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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr

    New here

    Hey Eva! I'm also in Tennessee, just a little north of you I have BC/BS of TN and they would not pay for the lapband. There's a Bariatric group at Centennial Medical Center that you could call, or Dr. Morton at Southern Hills. There's also a group at Williamson Medical Center (I believe) that performs Bariatric surgery, but not sure about the lapband. You might also want to try Dr. Ponce in Georgia. Or if you're like me and strike out, you could always go to Mexico, the doctor's are very good and the price is a lot less. Good luck to you!!
  2. Banded14yr

    I got my packet from the Doctor

    Congrats! I found that the more reading I did the less nervous I became. Also, hang around here, it helps to talk to others that have already traveled down the path that you will be taking.
  3. Banded14yr

    I'm new at this

    Hey Lucky! I was also banded by Dr. A. Rodriguez. I go back for my first fill on Friday. Great to see you doing so well! Welcome "aboard"
  4. Banded14yr

    I Need Support

    I'm guessing you have the Swedish Band because of the amount of fill that you are getting. I go for my first fill next Friday, as of right now, I don't feel like I have any restriction, but hopefully will notice a difference after my first adjustment. As a friend of mine said, it didn't take overnight to put on this weight, and it's not going to come off overnight either. Hang in there!
  5. Banded14yr

    Thank you!

    I was self pay My surgery cost was $11,500.00 Fortunately, I was able to pay cash (for all) except for $5,000.00 which I did 12 month's same as cash. I had the entire amount, but just didn't want to hit the savings account that hard. Good luck to you. It's definately worth getting a low interest loan, or home equity line of credit or any other financial means for something that will change your life for the better
  6. Banded14yr

    What should I take?

    Dr. Ponce is in Georgia. But my trip to Mexico wasn't filled with a lot of "wait time". They picked us up at the hotel at 7:00am Monday morning, I arrived at the hospital at 7:20, did some paperwork with Admissions, then immediately went to get into my "lovely" gown. I had absolutely no wait time. I was in surgery a little after 8:00am. Every doctor/hospital is a little different, it's neat hearing about everyone's experiences and how they differ.
  7. Banded14yr

    "Golf Ball" uncomfortable to "Bottomless Pit"

    I can only dream of this! Pizza is my weakness, along with ice cream. I still don't feel any restriction, but I'm patiently waiting for my first adjustment. I haven't tried eating any pizza since my surgery, but i can't wait until the day that I cannot even eat one piece! How wonderful that must be
  8. Banded14yr

    What should I take?

    How long will you be staying? Will you be spending the night in the hospital? I think Dr. Ponce performs the lapband as an outpatient procedure, so you won't need to take anything for a "hospital stay" if that's the case. Slip on shoes, like flip flops. You won't want to bend over to tie tennis shoes ect... Don't take a whole lot, you won't need it, carry on luggage should be no problem. I would recommend some chewable Gas-X Congrats on your surgery! Please keep us updated as to how you do post op! Don't be a stranger and welcome to band-land! T
  9. Banded14yr

    I offiicially have a date!!!!

    Congratulations! I know how excited you are! It will seem like Sept. 24th is a year away! Give your husband time to think and research about everything that you're going to be going through. The more knowledge he has the better he'll feel. I would even recommend that he speak with Dr. Ponce, that might help ease his mind a little. I'm glad to hear that everything worked out for you!
  10. Banded14yr

    Lunch Time!!!

    That's good to hear. I feel like I'm on a major diet. It will be nice when I can eat whatever I want, just not a ton of it. I have to tell myself to be patient. It's not one of my stronger suits! LOL..... I have stalled in my weight loss, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes after my first fill. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  11. Banded14yr

    Lunch Time!!!

    Marie, You're always so positive and encouraging to all of us here. Thank you!
  12. Banded14yr

    Major WooHoo!!!

    That is absolutely incredible!!! Sincere and whole hearted congrats!!! You deserve this happiness, you've worked hard to get it :rolleyes:
  13. Banded14yr

    Lunch Time!!!

