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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr

    Mom is back in Hospital

    Penny, I'm glad to hear your mother is doing better. Please take care of yourself. Let me know if there is anything I can do, I'm not that far away
  2. Banded14yr

    Lost my Neice, Karen.

    Vera, There are no words that could help ease the pain that you and your family are going through right now. Just know that you and your family are being lifted up in prayer by a lot of people who care.
  3. Banded14yr

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    Date Banded: July 26th, 2004 Where: Monterrey Mexico Surgeon: Dr. Arturo Rodriguez No erosion
  4. Banded14yr

    Johnson & Johnson Lapband

    Are you referring to the Swedish Band? If so, what kind of info are you looking for?
  5. I only told two people (both men) I work with that I had lapband surgery. A woman I work with emailed me last week saying that I have been such an inspiration to her after losing alot of weight. She said that she is miserable and wants to know how I got started and how I've been able to lose so much weight and keep it off. *sigh* this has been very difficult for me because I feel like I'm lying to her. How have some of you helped others that have come to you seeking advice about weight loss and they don't know you've been banded, and you don't want them to know?
  6. My first pb experience was with a banana .... a soft? :Banane29: Mushy? Creamy? :Banane39: BANANA? It was the worst pb of my life! We all make poor decisions or think that we can tolerate a certain food and find out that we were seriously mistaken. Living with the band is a continual learning experience. I bet you won't be eating fried dough anytime soon again -- Don't beat yourself up over it, but do take care of yourself and your band. I agree with the one's that advised you to go back to liquids for a day or two to let you heal up again. *** totally off subject In searching for banana smilies, did I see banana porn ?!?!?! I would have to say that's a first.....:becky:
  7. Banded14yr

    Sadly another Lopez erosion...

    I realize that erosion and port problems can happen to any of us regardless of where we were banded or who our surgeon was/is .... but I continually find it interesting at how many of these problems seem to migrate back to the same Mexican surgeon. I don't think that it's just coincidence. I feel for every single one of you that have had problems and/or have lost your band. We all need to continue to communicate to the bandster wannabee's that come here seeking advice. I would run like the wind from this doc if I were considering getting banded in Mexico and did a search on this board using his name.
  8. Banded14yr

    This is it!!!

    Congratulations! The only way the band truly works is to be adjusted to the proper fill level. I think getting proper restriction is the most frustrating part of the whole lapband experience. Glad you got there!
  9. Banded14yr

    Dr. Walter Rose

    Stephanie, Yes, he's at the Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity. I confirmed with him last week that he does indeed still take patients that were banded in Mexico. I've got an email address to his assistant that makes all of the fill appointments for him. If you need it, let me know, I've got it at work and can email it to you tomorrow. Finding a fill doctor can be very stressful. Hang in there! Tricia
  10. Banded14yr

    Hoodia anyone??

    My question is does anyone know the affects that Hoodia has on the stomach? I'm paranoid about taking any kind of medication that might harm the stomach, which then might harm the band. A friend of mine lost her band because her pcp prescribed an anti inflamatory med that was rough on her stomach and caused her band to erode.
  11. Banded14yr

    Dr. Walter Rose

    A friend of mine was banded by Dr. Rose and is very pleased with him. I called Dr. Rose when I was looking for a fill doc and he wouldn't take any patients that were banded in Mexico, so maybe he's started to accept them now. I do know that he still won't fill anyone with a Swedish Band. I can't believe that he wouldn't guarantee you a fill if you drive that far. I wouldn't risk the trip either if I were you. Did you ever call Dr. Houston in Nashville? He will adjust the Swedish band and patients that were banded in Mexico.
  12. Banded14yr

    This has been a GREAT day!!

    Penni! Wow! What a beautiful car! I bet it's very comfortable to drive long distances in, so when are you driving that thing to Nashville? I'm ready for some more Indian food
  13. Congratulations on your recent surgery! Just remember to take it easy, the first month after surgery is very important to the healing process and for long term success of the band. Take everything slow including eating. It's certainly a change that is difficult because most of us have developed habits that are hard to break after many years
  14. Banded14yr

    How has it changed you?

    I think the biggest change for me (besides the weight loss) has been that I've become social again. I've been "hiding" for years now. I was thin when I first got married, my husband and I used to go out with friends all the time, we used to attend work get to gethers and such. When I became obese, I also became a recluse. I didn't want those people that my husband worked with to see me. I let some friendships go. I've really regreted doing this but I couldn't stand the embarrasement of how I had let myself go. Now that I've lost the weight, I'm more outgoing. I actually look forward to seeing the people that my husband works with. I actually look forward to Christmas parties now or getting together at friend's houses to watch ballgames ect. I'm no longer embarrased. I still have internal issues that I continue to work on, but the band has really helped me in so many ways. Tricia
  15. Banded14yr

    Centennial Center For The Treatment Of Obesity?

    Stephanie, I would call his office and ask to speak with Gina Elkins. She arranges all of the fill appointments and can give you a breakdown on price. He sees you in his office, then you go a block away to Centennial Hospital for your fill using Flouro. http://www.cmcwls.com/houston.php Hope this helps! Good luck!
  16. Banded14yr

    Centennial Center For The Treatment Of Obesity?

