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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Eve, believe me when I say that just about all of us here have failed, if that's even the right word, at just about every diet on the planet. Oh, sure, we lost weight for a while, but then put it back on -- and then some. I think that's why we sought a radical alternative. Take a look at the before and after photos. Behind each of us, there's a history of other weightloss attempts. Some of us (well, me anyway) are not at our goal weight yet, but we're making it, thanks to the band. If you're having serious second thoughts, no problem; the band isn't for everyone. But it is a great tool for a lot of us who never thought we could really lose weight and keep it off. Good luck!
  2. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Darcy, hope you're OK. You are doing so well with your weight loss.
  3. He does have a great reputation, and lots of people here have been banded by him. He was very careful with my first fill, for which I'm grateful. And his associate Dr. Baptista was good, too. No complaints here.
  4. Hi Eve -- Someone started an interesting thread here a couple of months ago called "Would you do it again?" Try looking in the archives around Oct. - Nov. 2004. Most of us said "Yes, in a heartbeat!" There were a few dissenters, too. You're doing the right thing by getting more information.
  5. Zoe

    Where's your port?

    I'm one of the hippies -- the port's near my left hipbone. I never feel it 'cause I'm still well-padded there.
  6. Zoe

    i get my band tommorow!

    Hi Canadian -- I'm with Kelly, I couldn't sleep for a couple of days before the surgery, I was so excited. The anesthesia was a big relief! I hope you can distract yourself, but don't worry if your brain keeps returning to the band; that's normal. Just think, tomorrow you'll be a bandster! Congratulations and good luck.
  7. Zoe

    East Coast Bandster Bash???

    I will come if I can; classes start the following Monday. I love NYC, especially Greenwich Village, Little Italy, and any live theater I can find (no Andrew Lloyd Weber, thanks). New Jersey sounds like a reasonable alternative. Anyone keen to stay in Manhattan would still be free to do so, but the rest of us could save a few bucks in NJ.
  8. Zoe

    Moderator and Privacy Issues on LBT

    Donali's suggestion sounds good to me. And I still think that anyone should be allowed to delete his/her own posts without interference. Alex B., thank you so much for starting and maintaining this site. You have created a lifeline for a lot of people. Sorry it's been such a pain lately. And thanks to all moderators for performing a truly thankless job; I wouldn't want your responsibility.
  9. I don't know; contact your insurer for details. Good luck.
  10. Zoe

    the best 5 lbs I ever gained

    Congratulations on the new arrival -- and on your impressive weight loss. Thanks for sharing the beautiful picture.
  11. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Paula, please tell all of us what toothpaste you're using!
  12. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Congratulations to all you losers -- especially Ladiebird, that seven lb. loss is amazing! Penni, you probably put on lots of muscle at the marathon & training for it; your scale is not showing your hard work yet. Kim, maybe you're on a cyclical weight gain. Me, I'm at 208 this morning. That's down four from last week. But I can't take credit for a four-pound loss, because my body inflated my weight last Monday with monthly bloat. Add in my stats from two weeks ago, before the challenge, and you get a more realistic picture: 2/21: 211 lbs. 2/28: 212 3/7: 208 So really I've lost three pounds in two weeks! Still, I'll take it.
  13. Zoe

    need encouragement

    Just try not to drool on the windshield. The backsplash could impair your driving!
  14. Norma and Dorothy, you're going through the hardest part of banding right now. Like all of us, you're expecting to lose weight with the band. You've had to change your eating habits (liquids, mushies) during the healing phases -- but you don't have any restriction yet, so it's as if you're being forced to keep a liquid diet without any support. Hang in there. Things should get better after you have a fill, which will tighten your band and help you feel less hungry. No doubt about it, between the incision pain, bruising, and hunger (which kicks in for some people right after surgery, for others, later if ever), the first weeks after banding are not easy. But -- to get back to Rachel's original post -- I think most of us here who have gotten past those rough weeks definitely believe it's worth it.
  15. Going even further off-topic on crime fiction: PD James rules!! Don't forget our own (US) Dennis Lehane. OK, back to cramps -- I still have some paracetemol left over from my band surgery (didn't realize it was acetominaphen) that works for moderate cramps but, alas, the only thing that works for me when things get really nasty is narcotics. Yes, Rush Limbaugh stuff. Vicodin, to start. Luckily this only strikes a couple of times a year... painkillers make me sleepy, groggy, and stupid. Well, more so than usual.
  16. Zoe

    What I Concluded

    Hi Kathy -- I missed this thread when you first posted a few weeks ago. I think you have a great attitude that will see you through the entire banding process. April 8 is just a month away. Congratulations to you for taking your health and body into your own hands. Maybe you can get your primary care doc to pay you for LapBand instruction!
  17. Zoe