    I'm in the same boat as some of you are. I have only told a couple people I work with that I had surgery, both of them are men, one is my Administrator, and one is my assistant. I have told none of the females I work with because I didn't want to have to deal with all of the stuff that has been mentioned on this board before. PLUS I had my surgery in Mexico and I KNOW how people would react when I dropped that bomb on them, they would wonder if I had finally and totally lost it. The whole group was going out to lunch today and was a little "miffed" that I declined to go with them. I'm still on the mushy phase and I didn't want to have to worry about if they had Soup or not on the menu, it was just easier for me to stay at the office and eat what I brought. I just told them that I'm trying to watch what I eat and that it would be a little too tempting to eat something that I would regret later. I wouldn't have done that in the past, they all looked at me like I had lost my mind I'll be anxious when I can start introducing "regular" food back into my diet, the mushy phase is much better than the liquid phase, but it is getting a tad old. BTW - It was a co-worker's birthday this week and someone had bought this incredible looking chocolate cake. A few of my co-workers made the comment that it was the best chocolate cake they have ever had. I told myself "hmmmm, that's mushy" haha! BUT I was able to turn it down. I'm working on the "mental" part of this thing, which is 10 times harder than the physical part and not being able to eat what I used to. But it will all be worth it in the long run.
  14. Banded14yr


    Hello, I was banded in Mexico but was wondering if anyone knows of a physician in Tennessee (preferrably Nashville) that would be willing to do adjustments. I do plan on going back to Mexico for my first adjustment, but would obviously like to find someone a little closer to home for future band adjustments. Thanks!
  15. Banded14yr

    New from TN

    So far it looks like the 30th might be best for everyone. There is a slight chance that I won't make it, trying to get my trip scheduled for my first fill, but I should know something more next week. I pm'd you back!
  16. Banded14yr

    I'm Coming to Texas!

    Thanks so much! You're the best!
  17. Banded14yr

    I'm Coming to Texas!

    Hey Rica! I'm sooo jealous! Wish I could make the trip to Dallas to meet you and "the gang" Say hello to Deborah, Patti and Doctor Rodriguez for me! I hope you all have a blast!
  18. Banded14yr

    Hello, I am a newbie

    It's so hard to say because I think everyone is different and their recovery is different. I think that I could have had the surgery on a Wednesday and gone to work the following Monday, but I'm glad I had the entire week off. You might be fine going back to work that quickly, but it's hard to predict. If you have the time to take, I would take a week. But that's just me
  19. Banded14yr

    Hello, I am a newbie

    Farty pants...., I don't feel much restriction at all, so eating in the morning's are not a problem, except for I'm not a big breakfast person. I am pleasantly surprised at how fast I have healed. Although I don't have much to compare it to. The only other time I was in a hospital was for the birth of my son. I actually think that getting off the couch and going to work helped my healing process, but that might all be mental :eek:
  20. Banded14yr

    New from TN

    Too funny!!!! :eek:
  21. Banded14yr

    I stand corrected

    I think for that price, and if I found a surgeon in the same state that I resided in that I would consider having Dr. Ponce do my surgery. The only bad experience we had with Dr. Ponce was with his coordinator, but not Dr. Ponce directly. If you can find a doctor that close to home, I would do it. Good luck to you! I know you have lots of decisions to make, but you've already made the biggest one and that's to go ahead and have the surgery. You'll do great in whatever you decide!! T
  22. Banded14yr

    Hello, I am a newbie

    Welcome Courtney! And congrats on your upcoming surgery. As you will see, every doctor has a different idea about pre and post op diet. My doctor seems to be a little out of the norm. He wasn't really big on Protein shakes, seems to think that they could cause some unwanted gas and feels that one would get enough protein with eating the correct foods. But I do occassionally make a Protein shake and as Laserjock said, add frozen bananas and that helps a lot. I also let mine sit in the fridge overnight, it breaks down the foamy part of the shakes that usually made me sick to my stomach My doctor also advised me against eating spicy foods and drinking alcohol, but other doctors seem to be okay with consuming both. I had my surgery on a Monday and went back to work the following Monday. I've had absolutely no problems with going back to work. It's amazing how much better I felt every day after surgery, my incisions are almost completely healed and I can't really tell that I had anything done.
  23. Banded14yr

    New from TN

    Would love to meet you too. Just hop on a flight to Nashville and join the lunch group!
  24. Banded14yr

    New from TN

    Penni, What time do you arrive in town on the 27th? Would that day be too early to do lunch? If not, would the 30th be better for everyone? I know that there is a Ruby Tuesday's very close to your hotel. Birdee! Wow! We might know each other
  25. Banded14yr

    New from TN

    Penni, I would be up for lunch one day. I'm planning on flying back to Mexico for my first fill at the end of the month, but the date hasn't been set yet, so just let me know as your plans are more settled. shellyj, It's a small world. I used to work over by the airport across from Sams but our office has since moved downtown. I live off Anderson Rd. just off Murfreesboro road.

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