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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    I agree with Jonathan. Banded or not, Christina, you're part of the LBT community (as is anyone else reading here), and we'd be glad to have you in the challenge if you're interested. If you'd prefer not to join in, we'll happily accept your support from the sidelines. We're all in this together, from old pros to newbies to those of us somewhere in between.
  2. Zoe

    No personal attacks

    Lots of thoughtful comments on this page. I just want to take a moment to send a great big THANK YOU to all our moderators, who give a lot of themselves -- time, heart, and no doubt tears -- when they could all be doing something else. They've taken a lot of heat from many directions. It's clear to me that they're trying their best to make LBT a place where people can *safely* disagree with each other. Thank you, ladies. You are the best! I'm signing off now, because I've said enough on this thread.
  3. Zoe

    No personal attacks

    Oh dear. I don't know much about what moderators can and cannot do (from a technical perspective), but I think that if someone deletes his or her own posts they should stay deleted -- kind of like tearing up a letter. I do not want to start a feud! But I think the principles Alexandra set out in her initial post here make sense. Let's try to be civil. And if one of us writes a post, then thinks better of it and deletes it for whatever reason, let's respect the writer's decision.
  4. Zoe

    Anyone else snowbound?

    We got a mere two inches here in Chicago, but it's 20 degrees with a wind chill factor of +4. I think y'all on the east coast are getting our snow this year. We had a couple of big storms in January, but not much in the last four weeks. At least the dog loves winter; I took her for a long, cold walk along Lake Michigan last weekend and she ran off with her new boyfriend, an unneutered Siberian Husky, to romp over the remaining ice floes on the shore. Violins should have been playing in the background. I tried to enjoy the big snow while it lasted, but now it's March 1 and I am ready for spring!
  5. Zoe

    No personal attacks

    Amen. Thank you for your sensible policy. I think the moderators are wise not to censor posts but to remind us to keep things civil.
  6. Zoe

    Last Supper...

    You betcha -- August was one big "bon voyage to food" party, as if I'd never see lasagna again. I ate barbecued ribs the night before I was banded. Just before my surgery I wrote a post similar to yours and lots of people assured me that they had done the same thing. You're not alone! Just remember, once you get past the initial liquid and mushy phases after you get your band, you'll still be able to eat most foods. By the way, do you have a Corgi dog? They are cool little guys!
  7. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Cool web site, Jonathan! Thanks so much for your work on the challenge stats. Sounds like we'll check in every Monday. I look forward to meeting you in *99 land soon!
  8. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    I confused Tanita and Makita the first time I read this, and pictured Darcy throwing a chainsaw! Then I remembered my doc's Tanita scale and laughed. D, tell your husband to duck.
  9. Zoe

    The TRUTH about your DL...

    Nicole, thanks for starting this fun thread. You're probably having surgery as I write this. . . good luck, and let us know how you're feeling. Welcome to Bandland!
  10. Zoe

    Diary of a madman cont'd

    Hi Bobby -- Glad to hear you're back on track and feeling better. There's a new May 22/June 1 weight loss challenge; join us! You'll probably kick our butts with your exercising and new fill. Paula's new weight-loss challenge thread is on http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=54729#post54729
  11. Zoe

    Mind-bending NSV!!!

    That is so cool, Alex! Thanks for sharing this great story.
  12. Zoe

    weekly scale challenge

    Greg, Darcy, Betty -- You have all done incredibly well with your bands! Look at your overall stats. Wow! You're all headed in the right direction and are inspirations to new bandsters. Those plateaus will end soon and you'll be back to your losing ways.
  13. Thank you, thank you! Yes, Darcy, I have great big bones (my pelvis is the size of a mastadon's) and I want them to show, just 'cause I haven't ever really seen them and I'm kinda curious about what's under all these layers! My fill doc thinks I might be able to get under 150 but I don't think that's realistic for my frame; besides, I'm in my late 40s and if I get thin (not just thinner) my wrinkles will show more. If you are going to Bandstock by way of Milwaukee/Chicago/Indiana, maybe we can caravan!
  14. Zoe

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    Dodge sounds wonderful, the kind of dog my Sophie would like to wrestle! She's a Black Labrador/mystery papa mix; there's a (not very good) picture of her on page 1 of this thread. Her vets and trainers think the other half could be anything from Dalmatian to Border Collie to English Pointer to Pit Bull to all of the above. Nancy, how are you feeling this week?
  15. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Mondays sound good to me. I'm up a pound to 212, but I refuse to change my signature. I think it's just monthly Water weight. . . couldn't possibly have anything to do with that handful of M&Ms I had last night! Jonathan, there's no need to "handicap" your participation just 'cause you have a Y chromosome. One-for-one should work. I'll race you: Can you get to 299 before I get to 199? (Undoubtedly you can.) I don't want to offend anyone who might perceive this side bet as pressure to lose weight -- just want to add a little spice to the challenge!
  16. Zoe

    Any Smoothie Ideas???