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    I am a total potty mouth and I have to watch myself around my nieces and nephew. About the only successful conversion I'm managed is to say "effing" instead of. . . Well, yet another reason I'm glad I'm not in SE Idaho.
  18. Zoe

    Confession Time - Very long

    Denise, I bet I speak for a lot of people here when I say that if I had experienced what you've been going through and had little or no restriction from my band, not only would I not have lost weight, I'd have gained big time. Your last fill was two weeks ago? Did the doc use a fluoroscope so he could view the restriction from your band? If you can comfortably eat more than half a cup of solid food (as opposed to ice cream or even mashed potatoes) at a time, you probably don't have enough restriction to make a big difference in your feeling of fullness. I'll shut up about the medical stuff now -- I'm not a doctor, and don't even play one on TV. Just remember, you can always come here and vent.
  19. Zoe

    need encouragement

    What a brilliant idea -- take the motorcycle to work! Excellent solution. You have made it through the first two days (those few puffs of the icky old cigarette don't really count) and YOU ARE DOING IT. Congratulations.
  20. Zoe

    Frustrated & Scared

    Brava, Scotty! Sounds as if you're doing much better, and what a great attitude you have. I'm a Delia fan too, although I admit I've converted to Nigella, whose "Feast" cookbook has some fabulous recipes. She has such a big following over here that the publisher produced an edition with all the measurements in cups and tablespoons instead of the dreaded kilos. Chocolate gingerbread -- yum. Oops, sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned that...
  21. Zoe

    hoarding clothes

    I felt panic giving away clothes during previous diet frenzies, and it turned out to be justified. But this time I'm even getting rid of some of my old favorites. I sent some stuff for a bandster clothing exchange in Vegas last fall, where lots of women donated clothes and everyone who attended could go on a free shopping spree. I think that was a great idea. Like Becky, I'm sending clothes to a couple of people from this site, and I'm saving a few things a shorter friend of mine from out of town admired a while back -- luckily she's handy with a needle so she won't have trouble hemming the giant sleeves. Terri, I admit the BBQ sounds like fun, but you might find a fellow bandster moving through your previous size who could use some of your clothes. Someone about your height who's 20-40 lbs. heavier would probably be grateful -- and she can pass the stuff along to someone else as she shrinks. A big LBT hand-me-down chain! Also lots of homeless shelters and other charities are delighted to get stuff in larger sizes. Vines, I think the hoarding impulse is a natural one. I bet everyone here can relate to your fear of gaining the weight back. But look at all the success stories. Look at your own incredible motivation. If you're really getting freaked out (and believe me, I am speaking from experience here), get a bunch of cheap airtight plastic bins -- Target or WalMart has 'em -- and store your "fat clothes" there. If you don't have room in your house or apt. building, maybe you can store them in a friend's basement. Then after you get your band and time passes, you can see how you feel.
  22. Zoe

    Wow! Must be fate.......

    Wow, Laura, that's great news! I admit I read your post because I love your screen name. I'm 47, and I think the 40s are way underrated. I am much happier than I was when I was younger. Just think, you'll have your band to see you through the decade (and beyond). My hardest birthday so far was 39. For 364 days all I did was brood and whine: "Oh my God, I'm going to be 40 next year! What have I done with my life?" Well, the big day came and went -- and I didn't feel older, just relieved! BestMe, you might feel better too after your birthday is over. Make it a big celebration! (I had a "F* it, I'm 40" party.) A friend of mine just told me that 50 is the new 30. I don't know if that makes 40 the new 20 . . .
  23. Zoe

    NSV...My band just cost $10 less

    Hey B&T, happy birthday and congratulations! I agree with Trish -- put that 10 bucks toward new pants. I recommend Old Navy; my brother gets jeans & cords for $7 there and I got a pair last week for $3.97. Good luck with your doctor's visit on the 15th; I bet you'll have lost a lot of lbs.
  24. Zoe

    Packing for Belgium

    Before you arrive, e-mail your surgeon's office to find out if you can have some of that delicious dark Belgian chocolate the day before your surgery! Just wondering: will the nurses speak English? French? Flemish? All of the above? Great idea, combining your banding with a vacation.
  25. Aww, now I'm blushing and I'm going to cry. . . before the computer screen turns into a blur, I looked at everyone's weight-loss stats just in this thread. You are amazing! Pati, you may not have to trick yourself; even if you don't hit that perfect "sweet spot" with the first fill, you'll still notice a difference from no fill at all. And Karen, look at that -- 30 lbs. in three months. Way to go! Marie, you are very kind. Looks like you have your one-year anniversary the same day as my nine-month one. I love that you changed your screen name to reflect your attitude! Thanks for writing.

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