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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Gunnar and Maggie are a cute couple! Here's a picture of my Sophie dressed up as a super-sized order of fries. I'm not sure this picture will show her off; it's hard to photograph black dogs. Now if only I could find that shot of her Carmen Mirandog costume, complete with pineapple headgear. . .
  2. LMAO -- Scotty, it sounds as if you've given serious thought to post-band social situations; you should do fine (as long as your friends don't do an intervention and send you to Cocaine Anonymous!). Congratulations on receiving your band.
  3. Happy birthday, Gunnar! He is adorable. I love the devil costume. I just got back from taking my Lab mix Sophie to the beach; she had a wonderful time rolling on the ice drifts (Lake Michigan in February) and frolicking with the other pups. Dogs are the best!
  4. Michelle, a cross-country move, how romantic! If the guy loves your three dogs, he must be a keeper. But will you let all four dogs get on your bed?
  5. Aww, come on. Maybe just a little teeny tiny fight? No? Well, there are a lot of angry women out here -- and a few men, too -- who are mad as hell and will be glad to do the fighting for you for a change. (I think if someone could harness the power lying dormant in years of anger in all of our fat cells, the US could stop worrying about dependence on foreign oil.) Kim is right: you are a big help and inspiration to a lot of us out here in bandland ether, so if you need support you can rely on us. Get some rest -- and here's hoping the wound looks better tomorrow.
  6. Aha! You're on. When's that Bandiversary, May something? Let the challenge begin -- just remember, I am starting with an advantage because I am still stoned on cough syrup and have lost my appetite... eat my dust! By the way, my current size 20s are too big, but I dragged out some size-20 Talbots pants from the 1980s and I can barely squeeze into them. More size inflation and funky brand sizing, I'm afraid.
  7. Zoe

    88 Pounds Gone For Good

    Congratulations on a great loss! Not to be trite, but you really do look like a different person in your "after" picture. Love the red hair. Does your screen name Iluvsammys refer to Samoyeds?
  8. Only three pieces, Estela? That's not much, certainly not enough to beat yourself up over. An entire five-pound box might be a different story. Don't think of chocolate as "cheating"; you're not dieting anymore, remember? Think of it as a little present to yourself -- not something you want to make a habit of, but OK as an occasional small indulgence. Meanwhile, you've lost 23 lbs. in just two months. Fantastic!
  9. And here's something to help do it: My size 11s headed toward Dr. Fisher's bony behind.
  10. I have been galumphing around the house for the last week, coughing, sneezing, and feeling sorry for myself, unable to work or finish grad school assignments (yet strangely able to log on to LBT). I decided I needed a pick-me-up a couple of minutes ago, so I looked at all three pages of before-and-after photos. You all are amazing! What an inspiration. I will take my next swig of cough syrup with a big smile on my face, thanks to everyone who posted pictures. I hope to post my own later this month -- but no bikini for me. Ever. Keep up the great losses!
  11. Hello Scotty -- Thanks for introducing yourself. You'll find a lot of supportive people here, including several in the UK. To tell or not to tell? My suggestion is to listen to your instinct. If your first impulse is to keep the surgery a secret from your mother, do. You don't need to spend these last days -- hours, really -- reassuring someone, when you're the one having an operation. A lot of us found it hard to sleep before being banded, due to varying combinations of worry and excitement. If there's any way to distract yourself from all things Lap Band before Friday, please write back and let us all know, will you? Seriously, the nervousness you feel is totally normal. I remember tossing and turning, imagining what would happen one day, one month, four months after the surgery. Those calendar pages turned without any help from me, and maybe you can find some comfort in reminding yourself that certain milestones are coming . . . Easter, say, or the latest Royal Wedding. >Will I be able to lift things - not weights or anything, but say pick up my shoes, put on socks, empty my suitcase?< That's different for each of us. Some people have already written to say they were up and about, functioning normally. I had a lot of trouble. Socks were out of the question. I suggest wearing clogs or loafers -- easy slip-on shoes -- to the hospital & for several days after. (Of course I was banded in Mexico in August, not London in February.) Ask your surgeon about lifting. I was told to avoid lifting anything, and for the first week I didn't even want to try. Since Mr. Antarctica is out of the picture, is there anyone else you might feel comfortable asking for help for a few days after you get back from hospital? I mention this only because small things can become very frustrating if you're uncomfortable, and it's a great comfort to be able to rely on someone you trust. Other concrete suggestions: If you have a dog, try to make arrangements for someone to walk him/her for a week or so after your return. Do as much shopping as you can before your surgery. Don't be an idiot (like me) and go back to work before you are ready; I thought I was proving how tough I was, but in retrospect I think I was mad. Keep a lot of books and videos on hand; I preferred videos because the pain meds made it hard for me to concentrate on reading. And think about telling some of those thin gorgeous friends what you're going through, either before Friday or after you get home. You may be surprised at how willing they are to help and to listen. Good luck!
  12. Gail started a great thread last year called "My Secret Lapband"; because of the revived interest in the topic on this thread, I've bumped it. You can read a range of experiences from totally open to virtually secret: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=50136&posted=1#post50136
  13. Zoe

    Goal Rewards

    A brand new wardrobe and custom-made shoes! (I have big, funky feet like bear paws, and losing weight isn't making them much better.) That's if I lose 100 lbs. -- and have made progress on paying for the band surgery. If a miracle occurs and I actually get below 150, I promised a friend I would bleach my salt & pepper hair to platinum. I'm afraid I'll look like a tired old hooker, but what the hell!
  14. Zoe

    Fears about the long term....

