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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi there Ela! I hope you have a very nice weekend yourself. It sounds like you are doing GREAT! Keep up the awesome progress! In answer to your question, yes the little butterfly tapes will start to slowly come off your skin. Try not to pull on them though, they will make their way off in no time at all. Again have a great weekend!! Xoxo
  2. Every day I wake up I praise HIM for another day, then I make it a point to make it a great one! Its Sturday, and in my little world, thats a really good reason! :) Hagd people!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Positive Feedback

    Hearing the negatives isn't really a bad thing, it will prepare you for what you may experience post op. My post op period wasn't the brightest and shiniest for a few months, for sure!!! But... here I am about 16 months out and living the DREAM!! You are welcome to peruse my photos, read my story.. all that. Questions, just holler - I'm always close by. I'm a happy lady today, and I don't regret my sleeve, not one bit!!! That said, if your looking for other stories, check out the success stories section as well. You will see nothing but smiling faces in there.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Sleeve!

    Hurrayyyyy!!!! :cheers2: WELCOME TO THE LOSERS BENCH!!!
  5. Heyyy Tif 2.0, I look forward to watching your journey as it unfolds! You are one of the lucky ones not having to do the pre-op diet. Keep working hard, and in the mean time it might be good to practice what life may be like for you post op. BEST!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Sleeve Story

    Whoohooo!!! Soon you will have your date and what's next? Oh right, the fabulous sleevie!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    1/3/12 Surgery W/dr. Kelly - My Story

    It sounds like you're doing quite well, I'm so happy to hear this!!! Welcome to the losers bench! Your Dr. is right every single day is leaps and bounds. Keep taking good care of yourself, getting rest, walking and sipping and in a month it will be a distant memory.... well one you really won't want to forget. It was the first day of your new life.
  8. WONDERFUL!!! I will save you a space on the losers bench!!! Whoottt!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost 2 Months Out, Pictures Attached

    Yes, I can definitely see a difference, great job!!! I agree, and I wish I couldve stayed off the scale myself... LOL Keep doing what you do!!
  10. That is wonderful! Especially since you will get to join your journey with your future hubby. BEST to you BOTH!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 Week Post-Op Is Not What I Expected!

    Ohh my darling hunny I am so so sorry for your loss!! :'( I'm praying for your strength to get through this, you are definitely enduring a lot right now. Please hang in there!! ((()))
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy.....

    Excellent, CONGRATS!!! The sleeve so rocks, its gonna knock your socks off! LOL Keep us updated on how you're going.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Mother Of The Groom Dress

    Hey there! I highly discourage buying anything like lovely fitted dresses or anything overly costly during your weight loss phase. IMO, wait until the time is much closer, weeks maybe. Either that or expect to spend some money on alterations. It is far too complicated to know how many inches you will lose in even one months time. Congrats to your dear son!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    ? For Those Who Eat More Than 3x A Day

    For me, I make it a point to eat every 3 hours. I'm never hungry, so waiting until then would not be a good idea for me. It is my belief that doing has helped me to build a strong, energetic calorie burning force! Everyone's different though and if one's surgeon says to do it one way, that's how it should be done. Though I'm fully on board with anyone questioning their medical staff, because again - everyone's different. Most will find that their medical staff will give them alternate plans.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Here! Sleeved On January 10, 2012!

    You bet I will!! I did the small goals along the way too, and believe me, it's much easier doing it that way. You're doing right!
  16. Thatsss Greatttt!!! You're doin it girlie! Wiggle WiggleWiggleWiggleWiggle uhhh!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: What Are You Doing Today To Get To Your Goal?

    Same here, at work it is really easy for me to get all my Water in. I'll drink 96 oz at my desk during my workday alone. 32 oz by 9 am, 32 oz by Noon and 32 oz by 3 pm. I'll do a 20 oz bottle during my morning workout, then take some sips all through the evening. Gets me about a gallon a day. That said, please note I am almost 16 months post op. I can do this pretty easily now, but when I was early out it was extremely hard for me too. I was lucky to get my 64 oz minimum in for the day and often fell short, even with constant sipping all day long. HTH
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Here! Sleeved On January 10, 2012!

    :welcome: You will love it here! This is the best place on Earth for anyone sleeved. Biased? Maybe, but the truth is the truth!! Congrats on being sleeved! It sounds like your first few days are quite normal. Keep doing all the right things and this time next year, you won't even recognize yourself in the mirror!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: What Are You Doing Today To Get To Your Goal?

    Yayyy!!! So glad to see everyone's got their days planned - here's to good health y'all!! PDXman, I'm doing Water thing myself.. Gonna work on my gallon. Whoohoo!
  20. Heyyy Kemo, GREAT JOB!!! :-D
  21. AWESOME!! Thank you SO MUCH for posting this... this ladies is how a REAL MAN treats his Wife. So amazing, and yes there are still men out there like this. My hubby included. Best wishes to you and your Wife!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Good morning Ela! To me it sounds like you are doing fabulous. The beginning is very tough, and it sounds like you are going through what I did. Do what you can, which is what you are doing. Walking will help you every single day to pick back up with your energy. I don't know what it is about the sleeve but fatigue seems to be an immediate side effect for the first few months. Be encouraged that it WILL go away!! Now I have more energy than I know what to do with .... haha!! Be well!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene


    Alright Lisa!!! Get yours hunny!!! xoxo
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Protein?

    Yes there is a such thing as too much protein. The best way to judge how much YOU need is to get this information from your dietician or nutritionist. The answer is always changing too. Take care of yourselves!! Xoxo
  25. GOOD MORNING WORLD!! Look out cause I'm comin ta get ya!! ;)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
