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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr


    After my last fill, I only drink one cup in the mornings. Sometimes just a half a cup. I just can't tolerate it much anymore. I'm glad, because I used to drink too much, one more positive thing the band has done for me Pam I haven't heard why we shouldn't drink coffee. Maybe because caffein (sp?) can irritate the stomach?
  2. Banded14yr

    Betty's Surgery

    Good luck Betty! Sorry I didn't get to post before you left. Please take care when you get home. Post when you can, we'll be thinking about you! Tricia
  3. Banded14yr

    Swedish vs Inamed

    Hijacked response.... Marie, You are correct....I'm Laserjock's "better" half....hope to be half of Laserjock's better half soon leatha, I'm doing fine. Started struggling with some reflux problems at night that I'm thinking might be related to my last fill being too much. I'm going to have to break down and call the doc and possibly have some removed.
  4. Meagan, Truly inspirational! I can relate to alot of what you said, and I thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us. Congratulations on the weight loss (you look fantastic) and the positive emotional gain! Tricia
  5. Banded14yr

    Filled too much?

    Lisa, I'm glad to hear that you're doing better with your fill I'm starting to think that I was experiencing some swelling that was causing most of my difficulties. I grab a bottle of Water for my drive into work every morning, and I can usually drink the whole thing before I get there, but lately I was doing good to drink 1/4 of the bottle. This morning I was able to drink 3/4ths of the bottle without any uncomfortable feeling. I'm just going to keep taking it slow, and if I continue to struggle to get my water and Protein in, I'll call the doc and see if he would recommend getting some fill removed. BTW - I went back to Mexico for my first fill, everything went great. I had "some" restriction right after the fill, but it disappeared. So I found a local doc that took me on as a patient and had my second fill with him. He had a very hard time sticking my port, I think he was using the wrong needle. I was able to see him trying to stick my port on the monitor. He had to use a lot of pressure to get the needle to go in. I was really worried that he would miss and poke a hole somewhere where a hole didn't need to be but he finally got it. I'm assuming because of the difficulty of sticking my port that he would use Flouroscopy to remove any excess fill, but I'm not sure. Thanks for your response. Take care!!
  6. Banded14yr

    Filled too much?

    I've been delaying posting because I go back and forth on this issue. I had my 2nd fill a week ago tomorrow. I was at 5cc and am now at 6.44cc's (Swedish band) Anyhoo....... I have to eat VERY small bites. I have an uncomfortable feeling when I eat and obviously, I can't eat very much. I'm also struggling to drink the amount of Water that I need to every day. Before this fill, I could easily put away at least 64 ounces a day, now I'd be doing good to drink 18-24 ounces. Today I was sick to my stomach all day, but I think that was caused by the Isopure drink that I drank this morning to try and get my Protein in. I just can't tolerate protein very well. I tried the shakes, but they made my stomach upset also. I really don't want to complain. I LOVE the restriction that I now feel. I hate the uncomfortable feeling that I get when I eat, but it's a small price to pay if this is part of the "normal" band process. Lisa (Green) I know that you have struggled with your last fill as well, is it getting any better for you? I don't know if I had to get some fill removed if the doc would do that in his office, I can't imagine him doing that under Flouroscopy, but I'm not sure. I'm just wondering if anyone feels the right amount of restriction without the uncomfortable feeling while eating.
  7. Banded14yr

    New Kid on the Block

    Welcome! And congrats on your decision to become one of the banded! I love the St. Pete area. Our family vacations at Clearwater Beach every summer. Please keep in touch on your upcoming surgery and please ask away. There are very knowledgable people who post on this board, I've learned so much just by reading and asking questions. Tricia
  8. Banded14yr

    Filled too much?

    Thanks guys! It really helps to hear what others think. I'm just going back and forth on the issue. Am I overreacting to what a good fill feels like? I've read a lot of other people's experiences about fills that are too much ect... and I seem to have some of the same characteristics but not all. I realize how important it is to get my Protein and Water in every day. That's what bothers me the most. I'm filling up on water very fast. That has never happened to me. I've basically lost my appetite, <<< I have prayed for this day! But I still need to make wise decisions and not starve myself. Again, thanks for the words of encouragement and advice.
  9. Banded14yr

    Just Back from Monterrey

    Congrats on your "bandage" Try to take it easy for a while and keep in touch on how you and your wife are doing. Take care! Tricia
  10. Banded14yr

    Photo Jam

    Vera, I can't get over how cool your picture "movie" is. What a great way to display photos. You have a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing! Tricia
  11. Banded14yr

    To busy to Bit_h! Help!

