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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    Murphy's law for fills?

    Hi Blossom -- I won't hold your blondeness against you! I get my fills standing up. I posted notes on the procedure and some pictures of Dr. Horgan's equipment at http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3382 . I've only had two fills, and barium was used both times. Tammy, I don't know if either Dr. Rumbaut or Dr. Horgan will perform surgery on someone of your size. You might qualify if you have weight-related health issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Check the Inamed web site (www.inamed.com) for information on who's a candidate for the band, and how to find a doctor in your area. I can't resist saying that I, for one, would love to weigh 195 again -- but I know there are people reading this who would love to weigh 225, or even my high weight of 273. We're all trying to head in the same direction: down, to healthier, happier bodies. Read some old posts here in the "introductions," "general discusssion" and "doctors and hospitals" forums to help decide if the band is right for you; many posts have great information on the band experience for people of all starting sizes. Good luck in your journey -- hope you find some answers.
  2. Zoe

    weight as scapegoat

    Sounds like you're on the right track, Vinesqueen. Remember, if you need help kicking your PC doctor's ass, there are plenty of us willing to help. Consider my size-11 feet ready to aim for his bony behind.
  3. Zoe

    Murphy's law for fills?

    Wow, so THIS is what restriction feels like! Dr. Baptista (colleague of Dr. Horton's) checked me out yesterday. During the first test, the barium flowed right through my band, which explains why I've been able to eat heaping plates of Thai chicken with peanut sauce and rice. Dr. B tinkered with the port adjustment, asking me to swallow several times (with barium and without). He encouraged me to watch the fluoroscope monitor so I could see for myself how the band was working. So here I am with 1.8cc, on liquids until Sunday afternoon, and feeling some tightness just drinking Water. If solid food is too uncomfortable to swallow, I may get a slight unfill early next week. I am ready to drop some pounds after the sluggish holidays, so I'm ready to be a real bandster now. Meanwhile, DeLarla, call (312) 255-1900 and set up an appointment in Chicago with Dr. B for vicarious restriction.
  4. Zoe

    Murphy's law for fills?

    Hey, DeLarla, that's a brilliant idea! Especially if the appointment is difficult or expensive to cancel, you'll get instant restriction. I had the worst PB of my band journey last night; I had to get off the phone immediately and couldn't even make it to the bathroom before I slimed all over myself. I feel kinda stupid going in for a fill today -- but I know that if I cancelled, I'd be wide open as usual by dinnertime! Make that appointment, D., and let the restriction begin! OK, I'm off to the doc now. Will report back.
  5. Zoe

    Went for 1st fill today !!!!!!!

    Hi Fran -- Boy, am I sorry to hear about your flipped port. I know you were really looking forward to getting serious restriction. How frustrating! I'm sorry I couldn't give good answers to all of your questions when you called on your fill day. Let us know how you are doing. I am getting my second fill tomorrow & will ask Dr. H for more info about flipped ports. Hang in there.
  6. I was wondering what you were up to... hmm, sounds like mixed news. Yeah, at least you have an explanation, which is better than not knowing. Too bad the explanation SUCKS! Your one-day-at-a-time philosophy ("just for today, I have a band/tube/port"), combined with all the support you're getting and your own inner strength, will help see you through. We are all rooting for you. Glad Lopez seems to be cleaning up his act, too. PS: I know what you mean about the pie hole. I can eat platesful of pie, but a single bite of a hard-boiled egg chewed like mad gets stuck!
  7. Zoe

    weight as scapegoat

    It's true: if you're fat and female (and over 40), a lot of doctors will treat you like rubbish, as if you are destroying your own body and are unworthy of care. Sad but true. A lot of us have to put up a hell of a fight just to get adequate treatment, much less a cure, for health problems that may have nothing to do with our weight. Then we're treated as jokes, fat American weaklings who can't stop shoveling in the junk food. I like Sue's suggestion, Vinesqueen: If you can, get another medical opinion, even if you have to pay out of pocket. You deserve better treatment than you're receiving from your current doctor.
  8. Zoe

    Very important date!!

    Great news, Rachel! Congratulations! A surgery date makes getting a band seem much more real. And don't worry about the pre-op testing; for most of us, it's a breeze.
  9. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    Hey, Greg, I am definitely up for an Easter challenge, now that I've read the fine print. If we get a pass on malted milk eggs you can definitely include me! I'm finally getting another fill on Friday, after a month of procrastination, so maybe I'll be able to drop a few more lbs. before spring -- which hits around Memorial Day here, a couple of weeks before summer begins. Evil twin hijacks the thread: Alert, all malted milk fans: There's a killer recipe in Nigella Lawson's "Feast" cookbook with malted milk in the cake and buttercream frosting, with a ring of chocolate malted milk balls on top. Substitute pastel egg candies for something more festive. Evil twin dashes from the computer while Zoe beats her upside the head with a wooden spoon.
  10. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    I lost 1/2 lb. Does that count? I'm kinda surprised I lost anything at all. One of my brothers is living with me for a while. His version of the food pyramid includes only cheesecake, frozen waffles, and pizza, so my refrigerator is stuffed with all that junk. Today I'm making a fill appointment -- I can eat a lot without restriction, except for hard-boiled eggs and canned tuna! (Go figure.)
  11. Zoe

    Hoop Jumping

    Excellent news, Jonathan! January 31 is almost here; in another month you'll be a bandster moving into mushy foods. I'm sure there must be a Texas steakhouse near you somewhere that can rise to your carnivore challenge.
  12. Zoe

