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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    Rachel, do you have a picture of your Newfie/Lab? And does he/she love the water? I adore big dogs -- the goofier, the better.
  2. I don't know why I wore such an unflattering shirt for my six-month bandiversary photo today; I've lost more weight in my midsection than you'd think, to judge from this picture -- but what the hell, here I am half a year after banding.
  3. Zoe


    June 25 -- I'm marking my calendar! Can't wait to meet everyone!
  4. Zoe

    OMG An old pic of me!!!!

    Love the picture! Thanks for the laugh. I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but one of the side effects of weight loss means I can barely hold a juice box between 'em these days, and by September I'm afraid I'll be lucky to hang onto a straw.
  5. Zoe

    On my way

    Congratulations, Cutz! I think the port incision bruising is normal. Mine looked pretty nasty for a couple of weeks, but it will get better.
  6. Zoe

    Why are YOU Fat?

    I love this thread! All of you who have posted have great courage. I am taking a deep breath and trying to follow your example, although I'm really a big coward. Why am I fat? I guess the easy answer is that I ate too much. I was a fat kid. When I look at old pictures of myself, I see that I was really just pudgy, but my relatives made me feel like a hippo. I weighed 165 lbs. when I was 13 and was considered a fat freak; now I can't wait to weigh 165 again. I love food, especially sweets and other carbs. Once I reached adulthood I almost always felt hungry, no matter how much I ate, and like DeLarla I agree that a half-gallon of ice cream equals two servings (if you can't get it all down in one sitting, that is). I was self-conscious about how much and how fast I ate, and like Ryan I was aware that I wasn't thinking or feeling anything while I was shoveling away the food. I am a lifelong depressive, medicated for years now. I reached my lowest adult weight (170) while in the depths of a paralyzing funk; compulsive exercising was the only thing that kept me from going over the edge. When I finally sought help for that last depressive episode, I was put on drugs, and sure enough my appetite, or perhaps simply lack of control, returned, and with it all the pounds I had lost. I decided -- correctly, I still think -- that it was better to be fat and sane than fit and crazy, so I just gave into my compulsive overeating. The pills really did bring back my appetite, but I also used them as an excuse for giving up control to food. Before banding, I could eat a whole cheesecake in one go -- and I make a great cheesecake, believe me. I would stand there disgusted with myself having devoured half the plate, thinking I was a hopeless loser, but I still felt hungry and figured what the hell, what's the difference between half a cheesecake and a whole one? The band has messed with my mind. Six months after my surgery I haven't come to terms with all the changes, the biggest one being that for once in my life I don't feel hungry. I throw food away. I leave leftovers on the plate. I don't go back for seconds, not because I'm imposing discipline on my appetite but because I just don't want any more. Who is this person? Yes, I still eat Desserts, but maybe once or twice a week and only if I'm really craving something and haven't had much to eat that day. (I used to think dessert was part of every meal, every day -- including Breakfast.) Actually I wonder if I've turned some of my food obsession over to this board; I have to look at posts every day, this from someone who used to check her home e-mail about twice a month. I used to be sure I knew what made me fat, but the band is making me rethink all my prior beliefs about my own mind and body.
  7. Zoe

    Sabotaging all the good work

    I love reading the thoughful posts on this thread. (Surprised at what you started, eh, Audrey?) Tomorrow is my six-month bandiversary, and you've given me additional cause for reflection.
  8. Zoe

    How much weight have you lost?

    Hey, let's chill out ... I don't think anyone meant to do any harm by starting the new thread or pointing out how close we were getting to a 4000-lb. total, or for that matter by criticizing the idea of hitting a certain number. I thought we were just trying to see how much the LBT gang has lost so far. Everyone who's joined the thread has posted helpful and supportive comments elsewhere, and I hope we can stay in that spirit. Congratulations to everyone on their losses!
  9. Zoe

    It Snowed!!!!

    I love it, Donali! Thanks for your post.
  10. Zoe

    It Snowed!!!!

    Thanks for posting the pictures, Bright. I like snow too -- good thing, since I live in Chicago -- and will gladly take a cold sunny day with snow on the ground over a gray rainy one. Remind your husband that Minnesota has had a mild winter this year. . . maybe you should greet him with a snowball when he arrives home from the US!
  11. Ah, yes, insulting compliments. Here are two that have become cliché; I bet lots of you have heard these from someone: 1. You look like a different person. 2. You look so good, I didn't recognize you. Gee, thanks!
  12. Cute picture, Vines! And I love the O.W. quotation.
  13. Zoe

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    Nancy, Sophie thanks you for the extra belly rub and gives you a big slobbery doggy kiss with peanut butter breath. Hope you feel better as the days pass.
  14. Janie, the Great Dane in your after picture really gives a clear idea of the scale of your loss. Congratulations!
  15. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    Hey Greg, do you have to be a cop to enter that donut eating contest? Because the smart money would be on me. Tell your doctor to move to a lower floor so you can get in on the fun.
  16. Zoe

    Whippledaddy, Ryan... Where are You???

