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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banded14yr

  1. Banded14yr

    Hey Crystal (vinesqueen) How you doing?

    I'm thinking about you also. Hope all is well. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you feel up to it.
  2. Banded14yr

    Rough week thread: fear of gaining

    Zoe, I'm sorry to hear about your back trouble. I really hope that the steroids help you asap so that you can feel better and not have to worry about those things causing any weight gain. I'm struggling a little also with weight gain, but mine seems to be attributed to lack of finding the oh so ever sweet fill spot A little background... I have the Swedish band that holds 10-11cc's, so it's the larger band... I flew back to Monterrey for my first fill. I was filled to 5.0cc's (no significant restriction felt) A month after that, I had my second fill with Dr. Houston. He filled me to 6.4cc's. (perfect restriction, a little too tight at first, but I hung in there and it loosened up) On February 19, I was in Monterrey with a couple of ladies who were getting lapband surgery, and Dr. Rodriguez said that he would give me a fill if I wanted/needed one. Since I was already planning on getting another fill soon, I took him up on his offer. (No restriction at all after this fill, as a matter of fact, I felt wide open again) A week ago Friday I went back to Dr. Houston for another fill. (Still no restriction) He said that I only had 4.5cc's in my band. I knew that my restriction had disappeared, not sure what happened in Mexico. Dr. Houston filled me to 6.2cc's using flouro. He said that he didn't want to go any tighter than that based on what he saw on the screen. Last Friday I went in to Dr. Houston for yet another fill, this time he filled me to 7.8cc's! I thought for sure this would do the trick, but to no avail, I still have very little restriction. I'm kind of giving up (for now) on fills....I'm going to see how I do over the next 4 weeks. I keep gaining a couple pounds, then putting myself on a stricter diet and it taking a couple weeks for me to lose those two pounds. Hopefully I will reach that "sweet spot" again with my fill level and start the losing ways again. For now, I'm just kind of frustrated, but have worked too hard to start gaining weight again so I'm going to be extra careful about what I eat and start moving (ugh) a little more. At least the weather is starting to get nicer, maybe I'll be more enthusiastic about riding my bike again. Hang in there! Hopefully you can discontinue the steroids soon~
  3. I wouldn't consider this a "little thing".... Dr. Ortiz would probably appreciate a phone call vs. you sitting there with a possible problem hoping that it will go away on it's own without letting him know what's going on. I'm sure HE won't feel that you're bothering him. I would definately give him a call. Take care!
  4. Banded14yr

    Fills without Flouro

    Larae, It sounds like you and your DH have been through quite a time with fills, but sounds like they were still successful. I hope you're both doing well and congrats on the weight loss!!
  5. Banded14yr

    Fills without Flouro

    Rica, I'm not sure where I'm staying in Dallas (yet). I haven't made reservations. I'm assuming that most people that are coming in from out of town stay at the same hotel? I guess I need to email Patti and ask her. I'm sure they'll have a dinner where we all get together and meet. I can't wait to finally get to meet you and the others. I'm really looking forward to it.
  6. Banded14yr

    Fills without Flouro

    Thanks everybody! It sounds like everyone has had good luck getting adjustments without using Flouro. I'm already feeling better about the situation. Betty, sounds like you have a really good doc there!
  7. Banded14yr

    Fills without Flouro

    Thanks Kelly, good to hear. I'm also wondering how much experience Dr. Houston has will doing adjustments without using Flouro. I'm assuming that this is probably a technique that gets better with experience.
  8. Banded14yr

    Fills without Flouro

    Betty, does your doctor use a set amount and/or schedule for your fills? How can he tell if you're restricted enough or too much? I'm sure he has you drink water before you leave to make sure it passes through the band?
  9. Banded14yr

    Chat room ideas

    Hey I need to chat now about Flouro vs. No Flouro Great idea about chat sessions and certain topics. Since I'm up at the crack of dawn, I'm not usually up very late, so I might miss the sessions, but would like to try to make it occassionally.
  10. Banded14yr

    US airport or Mexican airport?

    Who's your doctor in Monterrey? I think there is one doctor that has his patients fly into San Antonio then has an assistant drive them to Monterrey. I flew into Monterrey from Dallas or Houston.
  11. Wannabtiny, Congratulations on joining the community of "Bandville"! I'm glad that everything went well. Keep us posted on your progress. Maybe you'll be able to go to Dallas in May for the bash? Dr. Rod and Adriana ARE wonderful. I'm glad they helped ease your mind while in Monterrey. Tricia
  12. Banded14yr


    Rica, If I were you I might give it another week and see if your restriction returns. I too have gone through periods where I tend to be a lot tighter than others. I plan to go to Dallas in May also, so hopefully we'll get a chance to meet at the bash My local doctor here charges $250.00 for a fill (higher for the first visit) and then I pay the hospital $150.00 for the use of xray machine/room (Flouro). So $250.00 sounds reasonable to me.
  13. Banded14yr