    I see Dr. Houston for my fills. He's the only one that I know of that will fill patients that were banded in Mexico in this area. I have two friends that drive from Huntsville to Nashville for fills because they can't find anyone in Alabama that will give adjustments if you were banded in Mexico.
  17. Banded14yr

    My first infertility APT sucked! (Long)

    Rica, There are no words that I can say, I'm very sorry. All I know is that there must be a reason. There must be a very blessed child that is going to be adopted by two wonderful people and that obviously is the plan. Hang in there girl! And once you and your husband have had some time to try and deal with all of this emotionally, then start your plan for your new life *Hugs* Things will get better, heck look at everything you've already been through and look at where you are now! Tricia
  18. I just got back from Monterrey last Thursday where I had surgery to repair my port. My tubing had come off of the port all together and my port had to be relocated. I think I'm probably a very unusual case. For the most part, Lapband surgery is a one time event, then you get fills and that's about it. In extreme cases, erosion develops and the band has to be removed. In a few cases the band slips but I think it's pretty rare that one develops a leaky tube, then the tube falls completely off the port. Even with everything I've gone through I don't regret getting the lapband one bit. It has changed my life. My biggest fear is losing the band, but if that day happens, I will still be thankful for what it has done for me. Plus we have a lot of wonderful people that have lost their bands and continue to be inspirations to us all. So my New Year's Resolution is to take extra special care of myself and my stomach/band. I'm so greatful for it and don't want to do anything that might contribute to losing it. I'm going to be very careful about what I eat and drink and make sure that it's something that I know won't hurt my band. I've got to get rid of this "It's only once, it can't hurt" mentality. I think I take my band for granted. My doctor didn't tell me "It's got to come out" like some of you have heard for yourselves. I'm so sorry if you are one of the one's that have experienced erosion and had to have your band removed. I hear a lot of people complaining that they don't have restriction, or that they are too tight, or they aren't losing enough weight, or they're not losing it fast enough. My attitude is if you are LUCKY enough to have a functional band around your stomach, then be active in getting it to work to it's fullest potential. Quit complaining if you can eat the house for an appetizer, get a fill! Quit complaining if you pb all the time, get an unfill! Quit complaining if you're not losing 40 pounds a month, learn how to be patient with the band, it's healthier to lose slower anyway. Don't compare yourselves to others, I was guilty of this and everyone is so different that it's not fair to yourself to compare. Get your fill level right and be thankful that you have a healthy band. With all of that being said :confused: - I hope everyone has a healthy and prosperous 2006! Tricia
  19. Alexandra: Thank you! A wonderful 2006 to you and your's as well NJChick: Thank you! I'll Succeed: Thanks! Hope all is well with you. HarleyNana: Just another bump in the road, again, I'm just very thankful Lisa: I've been fortunate enough to avoid the port infection bug, yet another reason why I'm thankful. chichgirl: I had a couple of weeks before going back to Mexico where I didn't know what was wrong and I was consumed with thinking about it. All I knew is that I experienced some pain, and I had no restriction whatsoever. I kept telling myself that my band had eroded and that my Doctor was going to have to remove it. I played over in my mind how I would react when he told me this. I told myself that I wasn't going to cry, that I would boldly say "Just take it out" but when he told me that my tubing had become disconnected from my port and it was repairable I felt such a sense of relief that I vowed to never take my band for granted again. I've been through Lapband surgery, 16 fills and two minor surgeries to correct problems and I still love my band. That's how important it has become to me. Thanks for your post Tricia
  20. Banded14yr

    Hi From Antioch Tn

    Hello Vanessa and congratulations on your upcoming banding I'm also in Antioch, TN.... Will you be having your surgery with Dr. Morton? He seems to do the majority lapband surgeries in this area.
  21. Banded14yr

    Surgery in Mexico

    I think you'll find that *most* people that were banded in Mexico have no regrets and will profess that their surgeon is the best I had a very easy time making my decision to go to Mexico to have the band. Since the surgery would have cost me at least 17k in the states, and since getting the lapband became a "must" for me, then the decision to have surgery in Mexico was a no brainer. Of course all sorts of things run through your mind when you plan on having surgery in another country so I would advise just to research your decision and doctors and most of all continue to talk to other people that were banded in Mexico. I found that the more I talked to others about the surgery the more at ease I was. There are lots of misconceptions about Mexico and I was pleasantly surprised about the care that I received, where I stayed and the hospital. All of them were above my expectations. I also had surgery at Santa Engracia in Monterrey, very nice hospital and terrific care.
  22. Banded14yr

    Oh My Gosh!!!

    Hey Andrea! Good to "see" you here! I had no idea you were from Arizona. My mother used to live in Chandler, and I grew up in Tempe. I think you should tell your mother. She will totally understand and probably be very happy for you! Tricia
  23. I'm asking for a friend of mine who doesn't have internet access. She was banded in Mexico and is looking for a fill doctor in Buffalo N.Y. Does anyone know of any doctors in Buffalo that will fill a patient banded in Mexico? Thanks ! Tricia
  24. Rick, I'm sure that Dr. Rodriguez in Acuna is just as wonderful as Dr. Rodriguez in Monterrey! Again, don't hesitate to email if you have any questions. I had a ton after I was banded. Good luck to you! Tricia
  25. Rick, Congratulations on your recent banding! I must say that you selected an awesome surgeon! Dr. Rodriguez is wonderful isn't he?! Dr. Houston (pronounced: How-Ston) is part of the Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity group. Their website is: http://www.cmcwls.com/index.php Dr. Houston: http://www.cmcwls.com/houston.php Centennial Center for The Treatment of Obesity 2200 Murphy Ave Nashville, TN 37203 Phone: 615-342-5820 You can call and speak to Holly, who will set up an appointment for your fill, or I believe he has another (new) assistant that is also helping with making fill appointments. Dr. Houston is a very caring surgeon. He will be a little strict about your aftercare. He will want you to watch what you eat ect.... I found that refreshing knowing that he wasn't my surgeon but that he still cared very much about my health and weight loss. I think you'll really like him. Good luck to you! Feel free to email me if you have any more questions about a fill or your band. I've been banded over a year now and have lost 95 pounds. Getting the band is one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Tricia

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