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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr


    Ryan, Phenomenal success! Way to go and it will only get better from here! Congrats on your weight loss and upcoming fill. Take care! Tricia
  2. Banded14yr

    Tennessee Bandsters ??

    Nice to see you here Emmy and congratulations on your recent banding. I'm in Nashville
  3. Banded14yr

    Band Rejection - Answer to Port Problems

    Lisa, I'm truly sorry that you have gone through so much with your band. You are a SUPER Trooper in my opinion and always seem to maintain a positive attitude. After everything you've been through, you always seem to make the rest of us smile and laugh. I truly hope that everything works out for you, take care of yourself! Tricia
  4. Blossom, I have the Swedish Band that also holds 10 or 11cc's. My first fill was 5cc's. I was a bit worried that it would be too much, but I was filled under flouro and Dr. Rodriguez said that I was tight, but not too tight at 5cc's. Well my restriction didn't last long, so a month later I got another fill. This time it was only 1.44cc's but it did the trick. So I'm filled to 6.44cc's and fill that my restriction level is perfect. I don't understand doctors that use flouro but use a "standard" fill schedule and volume. Why use flouro then? Everyone is different, shouldn't a doctor use the flouro to see how much is going through the band then make his decision about fill amount based on that? During my first fill, Dr. Rod kept adding some, then had me drink barrium, then added more ect... then eventually he took some out because he saw that I was filled too much. That's the beauty of flouro in my opinion. I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time, I would be just as frustrated as you are about having to pay for fills and having your doctor not fill you enough. I would also call Inamed, maybe they have some recommendations for you. Hang in there!! Tricia
  5. Does anyone, or has anyone attended the Centennial Medical Center Support group that meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month? I'm going to attend tomorrow night and am excited about going. I would love to meet anyone from this board that attends. Tricia
  6. Banded14yr

    Did you all get your books??

    The money actually was taken out of my account. I was in the bank filling out the fraud report when I got a call from a Keith Terry. He read me the little "We're sorry" letter that he later emailed me. I told him that "I'm sorry" didn't put the $378.50 back into my bank account. I also told him that I would be contacting Dr. Ortiz about this situation. He said that it wasn't Dr. Ortiz' fault. I told him that in a way it was, that Dr. Ortiz needs to know how the company he chose to market his book is doing business. Regardless if Dr. Ortiz had nothing to do with this major faupaux, which is not the first mind you, several people were over charged $164.50 a month ago, I think his reputation is taking a pounding, so I don't blame Dr. Ortiz for being upset, I'm sure he is and he should be. So far I love the book, Dr. Ortiz is not my surgeon, but as I read the book, I'm gaining more respect for him, he obviously is a very skilled surgeon and very well respected. I just hope I can get this situation resolved sooner than later. It really took a bite out of my Christmas "cheer"
  7. Banded14yr

    Did you all get your books??

    My bank is requiring that I come in and fill out an affidavit and have it notarized (sp?). They said this process will take 7-10 days. Looks like I won't be seeing my money anytime soon. I have called 3 numbers, all of which I get an answering machine 949-715-7924 949-786-2552 949-394-8741 My bank also mentioned that I might need to fill out a police report. I hope it doesn't get to that point, but I will do it if I need to. I just emailed Randy Lutz at the email Leatha listed above. I'll let you know if I hear anything back. Thanks for all of your help everyone!
  8. Banded14yr

    Did you all get your books??

    Unbelievable!! I called and left a message also. If anyone has any luck getting through to someone that might be able to help, please pass along the info. I will do the same if I have any luck.
  9. Banded14yr

    Did you all get your books??

    Wow!! Same thing happened to me this morning!!! $378.50 is a HUGE mistake to make!!! And right before Christmas! Bah Humbug! Leatha, did your bank just put a hold on the $378.50 or your entire account? This is not good.
  10. Banded14yr

    Did you all get your books??

    Well I got my book. I've only read a couple of chapters this morning. Couldn't figure out why my checking account took a nose dive. Well the original charge for my book was $16.45. I thought I had escaped the infamous "overcharge" that some of you had experienced. When checking my on-line banking, there is another charge for $378.50 from the same publishing company that shows up as a debit card charge from "The Savings Net". They charged my account AGAIN for $378.50?????? This is unbelievable! Dr. Ortiz should be appauled that the company that's handling the sale of his book is making these kinds of mistakes! I just hope that I have some luck in getting this cleared up. The phone number on the website that advertises the book goes straight into a voice mail system.
  11. Banded14yr

    HELP!! Just got Fill - Blood...

    I'm sorry, but (personally) I can't see how not being able to eat Soup or broth and throwing up after trying could be normal. Of course your stomach is probably swollen, but in my opinion you should be able to eat full liquids by now including Protein shakes, Jello and or pudding without getting sick, stuck or vomiting. Have you called Dr. Rumbaut's office to ask him about it? I would take the pro active approach if you were me. I would call my fill doctor's office and tell them that I need a slight unfill even if they told me that "this is normal" phooey!
  12. Banded14yr

    Five more days.