    Confession Time - Very long

    Wow... You've really been through a lot. I'm very sorry, but I'm also very hopeful that with a proper fill amount in your band that at least your weight loss will start again and maybe that will be one less thing you'll have to worry about. I know it sounds simple, but get a fill. I hope things start looking better for you soon. Hang in there, I think you're doing great with everything that has gone on in your life recently. You're not a failure, so don't even go there!
  14. Banded14yr

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    Kathy, Very well written Without sounding like I'm just repeating what others have said, I'm officially going out on the limb with Becky, Darcy and Michelle since they were part of the brave few that posted their feelings about the whole mess that has happened on this forum. I totally agree with what they have said regarding what happened on this board and am also disappointed that people had to act out against others which just created a lot of hurt that was totally uncalled for. Alex I know I will sound like a broken record, but do what you gotta do. I will respect whatever decision you make and want to also thank you for giving us all the opportunity to speak about the lapband even though a select few were determined to ruin it for everybody even if it wasn't their main intent to do so. I feel that a select "couple" of people on this board thrive for attention to the point where we all have witnessed "Temper Tantrums" and over dramatized events to try and gain that attention. Only a professional that deals with mentally unstable people can help (these) people. Good luck in your endeavors to try and keep the peace on this board. It's got to be a tough job BTW: I think general "Message Board Rules" or whatever you want to call it needs to be posted or even agreed to when registering for this board. If a user breaks the rules then they need a warning from a moderator, if they break it again, then I totally agree with banning the user. Tricia
  15. Sandy, Would you mind giving the Doctor's name that did your fill for $150.00 in Nashville? I'm assuming that since they did it in their office they don't use flouro? Thanks! Tricia
  16. Banded14yr

    Looking for Memphis,Tn LapBand talk

    Nikki, You might want to contact Hugh Houston here in Nashville. I talked to him yesterday morning during my fill appointment and he said that they were working on getting the Lapband surgery down to $13,000.00. I don't know if they are currently doing surgery for that price, but it might be worth a call. Dr. Houston is wonderful
  17. Here's Dr. Rodriguez' website: TheBariatrics.Com
  18. Banded14yr

    Outside LBT

    I'm also a Pogo maniac.... I'm with Penni, I have to admit to my addiction Although the Turbo 21 blackjack game drives me nuts, my 13 year old son has to play it for me if it's for a badge I want. I love Canasta, finally reached level 50....scary to think about how much time that took. I also finished the last level in Tri Peaks Solitare. That one took months to finish. I'm an ex website junkie. I created and maintained websites for a few professional football players. Fortunately, they have all retired now or moved on to a different team, because now I have a lot more time for things like Pogo! LOL
  19. Vera, I don't think it's Dr. Rodriguez' clinic. He performs surgery at Santa Engracia and at the San Pedro Clinic. You're right about the marble in Monterrey, it's everywhere! It must be cheap and found in mass quantities. How 'bout that airport? Yikes, better hope the floor doesn't have a wet spot
  20. Banded14yr

    Honey....I'm hoooome!

    Congratulations you two! Just remember to take it easy and try not to do too much. Welcome to the "other" side
  21. Banded14yr


    Marie, I too want to thank you for your endless support. I think you truly care for people in general and that's a gift in my opinion. Tricia
  22. I had my surgery at Santa Engracia. Can't give you much info about the clinic except for what it looks like on the outside. I'll be happy to tell you anything I can about Santa Engracia if you have any questions.
  23. Banded14yr

    No personal attacks

    Great point Darcy! I hate when I have to go back and edit my post (I should know better than to post at 3:00am in the morning, I can't spell!) because I know that everyone that posted on the thread will receive another email, except hopefully the second one will contain correct spelling I use a rule of thumb at work.....If I get a little miffed at a situation and feel the need to email someone or some people, I write the email out, then I just minimize it on my desktop and go get a glass of Water, or go take a walk or find something else to do. Then I return and re-read my email and change it before it goes out. It has saved my hiney a lot of times (I'm sure) because my anger or frustration doesn't get sent out for public viewing and also created a nice "document" for my file...nada, no thank you!
  24. Banded14yr

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Your day will be here before you know it! I remember how excited I was when I was about 2 weeks away from my surgery date, I couldn't wait. I wanted surgery yesterday! LOL.... Congratulations, you've already done so well in losing weight before your surgery.... I can't say that I was so excited that I was able to lose poundage before the big day, I was like blossom, I probably gained. Good going!! Tricia
  25. Banded14yr

    Got my band yesterday

    Congratulations! Just remember to take it easy and try not to do too much right now. I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. Take care!! Tricia

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