    I'm glad you checked in with us, Ryan. I hope Patty recovers soon, and that meanwhile you can find someone to help with her care so that you can take a breather. She might be your top priority right now, but please don't neglect yourself. We're all thinking of you both and hoping for the best.
  17. Zoe

    I am in tears now!!!

    What an inspiration! I'm going to lie down for a minute and think about getting a trainer myself.
  18. Zoe

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    I'm crying for you, Nancy, and my heart goes out to everyone who has lost a dog. After I put my beloved Labrador, Lola, to sleep five years ago, my mother gave me a copy of the Rainbow Bridge (below), which still makes me weep every time. It may give you comfort. Warning, sentimental dog lovers do not read on unless you are prepared to cry. "When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge, just this side of Heaven. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, Water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill or old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; his eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling to each other in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together........" Author Unknown
  19. Zoe

    2005 Vegas Bash

    If there's any way I can be there, I will. Maybe I can work in a Grand Canyon Colorado River trip if my butt is small enough to fit in a kayak by then!
  20. Great idea, Vines! Bring back the WCTU! Those Mormon Elders wouldn't be too pleased with my bandster cuisine anyway.
  21. Zoe

    How much weight have you lost?

    Sorry I'm late to this thread -- couldn't resist jumping on that big scale: Betty 54 Paula 43 Kelly 65 Becky 77 Carol 102 Alex 110 Nana 49 Rich 20 Larae 22 Maureen 73 Marie 56 Wyld Blu 73 Penni 54 Vera 60 Darcy 59 Kelly 39 michelle 135 mary 65.4 greg 77 Sharon 35 Tricia 60 Darcey 23 cindy 88 Melissa 39 Michelle 80 Jonathan 27 Lisa 70 Lauren 23 Babs in TX 150 Bright 82 Jamie 5 Megan 60 Katie 29 Bobby H. 46 Estela 23 Angela 37.5 Terri 43 Teresa 86 Kristie 187 Pat 26.5 Carmen 98 Rica 60 Deniseg 35 Sue 101 Nancy 71 Nancy Smiles 67 PamRN Teresa 100 samy 22 Zoe 50 --------------- total 3097.4
  22. For over ten years I've taken medication that requires me to stay away from all alcohol. Now, with the band, I have yet another reason not to drink. Most of my co-workers think I'm a recovering alcoholic, and I haven't told them otherwise. I decline all drinks and they exchange knowing looks! Now that I'm banded I don't even drink diet ginger ale anymore, and I am allergic to caffeine (have not had a cup of coffee or a cola in over 20 years). When people ask me about my abstemious ways I have started to tell them that I'm a Mormon. If you want to silence a conversation (in Chicago, anyway), it works every time. Bandsters tired of answering questions about eating and drinking, take note. I should mention that other than my drinking habits I am not a good advertisement for that particular faith!
  23. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    Don't hate me -- I lost three pounds last week, no thanks to good behavior. The flu robbed me of my appetite. I actually ate a Krispy Kreme donut on Wednesday because I was afraid my calorie count was getting way too low! Well, now I'm feeling a lot better and ready to eat again. I see a plateau in my future -- sigh.
  24. Hi Tmarie -- I think most of us here can relate to your fear of failure. We're all veteran dieters, and veterans too of all the frustration that comes with losing then gaining weight. So there's no need to feel silly around here. I bet your brain has already given you a signal or two about your body. Do your clothes fit a little differently than three months ago? Is your face thinner? Has anyone told you that you look slimmer? I thought so. But you just can't believe it's really happening. Ask yourself what you were expecting when you got your band. For a lot of us, the band was a final desperate attempt to get control of our bodies after long histories of disappointment. A voice inside us kept saying, "Look, this really works. And you can do it." So we did whatever it took -- challenges to our insurance companies, booking a flight to Mexico, convincing a husband, wife, or partner that we needed the surgery, not to mention ourselves. We have invested a lot of hope in a little piece of silicone. You are not alone. How about jumping on the scale Monday just for the hell of it? At least then you will have some information about yourself: just a number, but one way to tell what your progress has been so far. Give yourself some time for the number to sink in. And whether it's higher, lower, or about the same as you expected, you'll have one tiny fact to help convince your brain that something is happening. Good luck -- let us know how you are doing.
  25. Good luck, Sammee! We have a few Aussies hanging around on this board from all over the country. Let us know how your surgery goes -- we're all cheering for you!

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