    Hey Rica! Great to "see" you Have you called Dr. Rodriguez? I would definately make a phone call. He might have some suggestions for you. Throwing up cannot be good for you or the band. I went for my second fill today, so I haven't experienced what you are experiencing. I'm now filled to 6.4cc's which is a lot more than you and we have the same band. Just goes to show that everyone is different and how we react to the band is also very different. But make the phone call, if for nothing else, then to put your mind at ease. Take care!! Tricia
  12. Banded14yr

    Deceiving Doctors are still out there

    I had my first fill on August 27th. Dr. Houston will be giving me my second fill, and yes he's going to use Flouro. I wouldn't do it if he didn't
  13. Banded14yr

    Deceiving Doctors are still out there

    I think that it is difficult to find a physician to do your fills or any kind of aftercare if he/she was not the surgeon that placed the band in the first place. I really don't think that if I had the lapband instead of the Swedish band that it would have been easier to find a U.S. doctor to take me on as a patient after being banded by another surgeon. I'm fortunate in that my doctor found a surgeon in the city where I live that is going to do my fills for me and is encouraging me to participate in his aftercare program. I go in Tuesday for my first fill with him, so I'm a little anxious to see how everything goes. And you're right, it's a dirty rotten thing that ponce de leon did, but if enough of his patients voice their opinions about him deceiving them, then he won't be doing a lot of lapband surgeries in my opinion. There's a lot of competition in Mexico for patients, and I would think something like this would really hurt his "business".
  14. Banded14yr

    Deceiving Doctors are still out there

    Even though what dr. Ponce de leon was wrong, I don't think that getting the Swedish band would mean all doom and gloom. My husband and I researched all of the different types of bands before we decided on the Swedish band. The Swedish band is now owned by Johnson and Johnson and FDA approval in the US is not far off. There are a lot of risks to going to Mexico to have surgery, it's a total leap of faith that one must make when the decision to have surgery there is made. There are good points and there are bad points. I've been fortunate that I had a great experience and have absolutely no regrets. I hate to hear that some patients are being deceived by their surgeons.
  15. Dr. Houston has agreed to do my fills. He's in Nashville and wants me to also participate in his aftercare program which sounds good. I'm curious to see if anyone is a patient of his, and if so, what has your experience been with him? Positive or negative feedback is welcome :mad:
  16. Banded14yr

    Dr. Hugh Houston

    Hey Michelle, I would suggest that your friend call Dr. Houston (pronounced house-ton) and tell him about her situation. I have a feeling that his prices aren't "standard" He quoted me $500.00 for the first visit, which includes a chat session with the Dr. so that he can get the scoop on "me", then a fluro fill. It will be $400.00 for every fluro fill after that. I personally think that's reasonable, since it's cheaper and a whole lot easier than flying to Monterrey. Dr. Houston's nurse's name is Holly, I can pm you his office number if your friend is interested. Tricia
  17. Banded14yr


    Welcome MadameYess! I'm on the net quite a bit, and I have to say that of all the websites and forums I have visited concerning the lapband, this is by far the best site I have found. Lots of support and very knowledged bandees here. Keep us informed on your banded journey, it will be here before you know it - Heck, you've already started your journey, you made the decision and have a date set, you're almost there! :mad: T
  18. Banded14yr

    I should Introduce Myself

    Hello Vicki! The more you read and talk to people that have been through simular situations as you, the more comfortable you'll feel. This is a great site for support and information. Feel free to ask away! T
  19. Banded14yr

    Gotta make a run to Kentucky

    Penni, Mom is fortunate to have such a caring daughter. Please have a safe trip. Give Mom hugs and assure her that everything will be O.K. Take care! Tricia
  20. Banded14yr

    Hi, just banded 9/10/04

    Welcome and congratulations! It always drives me crazy when I hear that people think you're crazy for getting the band! :mad: I can tell how happy you are in your posts, happiness is the most important thing. Next will come wanting to be healthier and feeling great about yourself. There are so many positives to losing weight that you have struggled with most of your life - so if that's what some call "crazy" then I'm happy to be part of the looney bin society!
  21. Banded14yr

    PamRN, New Bandster Alert!

    Pam, The wait is finally over! You'll be on "the other side" before you know it! Have a safe trip, we'll be anxious to hear about how you're doing when you're up to it. Everything will go fine! :mad: T
  22. Banded14yr

    Hello, I'm new

    Tammy, edistogirl2602 is also having her surgery with Dr. Ponce. I've heard good things about him, I don't think he does surgery in TJ, you may be thinking of dr. ponce de leon. Good luck to you in getting the ball rolling. If you are like me, once I made the decision to get the lapband, there was no turning back, I became obsessed! :mad:
  23. Banded14yr

    3 Weeks post op

    hahaha!! :D
  24. Banded14yr

    Went for a Fill today...

    Vera, I think it's very possible that you're filled to 7.5cc's. I also have the Swedish band and was filled to 5cc's for my first fill. I thought that sounded like an awful lot, but the Swedish band can hold up to 10-11 cc's. You fill restricted, so I wouldn't think that you would have a leak, but I'm not a doc either I hope that everything turns out ok, I'm sure it will. Hang in there!! T
  25. Banded14yr

    Hello, I'm new

    Welcome to both of you! More Tennesseans! Woooo Hooooo Litn_bug - Let's seeee, Southeast Tennessee, are you seeing Dr. Rose by chance? I've checked out every bariatric surgeon in Tennessee and he's a good one. I'm glad you found this board. I didn't visit until after my surgery. Actually, my husband found this board and told me about it, I made my first post while in Mexico the day after my surgery. It would have truly helped me if I would have known about it a few weeks prior to my surgery, there is a plethera of info here. So pull up a chair and get comfy

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