    Loss of muscle mass

    Nancy, some of that 23 pounds was probably Water, too. I'd be surprised if you lost that much muscle in such a short time. Both of my Lap-Band docs use the Tanita scale. I'd like to think that my high fat percentage can't accurately reflect my whole body -- that it's just because I have such fat feet! Nice try, huh? Well, we all have our delusions.
  13. Zoe


    Hi Courtney -- I'm right next to you. I had my surgery the day after you, and I've lost a little over 30 pounds -- but I'm not eating as well as you are (my holiday meals were naughty indeed). I know my habits aren't all they should be, but yours sound pretty good. You might ask your doctor (surgeon or GP) for recommendations. Before you get too frustrated with yourself, please read your own post again. "Only" 28 pounds lost? Good grief, that's amazing! Congratulations! How many people on conventional diets are able to say that after 20 weeks? And you're losing extra inches too. Some people lose a lot of weight in the first few months after banding, some of us just plug along, dropping an average of a pound or so every week, and some are a little slower. It's irritating to find yourself in one of the slower groups, but for some of us it's the best we can do. I don't mean to discourage you from scrupulously following the bandster rules (which I rarely do myself), but please don't beat yourself up for minor deviations.
  14. Zoe

    2005 Vegas Bash

    I will be glad to bring two queens with me! I don't think I'll be able to get to both Bandstock and the Vegas Bash, although having an event on a long weekend sure helps. DeLarla, even if I can't make it, I'll send more clothes if you hold an exchange. Hope my current stuff will be much too big for me by then! My one-year bandiversary is just before Labor Day.
  15. I dare ya! I double dare ya! Is there anyone who's roughly at the same place I am (70-100 lbs. to go, 1-6 months after banding, 35-55 yrs. old) who'll take up a challenge from me? Oh, hell, I'll challenge anybody! Weigh in on Nov. 22 (the 41st anniversary of the JFK assassination), check in again on Jan. 3 (first Monday of the new year). Only rule is: no fasting or other insane food deprivation. Or, if you want, we can have a straight exercise challenge on the honor system; you set the terms, whether it's miles, steps, minutes, etc. One-on-one, in the street, you vs. me. Come on, you competitive bandsters, just try to kick my ass! (Mind you, that's a big target.)
  16. Zoe

    Bra Shopping

    Wait a minute there, Marie. As a tall person, I must protest! It's a lot easier to roll up or hem sleeves that are too long than to stretch out sleeves that are too short. Call me a knuckle-dragger, but I'm always happy to find long-sleeved sweaters that are indeed long.
  17. Zoe

    Bra Shopping

    DeLarla, if you really want my used 42Bs, I'll send them! (Guess that shut her up.) And I'm delighted to hear that those pants are too big for you. I have a couple of 20Talls I can send, along with some shirts if you're interested. One of these years a bra manufacturer will figure out that just because a woman has a 40+ chest measurement she isn't necessarily carrying cantaloupes. We oranges, nectarines and apricots need support too! Raisins, you can do without.
  18. Zoe

    Bra Shopping

    I have simply gotta stop slipping into LBT at work -- I'm sitting here laughing in my office again on a day when everyone else is mopey and miserable. People are starting to ask what I'm spiking my water with. DeLarla, we must be exactly the same size, except I'm a little older and thus gravitationally impaired. Greg, when you fill out your JC Penney job application, maybe you can suggest the metronome method to your interviewer! Telling, not demonstrating, that is.
  19. Zoe

    hi all iam in bandland now

    Welcome to the ranks of Chicago-area bandsters! Congratulations on your big loss. How are you feeling, now that it's been a week since your surgery?
  20. Zoe

    Fill Prices

    DeLarla, Dr. Horgan usually charges $1000, but since he is Rumbaut's protege he offered me a discount after I presented a letter from Dr. R. Newbies, this is yet another reason it pays to ask your Mexican surgeon if he has any recommendations for US aftercare.
  21. Zoe

    Bra Shopping

    Paula, we really got into this topic on an old thread; see http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3728. I'm still wearing underwires, but I'm ready for a new style: big strips of duct tape under the boobs, with perpendicular strips running up over the gazongas and shoulders. Supportive without wires, plus you get that special silver glitter! Guys, I'm not sure we want this style adapted for your locker-room needs. That tape can be mighty sticky.
  22. Zoe

    Fill Prices

    I paid Dr. Horgan in Chicago $250 for my fill, which was under a fluoroscope. Dr. Rumbaut charges $100 (fills are free, that's just for the fluoro), but he's in Monterrey.
  23. Winter quarter just started last week, and my class runs through March 16 so I'm not sure I can join you. Don't count me out yet, though -- I may be able to get a last-minute flight with free miles if I get my assignments done early.
  24. Zoe

    First weigh in today....

    Congratulations, Angela! Does your screen name mean that you have three Labrador Retrievers? They are the best dogs!
  25. Zoe

    I Think I am Addicted to Sugar

    I'm a sugar lover too, and when PMS strikes I can hardly drag myself from chocolate. I usually deal with my sugar jones by giving into it; I just bought some low-fat fudgsicles that orthodox bandsters would shun, but hey, they get me through the week. The protein snack suggestions are all fine and sensible, Phyllis, so I probably shouldn't play the demon sitting on your shoulder urging Silhouettes bars -- but if all else fails, give them a try. Sugar-free fruit-flavored popsicles are another option, especially if you aren't a chocoholic.

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