WaSa: Way to go! I had MY sleeve done in Matamoros, Tamalipas, MX, and am quite satisfied with the doctor, hospital and the procedure. My wife used a CREDIT CARD to pay for my surgery, and no cash or check was involved. My experience was much like yours, with the exception that my SURGEON came and PRAYED for me after the surgery. I was OUT of it, but my wife was there, and he asked HER for permission to pray. He gathered up his STAFF, and they all prayed for my recovery while I was out due to the anesthesia. Now just have THAT done in a hospital in the US! Frankly, you would be LUCKY to even SEE your surgeon after the procedure was performed. I saw my surgeon several times a day, and his office was in the same HOSPITAL where he performed the surgeries. I suspect that when he did not have someone to visit with and talk to about Weight Loss Surgery, he was doing rounds and checking on his patients.
My wife and I paid $12 K for my surgery in Mexico, and we could have found it cheaper, but we decided to have it done in Matamoros instead of going ELSEWHERE in Mexico because we live just across the river from Matamoros, and I would be able to have regular follow up care with little to no cost to ME for traveling. The only downside I can see with having surgery done in Mexico is that you cannot SUE the doctor if there is something that is done wrong. Most doctors in Mexico will GLADLY try to FIX any problems, however, since their reputation is important to them. UNLIKE in the US, you can EASILY vote with your feet when it comes to surgery in Mexico, and while the PUBLIC hospitals in Mexico are DISMALLY poor in providing service, the PRIVATE hospitals are usually GREAT! Again, you get what you pay for, and the American dollar goes FAR in Mexico at this time. The private hospitals and doctors usually give EXCELLENT care. You DO have to be careful, though because JUST LIKE in the US, there ARE charlatans who work as doctors. This is why it is very important to RESEARCH your Mexican doctor before you go to get surgery. A Mexican doctor with a GREAT reputation is a wonder to have. I strongly suggest that anyone who has to PAY out of pocket, look to Mexico for their surgery!