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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will Food Ever Taste Good Again?

    OH yes in time your taste buds will be back... enjoy the time you have with freedom from it! Mine came back 100% in about 8 weeks. Hang in there! It only gets better and better.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Side By Side / Before & Now Photos... Yayyy!

    I'm saying, as you all tell me I inspire you, you all do the exact same for me too!!! We are all rockstars in our own ways, and we are all KICKIN FATS BUTT!! :boxing_smiley: Chicadee, GREAT ATTTITUDE! I'm telling you what, I'll never let anyone tell me what I can or can't do... (something my parents learned about me at a very young age... haha!!) Your Dr is going by statistics. You are not a statistic. You are an individual, strong and determined woman! I look forward to the day I see your announcement that YOU HAVE REACHED GOALLLL! Xoxo
  3. If someone has a friend who will leave at the drop of a hat because the other friend has lost weight, then sadly this person was never a friend to begin with. This person was using the heavy friend as a "wing-man" or as other women put it, someone to have around so they look like the hot one. No one needs friends like this. It took me a long time to realize this, but I just don't have the time or energy to entertain people like this. They are selfish, and well in my life now I guess so am I. I have so many more important things to worry about rather than to stroke a miserable females ego, who really has no good interest in mine too. Maybe that sounds harsh, but I'm a supporter not a deny'er. And in my little world, if my friends can't give that back to me, then they're just not my friends at all. Never were. If this "friend" (and I use that word loosely) were to stick around, I can see them doing everything they can to make me feel bad about myself and try to turn the focus back on themselves. No time for that. They can take their little toys and go back home, because I'm not playing. One more thing though: The above reference was in response to friends who openly admit they "don't wanna be the fat one"... that burns me up, I guess you can tell! LOL Now on to another scenario, lots of times our friends can just be worried about us too. Surgery is a dangerous, and if one of my friends were going to have one I'd worry as well. The best thing for this would be to supply them as much information as you can. Take them to seminars or support groups... invite them to read this website, and many other ways to get them on board with the idea. The best answer for any situation is communication. Don't assume either the reason behind the questioning. Talk to your friends about it, get the truth out so you will know for sure. GL to all, this IS a bumpy road... no lie.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Can I Decrease The Size In My Calves?

    Well here's my two cents... I've been working on my legs and thighs for years and never have been able to get them to where I wanted. I also have large calves, but compared to my knees and thighs they were tiny... LOL I would spot tone the thighs and though it did work to an extent it was never as much as I'd hoped. I did get contouring in these areas and ever since my legs look normal now. But that was the only way I was able to get the to the look I desired. I'm not sure if anyone realizes how much I do workout, it's a lot... but was never enough. That said I hope working them out will work better. I don't regret the pain I went through though! Money well spent.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Side By Side / Before & Now Photos... Yayyy!

    ssg - thanks so much! I can't help but be a cheerleader for something I believe in with all my heart. Keep rockin your journey!! Xoxo Hey Lynda!!! You look great too girl, keep doing your thing. I'm super proud of ya, and I've pretty much watched your entire transformation... Mind blowing!!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Am Sleeved!

    Yayyyy!!!! WELCOME TO THE LOSERS BENCH!!! Wishing you well recovery and lots of weight loss!! Cheers!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's Up Vst Gym Rats! January/february 2012

    Thats so true Sharon, working out is great for stress. Great going!!
  8. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Never NEVER let anyone tell you that you have "reached your ceiling". Don't ever put limitations on yourself, because the second you do, then it becomes true. This is NOT easy, but if you want to keep going then you have have to put the work in. The sleeve is not a magic cure all - the only thing it does is keep you from eating too much. Everything else is up to you.

  9. Just thought I'd quickly update :smile1: It's been awhile. I'm still losing inches like crazy. I'm working on toning now. Not much left to do!!! LOL Love ya VST!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's Up Vst Gym Rats! January/february 2012

    Wow way to go!!!! Rock it!!
  11. Hi!! Thanks for the picture comment :) I do believe I have quite a few full length - take a look! Take care !!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 Weeks Out From Band To Vsg

    Hi there!! I am also a revision from band to sleeve! I love it!! To answer your question, right now is not the time to worry so much about what your scale is saying. At this time, please focus on getting healthy, getting all your fluids in and doing your very very best with your Protein. Walk and get around as much as you can, and also rest when you can too. Don't sweat the small stuff darlin', weight loss mode will take over your life soon enough. Xoxo
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just A Reminder

    So true. If you find anything, please post.
  14. Happiness is accepting myself for who I am. Happiness is NOT accepting myself in the physical, but realizing I "am" from the inside out.

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    The result is not near as important as the journey. That is because the result will never come to be. All this hard work will never cease. Obesity will be a life long battle, and though we may get to a point where we are comfortable where we are - that can change in an instant... in only a few weeks of eating bad and not working out. Take care of yourselves!! Eat Right, Workout... forever.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Still Struggling With Decision 1 Week Out

    Hi there writergirl, EVERYTHING you are feeling and questioning right now is completely normal. I just want to let you know that I also went through those same emotions. Post op is extremely tough. But remember this, nothing worth having is ever easy!! We will have to fight for what we want, and also remember that the more struggles we endure to get to where we want to be will result in an ever more rewarding completion. May it keep you from ever forgetting because its when we become complacent and forget that we are doomed to repeat our old mistakes. Do what is working for you now and ride it out as long as you possibly can. This is going to be a bumpy road and what may work for you for months down the line may suddenly stop and you will need to shake things up to get the weight loss moving again. You ARE blessed!!! Xoxo
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First Before And After Pics

    You look just lovely!!!! Great job so far! Thanks for sharing, even though you say you're not complete yet - believe me when I say this motivates so many people.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will Slow Losers Get To Goal?

    Youre back on the right track now, be proud hunny!!! Xoxo
  19. The result is not near as important as the journey. That is because the result will never come to be. All this hard work will never cease. Obesity will be a life long battle, and though we may get to a point where we are comfortable where we are - that can change in an instant... in only a few weeks of eating bad and not working out. Take care of yourselves!! Eat Right, Workout... forever.

  20. Woww Kala!!!! GREAT JOB!!! You look itty bitty!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    I would usually get around 800-1000 a day.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Popcorn After Gastric Sleeve Surgery....

    I think the best thing right now is to not let it get to you too much. Don't dwell on it, because at least for me, that's when the excuses start... if you catch my drift. Hugs!!!
  23. Hey everyone HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I don't like feeling bad on Fridays... LMAO!! Well okay, I don't like feeling bad ever, so if you're anything like me you'll always look for little bits of happiness in an otherwise tough journey. So, what are YOU doing today to make your dream happen... that is besides having weight loss surgery. My goal right now is to STAY at goal!!! So, today I am gonna hit my elliptical and make sure I'm getting my Protein and Water in. Yayyy!!! Goal is awesome.. and I encourage all to get here!!! WHOOHOOO!!! One last thing, I sure missed all of you the last few days. Glad to be back up!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hey Carmy, this question is hard to answer, because I have a hard time answering it for myself! I weight 170 Lbs myself, yet I wear some pretty tiny sizes. I'm getting told all the time that I don't need to lose anymore weight. I've even been called "anorexic" and all kinds of rude comments. I'm NOT anorexic, but I would still like to get a little off the belly. But like someone else told me today... am I guaranteed to lose it on my belly? That was a great question, because I SURE don't want to lose it in my upper half anymore, and my booty cannot leave the building.

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