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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    G'day from Australia

    Maybe we can have a US-Australia tour. We Yanks can show you Aussies a good time in the US (anyone based in LA or SF? that's where the incoming flights land) and then we'll go to Oz! I just have to warn you not to come to Chicago during our winter, unless you want to experience snow and bone-numbing cold. In my previous life I dated a Kiwi who couldn't handle Chicago even in late March... but I'm sure you gals are made of tougher stuff!
  2. Zoe

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    Wonderful news, Penni! I hope your mom continues to get better.
  3. Zoe

    My DH is T-Bone.

    Wow, Crystal, your husband has lost enough weight to make a new person. That's beyond impressive -- it's effing amazing. And with the personal trainer, it sounds as if he's ready to lose even more. I think it's great that he's reclaiming his body and his life. And you're a strong woman for sticking with him through what must have been an extraordinarily difficult time as he crept up to 600 lbs. Now you have the pleasure of shrinking along with him!
  4. (this thread started in "My Secret Lapband") A lot of my Anglo friends hear "Mexico surgery" and picture a Pancho Villa imitator swigging a bottle of tequila, strapping patients to the back of a donkey, and wielding a rusty machete -- before taking a siesta in the shade of a giant cactus while a rogue Chihuahua lifts his leg. And if I happen to mention that the operation was less expensive than at a US hospital . . . well, let's just say it doesn't help. I have nothing but praise for my Mexican surgeon, his staff, and the hospital where I received my band. Most people who make derogatory comments about Mexico haven't been there, and certainly haven't experienced the health-care system. They're probably well-meaning, just worried -- and uninformed. If Mexican president Vicente Fox discovers that US bandsters could become public relations spokespeople for Mexican health care, we'll probably see charter planes flying to surgical centers.
  5. Zoe

    My baby's heart.

    This is great news for you, your son, and the rest of your family. Thanks for letting us know!
  6. Congratulations, Isa, and welcome back! You have a great jump on your weight loss. The roach would have freaked me out, too! BTW, I stayed at the Hampton Inn in Monterrey last August and didn't see a single bug.
  7. Zoe

    Mexico misconceptions

    Bumping for newbies
  8. Zoe

    Insurance Appeals

    This is a great suggestion, DeLarla. I'm going to follow up with my insurance company to see if there's any chance of getting at least some of the surgery paid for.
  9. Kyleigh, I have a box of summer clothes in my office today, ready to send to you at the address you sent me several weeks ago. Please PM me with your last name (or the full name of the person I should send it to). Thanks.
  10. Zoe

    Hail damage on the booty

    I am the cheese factory. I still want to lose another 40 lbs. or so, and I'm not sure I'll ever lose the cellulite. Yes, there's less of it, but in some ways I feel the cellulite is even more noticeable now that there's less of me supporting it. I've given up comparing myself to retouched photos of models half my size (and half my age)... no thongs for me, except the footwear!
  11. Zoe

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    Penni, I hope your mother is going to be OK. I'm certain she's glad you are so close by. I imagine it's hard to have to apply your professional knowledge to someone you love.
  12. Zoe

    Exercise log book

    My sole exercise is walking the dog. This works for me because (1) the dog has to go anyway; (2) it's something I do everyday; (3) no special equipment or gym memberships needed; (4) it's easy to build up speed and distance; (5) the dog likes it; (6) I like it too. The dog would be losing weight if I weren't giving her my leftovers!
  13. Zoe

    American Pie-sing along!

    Funny! I can hear Don McLean singing . . .
  14. This dude has been a total rat to you and to his wife (and kids). I'm sorry you had to get hurt after the initial elation and thrill of new love. The good thing is, you're ready for the real thing and the real man when he comes along. So kick up your heels with your friends today and shout good riddance to this hyena. It could be worse: you could be married to him.
  15. Zoe

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Megan!!!

    I hope you have a great celebration with your true friends. Happy birthday from a fellow April baby!
  16. Zoe

    Getting Rid of Clothes

    Paula, I know what you're going through, because I've been on countless diets and I usually held onto most of my biggest clothes even after losing 70 lbs. Good thing I did, too, because those pounds climbed back. But this time I'm chucking everything, including a few things that still sort of fit but just don't look good on me anymore. The band has given me new confidence about keeping the weight off, even on those days (like today) when I give into my ice-cream and/or chocolate jones. I don't know how much weight I'll lose, but whether I shed another 50 or stay right where I am now (sigh!), it's staying off this time. Giving away clothes has been an act of liberation! Z PS: Kyleigh, your box of summer stuff is in the trunk of my car waiting for me to ship it tomorrow.
  17. Zoe

    Happy Birthday Zoe!

    Thank you! I'm at work today, but I'm going to leave early before I go to class tonight. I feel better at 48 than I did at 28!
  18. Zoe

    MY Mother Said...........

    Tina, here's what I'd tell your momma: What's so bad about a crutch? If someone cannot walk or stand without a crutch, would you deny him something to lean on? Would you judge her as weak and lacking in discipline? A crutch is a tool. A crutch is an instrument used to help someone live a normal life. A crutch might be the only thing keeping someone from falling. So call the band a crutch if it makes you feel better -- I am using it to stand up, straighten my spine, and move forward.
  19. Zoe

    Your "last" meal...

    Great post, Jonathan!
  20. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Holding steady at 206. . . Maybe I'll get to 199 by Christmas.
  21. Zoe

    Your Wu name

    Don't ask, just check it out: http://www.blazonry.com/scripting/wuname.php. ' I'm "Dynamic Mastermind."
  22. Zoe

    Vera has a new band

    Bill, thanks for letting us know. I'm thrilled that Vera got what she wanted. Now go massage her feet and spoil her rotten!
  23. Zoe

    Passover Fears

    Hi Bigmom -- Do you have any trouble eating regular bread? If not, I'd guess you'd be OK with matzo, although you'll have to chew it like mad. How about doing a "test crunch" with some pre-Passover matzo to see if you and your band can handle it? That way you won't be PBing at a seder.
  24. Zoe

    I'm a Bandster

    Congratulations! You'll feel better each day. Welcome to Bandland!

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