    Jamie, there are a lot of mushy food suggestions in the "Food" forum. As for smoothies, lots of times I'd just buy either light drinkable yogurt (Fruition and Stonyfield Farm are good) or get Odwalla juice blends. Here's what I make at home: In blender: mix 1 banana, about 1 cup fruit juice (orange or whatever), and a handful of unsweetened frozen raspberries. Toss in some Protein powder if you want. Crank until blended. This is not a low-calorie food, but it's a good way to get a lot of Vitamins while you're in the liquid and mushy phases.
  17. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    A bathing suit thread? Are you thinking pictures? You won't catch me photographed in one, unless I could wear one of those Edwardian numbers with sleeves and a pouffy skirt that hits below the knees! Hey, they were considered sexy 100 years ago.
  18. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    I'm in! A 12-lb. loss will put me at 199 for the first time in years. I'd like to get there before June 1, but I've finally learned not to rush myself. I would, however, like to wear shorts before Labor Day -- without having my flabby knees touch each other, that is. Maybe when June rolls around I'll start a shorts challenge -- Bermudas, that is, not hot pants!
  19. Zoe

    Facing up to the situation

    I'm glad I read this thread. Thanks to PMS I've had way too much restriction the last couple of days, and even liquid yogurt was getting stuck in my band. I've been happy with my recent weight loss and feeling of fullness, but this reflux has got to stop. If I still feel like this after my monthly buddy passes through town, I'll get a slight unfill.
  20. Wade, it sounds as if you are starting a journey that goes way beyond being banded. Getting your body in better shape is just part of your recreation of yourself. You've taken big steps already; one of the biggest is finally realizing that you don't like what you have been doing for 10+ hours a day. Lots of people are miserable at work and never really come to terms with it. I hope your counselor can help guide you to exploring occupations that may be more satisfying to you. Need2do, how are you doing now that you've been banded for a couple of weeks?
  21. Zoe

    How much weight have you lost?

    My PT Cruiser (Chrysler) weighs 3300 lbs., so I would guess a typical American SUV would be about 4000. I think of it as 100 giant dog food bags @ 40 lbs. each!
  22. Penni, Becky, Jamie, thanks for your kind comments. The most recent picture of me was taken by my friend who told me a couple months ago, in stunned disbelief at my 30-lb. loss then, "You look like a normal person." Yesterday she announced, "You have a bone structure." And here I thought I was held together by gigantic fat molecules! One thing about brutally frank people -- when they actually pay you a compliment, you know they're sincere. Jamie, you'll have your own "during" picture in no time. All three of you are already gorgeous. I can't wait to see what all of us look like by the end of the year!
  23. Zoe

    This is a hard and sad day for me

    Betty, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling blue. I hope your wonderful memories of your father will see you through the sadness.
  24. Zoe

    The TRUTH about your DL...

    My driver's license and passport photos are two of the best pictures taken of me! (I usually close my eyes and show my ugly teeth in candid photos.) Illinois unfortunately prints weight on the DL. Mine says 172. I weighed that for about three weeks during the first Clinton administration. . . it was a lie when I filled out the application, and at one time it was 101 lbs. off! I have to renew my license in early April, and I think I'll stick with 172, a mere 39 lbs. less than my current weight, but heavier than I hope to be by Dec. 31. At least my height is accurate!
  25. Zoe


    Ryan, I will miss your wonderful posts, but I understand your decision to leave if you don't feel comfortable here. Tempers flared and what probably should have been a private dispute was made public. But the people involved -- who are usually positive and supportive -- have since apologized, and I believe they are sincere, truly wishing to put the fight behind them. Please reconsider; maybe check out LBT in a few weeks after this issue is long dead. Meanwhile, know that you will be missed! I wish you well on your Lap-Band journey and hope Patty has a fast recovery.

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