! Just take it easy for a while, every day does get much better. I know you're excited about starting your weight loss journey, you have some exciting days ahead of you!
  12. Banded14yr

    Emrg - For Those Completely Unfilled

    I'm sorry to hear you have gone through this. Definately call your doctor. Take it easy and let us know what he says.
  13. Banded14yr

    Restriction after surgery

    Everyone's different 4 days post op, I felt like I could eat the house. Some are very lucky and feel restriction for a long time after surgery. I wasn't as fortunate.
  14. Banded14yr

    Hi I'mmmmmmm back

    From what I've read and heard, the larger Inamed VG band is a low pressure band versus the 4.5 Inamed. The low pressure bands are softer and the smaller band is more rigid. Not sure how that translates into anything other than it takes more saline to fill the larger band. The results should be the same no matter which band you have
  15. Banded14yr

    Sweet spot, fact or fiction????

    In my humble little opinion, I believe that everyone is so different that some may find what they consider their "sweet spot" and others won't. I found what I believed was my sweet spot after my second adjustment. I started out a bit too tight, but it loosened up to a perfect "fit" in my opinion. I couldn't tolerate breads or a lot of meats. I was eating a lot healthier because I had no choice. No pizza for me, I wouldn't even be tempted because I knew I wouldn't be able to tolerate it. My mistake was wanting a "tweak" fill 4 months later. That really messed me up. I ended up losing all of my restriction and basically have started from scratch to get my restriction back. I blame myself for wanting a "tweak" and not just leaving well enough alone. Hard lesson learned on my behalf. I just feel that everyone's bodies are so different. I have a Swedish band that holds 11cc's. I'm filled to 9.2cc's without optimal restriction. There are many other's that have the Swedish band that don't ever require a fill level over 5cc's. 1cc may work great for one person and not do a thing for another. Before obtaining what I call a "perfect" restriction level I would have serious doubts about the "sweet spot" theory, but since I've been there done that, at least for me, there is such a thing as a sweet spot.
  16. Banded14yr

    I'm Banded and back from Mexico!!!

    Congratulations on your banding Tina! Just remember to take it easy for a while. Glad to hear everything went well and you're on the losing side now Tricia
  17. Banded14yr

    Fill And Trying Not To Freak Out

    gypj, All I can tell you is hang in there. I had good restriction and felt that I just needed a "tweak" fill. I was filled by my surgeon while I was in Mexico with a couple of friends that were having lapband surgery and I lost all my restriction. As you can see by long fill list, I've been fighting to get my restriction level back. It's coming back slowly, but it's still not where I would like it to be. Will your doctor (that just filled you) give you another adjustment in a week or two free of charge if you need it? If you don't know, it might be worth calling their office to ask.
  18. Banded14yr

    Doc's orders AFTER a fill....

    Hey Rica! I'll be in Dallas! Can't wait to meet you! I'm staying at the Hilton, not the Best Western. I also "signed" up for the West End group get together on Friday Night. *sorry for hyjacking this thread*
  19. Banded14yr

    Doc's orders AFTER a fill....

    3 days of fluids, clear or not Then mushies for a couple of days Then introduce solid foods slowly Gee, I'm surprised I have it memorized by now
  20. Banded14yr

    Just banded YESTERDAY and in HORRIBLE pain!

    I know that congratulations might not seem like the right thing to say right now since you're in so much pain, but CONGRATULATIONS! All I can say is hang in there, keep calling your doc to see if he won't reconsider prescribing something that might help you. It will get better, every day gets better. Try to get some rest if you can.
  21. Banded14yr

    We Won!!!

    Congratulations Vera! Things are really looking better for you these days! A new band WITH restriction, and now you fought the big dogs and WON! Fantastic news!!
  22. Banded14yr

    Happy Birthday Michelle!

    Happy Birthday Michelle!!
  23. Banded14yr

    Filled and eating WAY too Much..

    Nykee, Please don't take my comments wrong. The reason why you need to be on liquids for a period of time after an adjustment is because there is usually swelling of the stomach after a fill. It's a small version of what you went through right after surgery. So it's a safety and health issue to take it easy after a fill. I'm a little disappointed that your doctor didn't obtain information about your band before performing your adjustment. I'm very disappointed that he didn't give you any guidance after your adjustment either. You might want to consider calling his office and asking what his recommendations are after a fill. Since you're feeling restriction now, it sounds like your fill did make a difference. Like Alex said, the band has a mind of it's own. After an adjustment sometimes you won't feel any restriction, then blamo! A few days or weeks later you've got it. Continued good luck to you!! Tricia
  24. Banded14yr

    Filled and eating WAY too Much..

    Nykee, First off, you need to find out what kind of band you have. I'm sure Dr. Ortiz has that information. Secondly, did your doctor give you any post fill instructions about eating? After an adjustment, I am on liquids for 3 days. I realize that different doctors have different post fill instructions, but I've never heard of anyone "allowing" someone to eat solid food the same day let alone an hour after an adjustment. You may not feel restriction after your first adjustment. You may not feel restriction after your second adjustment. You will just have to work with your doctor until you get the restriction level you need. Did your doctor do your adjustment using Flouro?
  25. Banded14yr

    Restriction luck

    I think that patience is the hardest thing for new bandsters. Heck, I'm probably considered an old bandster and I still struggle with patience. I didn't have any restriction after surgery or after my first fill. I finally had restriction after my second fill, but after a "tweak" fill I lost all of my restriction and feel like I've had to start from scratch again. Needless to say, I've had to learn the meaning of patience. I too want the weight to start dropping off, but you need to be patient until you get the right restriction level and most of all you need to try your best to take care of yourself in the process.

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