    Ryan, Your banding will be here before you know it! Thanks for you continued inspirational input that you bring to this board. I really enjoy reading your posts. I'm very excited that you will have your surgery soon and you can join the rest of us as major losers! (hehe) Tricia
  13. Banded14yr

    Centennial Medical Center Support Group

    Marie, Yes, it's in Tennessee..... Thanks! I'm thrilled about my weight loss. My second fill really helped, I was starting to get a little discouraged. I think every new bandster needs a class or seminar in "PATIENCE" I sure did! I guess I missed the chat - I'll try to participate in the next one if there is one scheduled.
  14. Banded14yr

    Centennial Medical Center Support Group

    Hello Eva! I saw where Dr. Houston is going to perform your surgery. He did my last fill and I think he's wonderful The support group meetings are held every Tuesday at 6:00pm at Centennial. I will probably be going this evening. There's also a more comprehensive support group that meets every 3rd Monday (I believe) that I plan on going to this month. I'll check my info when I get home and let you know. The support meetings are for both pre and post op patients. I would love to meet you. I live in Antioch, but work in Nashville.
  15. Banded14yr

    I'm Home!!

    Woo Hoo! Congrats Blossom! I'm so glad to hear everything went well. Just take it easy and don't try to do too much too soon. Keep us posted on your progress. Tricia
  16. Banded14yr


    gagirl, What you're going through (emotionally) is totally normal. I still have some "blues" times. One of my favorite foods is pizza. We have this wonderful pizza joint that we would order out about once a week (pre-band) absolutely the best pizza in the world! Well, I remember reading on this board by a poster who said she could only eat the toppings off of one piece of pizza. I was about a month and a half post band and I told her that would be my dream to only eat the toppings off of one slice and be satisfied. After my first fill, I could easily put away 2 large slices. After my second fill my "dream" came true and I can only eat the toppings off of one piece (if that). I can't eat the crust anymore. A couple weeks ago, we had pizza at work, I ate the toppings off of one slice and paid for it! It kept coming back up all afternoon (sorry, gross I know), but my desire for pizza has totally changed. Believe it or not, I'm kind of bummed about that! I realize every single day that the emotional side of weight loss surgery and the adjustments that have to be made in your daily routine is the hardest thing to overcome. Isn't it funny how something like pizza can have that kind of emotional affect on me? If I go to a restaurant, nothing looks better than the big huge bacon cheeseburger with mushrooms and bacon, and throw in some fries, but there is NO way I would even attempt to eat that now. I look for a chicken or veggie dinner or something I know that I will be able to tolerate without discomfort. Changing the way I eat has taken a 180. I know that you will hear over and over, "Chew, chew chew, and don't take big bites". Well that is soooooo very true. Again, before my second fill, I thought "Chew? no biggie, my habit of chewing and eating too fast and too much was still with me and didn't affect me when I ate, but after my second fill, LOOK OUT! I cut up my food before I start to eat, I make sure that every piece is cut very small. I also try to use a small spoon or fork. These are little things that help me. Right now, you're still in the healing phase. The discomfort that you're feeling is probably due to the fact that you're insides are still healing from surgery. If the pain bothers you too much, I would call Dr. Rodriguez to make sure that everything is ok. I would also try to take some liquid tylenol about an hour before you eat to see if that helps at all. The main thing to remember is take everything very slowly. Even when eating mashed potatoes or mushy things. Give your body some more time to heal. I truly believe that all of the discomfort that you are feeling will disappear with time. Two very valuable things that I have learned since being banded are 1. Don't compare yourself or your weight loss to others, we are so very different and everyone's bodies react differently to different things. 2. Be patient. After a month post band, I had only lost 10 pounds. I was bummed because a lot of other bandsters would post about losing 30 pounds in their first month ect... I thought to myself that I was failing. So I got a fill. Another month goes by and I lost another 10 pounds. I was still disappointed that I had only lost 20 pounds in two months. When I went in for my second fill, Dr. Houston said that I was right on track and losing at a very healthy rate. Since my second fill I've lost another 15 pounds (in less than a month). I'm thrilled! I'm 3 month's post op and I've lost 35 pounds. I could NEVER have done that without the band. So yes, I still go through some blues, but it's all worth it for me. Having people say "You've lost weight haven't you?" is a wonderful thing to hear. One of these days maybe I'll hear "Tricia, you've lost weight!" without puting the question mark in :eek: I'm sorry to have gotten so wordy, all I can say is hang in there. It won't all be a rosey road to travel, but was being overweight a rosey road to travel? Yes you enjoyed the food, but were you truly happy? I tell myself this all the time. The band isn't a miracle drug, it does take some effort, and yes at times, it takes pain, but it will all be worth it. Darcy, I see that you were re-filled. I sure hope this time goes better for you. Please keep us updated. Tricia
  17. Banded14yr

    Back and Banded, too!!

    gagirl and Kelly Ann, Congrats on your banding! It won't be long before you're telling yourself "Ah! that was nothing"! Every day gets better. The hard part is over with. Now the exciting part begins, a new healthier thinner YOU! You two take care, don't overdue and keep us updated on your progress.
  18. Banded14yr


    Jodie, I pm'd you my email address. I'm very sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. This too shall pass.... I know that sounds too easy right now, but it will get better, you will move on and you will be a better person because of it. Trials and Tribulations build character. You sound like a very strong woman, if you've been expecting this and have been living unhappily for a year now, then you're due some happiness. Get through this time and you'll realize how this whole situation changed your life for the better. Hang in there!!
  19. Banded14yr

    I am approved

    Eva, Congratulations! Dr. Houston is wonderful. Please keep us posted on your banding journey!
  20. Banded14yr

    banded??? please respond!!! restriction questions!