    Sharon, I like Alex's comment about the band being an implant. It certainly is, and for most of us it's a completely benign one. I hope that Inamed (band manufacturer) and/or an independent medical research facility starts to research the long-term effects of banding. Meanwhile, you're wise to learn as much as you can about your options. That said, please don't let your insurance company dictate your medical care. If your choice and your insurer's choice happen to match, great. But if, say, the insurer will cover only RNY and you don't think that surgery is right for you, try to find another way to get the treatment you seek. Lots of people here have successfully appealed insurance companies' decisions. Some of us threw up our hands and paid for the band ourselves, often going to Europe or Mexico. Our common ground is our refusal to accept the health-care bureaucracy's initial assessment of us. Good luck, and let us know what you decide.
  15. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    I remember the junk food junkie song, all right! How about Steve Goodman's old number, "Chicken Cordon Bleus"? I've got the lyrics around here somewhere. . . Don't worry, DeLarla, the 230s will welcome you back soon. Just heal up.
  16. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    Everybody's doing so well. I echo congratulations to all losers! Where is that old thread where we added up everyone's lost pounds? With the big losers on this thread, not to mention all the inspiring members of the century and century-and-a-half club, we must have shed over a ton. I lost four pounds last week, but I can't credit myself for good behavior; I've been coughing and sneezing for the last few days and just lost my appetite. I actually had to remind myself to eat, so I wouldn't get so stoned on Robitussin! And I haven't been able to walk much since last week. Still, I'll take the four-pound loss as a positive souvenir of the flu.
  17. Zoe

    I hate fat people!!!

    Tony, thanks for starting this thread. The provocative title certainly got our attention! I second what Nancy (Claraluz) said. Honest self-reflection is invaluable. This attitude should serve you well if you decide to get banded. Count me as another fat bandster who's suddenly judging other obese people. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into the Church Lady character from the old Saturday Night Live -- you know, the one with the "Superior Dance." I've always hated this trait in other people, and now it's coming forth in me, big time (no pun intended), whether I'm eyeballing the huge portions co-workers serve themselves at a company potluck, watching someone at a restaurant table near mine wolf down a meal in record time, or sniffing as a morbidly obese person without special plates pulls into a handicapped parking space to avoid walking a few extra feet. I don't remember being so judgmental when I was at my heaviest. My parents once had the pleasure of meeting Joan Crawford in the 1960s. The story is now family legend: she asked my father for a cigarette; he told her that he had quit. Her reply: "Nothing worse than a reformed whore." Maybe this applies to reformed (i.e., banded) fat people too. Of course, Tony, you're not reformed yet! I can't indulge in pop psychologizing about our hatred of, discomfort with, or contempt for, other fat people. We've all heard about projection, etc.; I'll leave that to the professionals. Meanwhile, thank you Tony for addressing an uncomfortable subject.
  18. Congratulations, Mercy! You might get a welcome burst of energy in the next few days; a lot of us get that bonus about 5-10 days after banding. Rest up; please check the food forum if you need suggestions on liquids.
  19. Marie asks excellent questions. Please don't go to Mexico for surgery unless and until you have your after-care arranged. You might think that if you live in a large city it will be easy to find an experienced band doctor, but many American MDs won't take on patients banded outside the US. Talk to your surgeon of choice to find out if he has arrangements with an American colleague in your area for fills, follow-up care, and emergencies. By the way, Tammy, your primary doc sounds like a jerk. Who is he to lecture you on "discipline"?
  20. Zoe

    Scheduled for Surgery in 4 days

    Navymom, does your surgeon or medical facility offer a support group for bandsters? If not, there may be one in your home town. Meanwhile, don't hesitate to ask your doctor if you have any questions about eating, exercise, or anything else. You (or your insurance company) are paying good money for that band, and you deserve answers!
  21. Zoe

    the liquid diet.....

    Canadian, what has your doctor advised regarding a liquid diet? Some of us didn't have to change our diet at all before surgery, only after. Patients with high BMIs -- say, over 50 -- may have to go on liquids for a couple of weeks before banding; I understand this is to help reduce the size of the liver to make the operation easier for both surgeon and patient. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) Personally, I wouldn't start a liquid diet any sooner than I had to. Check with your doctor.
  22. Zoe


    That's wonderful! Come on, Belinda, let's see your before and after photos.
  23. Betty, not only is your figure showing, your attitude is too! You look at least 10 years younger in the recent picture. Congratulations!
  24. Zoe

    Surgery Date

    Congratulations, Caramel! That's just a few weeks away. You'll be in Bandland before you know it.
  25. Zoe

    -150 Century and a Half Club

    Brenda, you're going to be a member of the Century and a Half Club very soon yourself. Congratulations to both of you for your amazing achievements. I'd post 150 dancing bananas, but I don't want to take up any more space -- consider this a salute, though!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
