Thats WONDERFUL about your CFS- I too keep a journal- and I have been on Effexsor but last year at this time- it sure wasn't working... I cried at the drop of a dime... now... as I read back some posts I made... I didn't cry..... but realized I am getting better...
And for your shopping........ CONGRATS to you!!!! Quick story... It had been YEARS since I shopped in a reg. strore, so my first shopping trip I was just wandering around and found some things I liked... not sure of sizes etc... I ended up in the JOUIORS .. and of course the large didn't fit!! LMAO........ took me a while to figure out the sizes....
Lady lee.....
I never had the band, my only WLS has been the VSG. And I am doing great with it. In the beginning I was losing 7-10 pounds a week, but you have to understand... I started out weighing 373 pounds at my heaviest.
The avg. has been about 2-3 pounds a wk. But it has slowed this past month with my "cheating"
I can eat just about anything now, but I don't care for beef and my doc doesn't want us to eat that until about a year out. But I have. Just don't care for it now.
I usually eat talipia or salmon and of course alot of chicken. I search for recipes on the web... but with just me to cook for, I just makes simple meals, and cook my talipia on my George Foreman grill... it only takes a few minutes, and then I have a veg with it. I also have turkey cutlets that I love!!!
I take tuna for lunch, or have a yogourt.. leftovers from the nite before.. you get the pic?
It will continue to get easier...... feel free to message me if you got any questions..I am still learning as well....