    Denise, Thanks for your response and concern. I will pm you so that I won't hijack another thread :cheeky
  21. Banded14yr

    banded??? please respond!!! restriction questions!

    The difference between my first fill and my second fill is day and night, none of my answers below would apply after my first fill. 1. when you drink first thing in the am is it more like: a. i can kill a 20 oz of anything in minutes b. i cant drink anything cold or even luke warm but i can get down coffe and other Hot drinks c. i can drink room temp. cold beverages (about 20 oz. in a hour or less) d. none of the above- (I can drink about 4 oz. out of Water bottle) 2. for Breakfast i eat: PLEASE also list the time of breakfast! a. protien shake...keeps pouch full for hours b. mushies- oatmeal, cream of wheat, scram eggs, yogurt keeps pouch full for hours c. solids keeps pouch full for hours d. anything i have no restriction! e. hmmmph i skip breakfast << Sometimes. I have no appetite in the morning and feel a lot more restricted. I try to eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of oatmeal. 3. do you ever have acid reflux, indigestion? Yes, but not since starting Prilosec and propping up on pillows while sleeping. a. when i go crazy at mexican or with other spicy foods (or foods that 'normally' give heartburn) b. yes every morning c. never d. occasionally 1-2 times a month 4. how much can you eat of the following (round-a-bout): protien shake: *chicken (prepared any way BUT not real saucy- just meat!): *salad: *sandwich (made of reg. size sandwich bread) *chicken, soft veggie, carb or another veggie (Chicken has to be moist, soft veggies not a problem. Eat about 1/2 cup total) 5. are you happy with your restriction? a. yeah! sweet spot baby b. no but i have good restriction c. no i have some but not much restriction d. hell no!! SOMEBODY fill me!!!! e. I have a lot of restriction, worried sometimes that it might be too much, but wouldn't trade it for lack of restriction. 6. when you pb why is it: choose all that apply a. because i ate to fast, ate too much, or didn't chew enough (I mainly slime...eeewww) b. because i tried to eat solids c. because i wasnt paying attention to eating d. tried to chase food with with liquids e. pb??? whats that i am perfect 7. how often do you pb? a. never!!! well less than 3 times b. daily c. few times a week d. once a week e. 1-2 times a month f. its pretty darn rare but sometimes! 8. how much liquids do you get in in a day? a. i struggle to get in 64 oz. (because of restriction) b. i struggle to get in 64 oz. (because i'm lazy) c. 64 + ounces a day no problem d. 100 oz a day 9. do you eat in the correct order (protien first, veggies, then carb): a. all the time... well 90% b. ummm no i eat however i want c. 50/50 d. most of the time i eat in the correct order (70%) but its a struggle e. less than 50% of the time (you need to pick b.!!!!) 10. do you drink with meals: a. yeah b. nope c. 50/50 d. most of the time no (70%) but its a struggle e. less than 50% of the time (you need to pick A.!!!!)
  22. Banded14yr

    Swedish vs Inamed

    leatha I totally understand :laugh Marie, Reflux is much better. Started taking Prilosec and proping pillows under me while I sleep. I think everything is getting better. I don't seem to have that uncomfortable feeling when I eat anymore (whew) I have a lot of restriction, but I no longer feel that I'm over filled. Thanks for your concern. Sorry for the TOTAL hijacking of this thread.
  23. Banded14yr

    Centennial Medical Center Support Group

    Hey Penni, I'll try to catch up with her at the next meeting. I didn't read this post in time for the last meeting. :nervous
  24. Banded14yr

    Swedish vs Inamed

    Marie "better quarter" hehe I called my doctor's office this morning about the reflux problem, he's in surgery, but I should hear something back today. I didn't sleep at all on Saturday, and got very little sleep last night. It's awful and a bit scary. I'm glad to hear that removing a little of your fill has helped you. I PB'd on yogurt last week, I thought that was a bit odd. I tend to slime (eeeww) quite a bit also. It would not surprise me if the doc wants to take some out. I just don't want to lose the restriction, BUT it aint worth the reflux if that's what's causing it. Thanks for the encouragement....
  25. Banded14yr

    Struggling in unfilledland

    Darcy, It's not unusual for me to see the scale go up instead of down. I cannot weigh myself every day or it will drive me insane. I can easily become obsessed with the scale. I attribute a lot of my 1-3 pound weight gain episodes on excess Water retention. I bet the same has happened to you. Hang in there, I know how frustrating it is to see the scale go up instead of down. But you'll go back down again soon. I must have missed reading why you had your fill removed?

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