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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ednalewis

  1. I had gastric bypass 30 years ago that went bad.I gained back the weight I was suppose to lose.With this surgery when they staple the stomach,back then.I was in the hospital for 2weeks.When I got release,I ask the doctor what can I get when I get home,He replied Anything you want.So my frav food was pork fried rice.It would not stay down,So it all game back up. And I gain my weight back.And time went on with diet after diets.There was one time.When my ex.Decided to end our relationship:001_smile: and went back to his old girl friend.My motivation, Was revenge I would lose this weight,and get back at him with slim me in sexy outfit.We got back togather.I did not get into that sexy nightie.I just go so interesed in eating from the toco truck and gained my weight back.I had lost 80lbs.gain it all back.I went to a surgeon office in fremont california, to find out about a revison surgery to have gastric bypass.He took alot of test.Because of the past surgery still staple,surers scar tussue. He does'nt know what he can give me.Maye the vertical sleeve.or maybe no surgery.I just need to know is it possible after all these years.Will I ever be the person I want to be.I have given up so much to have this surgery.And this is my story:svengo:

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