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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    And I Shall Call It Nanner....

    Great news, thanks for checking in! Welcome to the losers bench!!
  2. With the passing of Etta James, I am reminded that everyone will die, but not everyone will truly LIVE. I think any testament showing you were on this Earth is when people will still remember your name and accomplishments long after you have left it. Xoxo

  3. CONGRATS Lacie!!! Whoohooo you did it!!! WELCOME to the losers bench :)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I Being Ridiculous?

    Sooo true!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I Being Ridiculous?

    Absolutely not, I was not saying that at all. We were drawing up our posts at the same time. I know you are a very supportive person here.
  6. Thanks for the sweet comment in the thread just now!! Xoxo

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I Being Ridiculous?

    Sorry I forgot to quote the Original poster... see what I mean?? LOL my quote was direct to and only to the original poster.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Year ~ 100 Lbs Gone

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Welcome to the Century Club!! You're rockin your sleeve ... OH YEAHHH!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    And I Shall Call It Nanner....

    LOL very cute name!! I've been around awhile and thats the first time I've heard anyone name their sleevie Nanner... which as I think about it, seems so logical!! Best wishes and many prayers for a speedy recovery. You will do amazing!!! Remember this: It's always darkest before dawn. With that... GO GET YOURS!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I Being Ridiculous?

    Well now, I would never "get on anyone" here. That's what this place is for, support - feedback... whatever. Now to answer your question... yes YOU should always fight to get to YOUR goal. Perhaps she is at HER goal. That's no ones business but hers. According to the BMI charts I'm still over weight. Should I even have to justify why I have no real plans to continue on? Just do you, don't worry about anyone else. It will make life a lot easier to get through, and someday you will see what I mean. It's all a part of this long long journey. Xoxo
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Replying To Posts

    I think quoting someone in particular is actually a really effective way of getting a point across to the individual you are referencing. Sometimes when a thread is extremely long and I say something but don't quote who I'm talking to, its always a sure thing that the last person to post before me will think I'm talking to them... true story. :wink1:
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Perfect Body

    Perfectly honest... very very close. I had to have PS intervention to get this close, but I'm over the moon with my results. It's still hard to get it fully implanted in my brain that I'm done, but seriously every day gets better. It really is hard to imagine I'm done when I spent the last 6.5 years of my life trying VERY HARD to get here. In about 2 years time I will revisit and see if I want to get the skin removal surgeries. Until then I'll just work on maintaining what I have now and enjoy life.
  13. Protein is the building blocks of our bodies. Simply put it is healing you. Do your best to get your protein in! It's not easy at all so early post op. Fluids should be your first concern, second is protein... then walking... then rest. You got this!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    Now don't go makin me cry... just go out there and make me proud. :wub:
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    On To Pre Op Diet

    Heyyyy there!!!! Don't sweat it darlin', it happens to most of us. However, that said its really time to buckle down now. You have to put your thinking cap on from here out. Every time you are ready to put something in your mouth you have to scan it like the food Terminator. Good? Bad? Think about it before doing it? That kinda thing. You're still a few weeks out so I doubt it will harm you in the long run, but surely it's time to step up the game! I have no doubts in you though, you've been working on this for a long time. GET IT!!!
  16. What an incredible journey already!!! Congrats!!! :Banane08: :Banane09: :Banane10:
  17. Hello there VST!! It's been some time since I've sent you all some updated photos... so that's my full intent right this very moment. I've been through a lot!! I've been struggling to get healthy and fit for 6.5 YEARs now. Well guess what, TODAY and everyday after will be a success, because that is exactly where I am right now. I do NOT regret one single second of my long journey, and certainly never punished any pound lost. I celebrated them all, because they all mattered! I avoided the word "only" like a disease because that one single word can change a sentence by volumes. You are what you make of it. I made it gourmet, and I encourage all others to do the same. Never let anyone tell you there is an end to the weight loss with the sleeve, never allow anyone to put an "expiration date" on your tool. The only one person who has control over that is YOU!! If you believe it, you will BE IT!! Be LOUD Be PROUD... OWN IT!!! Keep on fighting!!! Remember, I'm always only a message away. I'm always happy to give out my help if you need it, because I already know how difficult and mentally trying weight loss can be. I was there!! But... even when I was at my lowest point, that was when I reached down deep inside, picked up my big girl panties and made it work! Heaviest ever weight 330 Lbs. Lap Band weight 283 Lbs. Sleeve weight 272 Lbs. Today 170 Lbs!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Side By Side / Before & Now Photos... Yayyy!

    I am going to send my side by side to Bob Harper's FB page. He often posts them up. That would be awesome!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    I always like seeing good news like this! Congrats, you are now only days away from starting your sleeve journey. Take good care, and heal well!! xoxo
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Never NEVER let anyone tell you that you have "reached your ceiling". Don't ever put limitations on yourself, because the second you do, then it becomes true. This is NOT easy, but if you want to keep going then you have have to put the work in. The sleeve is not a magic cure all - the only thing it does is keep you from eating too much. Everything else is up to you.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Yes all of those but I do also like broccoli a lot and aspargus... Bok Choi is a good one too.
  22. Celebrating EVERY pound lost to date! No one pound of fat lost is more important than another.

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Side By Side / Before & Now Photos... Yayyy!

    @SunnyD - I'm so glad you remembered my words as you were thinking about your conversation with your Dr. They go by typical results and statistics. However, I refuse to be a 'statistic'!!! Right now is a bad time for me, I hate winter and I hate being out in the cold. So, I don't really go out and go for walks or anything like that. Walking outside in the warm sunshine has always been such a mood booster for me, and I really miss this. So for the time being I'm just maintaining... letting my plastic surgeries take full effect. I'm sitting idle and I'm ok with it. I am 170 Lbs too Sunny, and I am also 5'7. I have lost a lot of weight, so I know for a FACT its possible to get here! Hugs!! You can do it too!! @Helenthecat - Thank you darlin for that amazing post!! I can't tell you how much that touched my heart. The moral of the story in all that is... you are STILL losing. Hugs!! You got this!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will Food Ever Taste Good Again?

    Thanks gettingtohappy! Keep working your sleeve and you will be at goal before you know it.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unsupportive Family

    Hello Lyra! I'm very glad to hear that no matter what you are taking charge of your life! It is your boat and only you can navigate it. I was faced with a little bit of negativity, but you know what, I pretty much just shrugged it off. I presented good information to those who had the most to say and pretty much once all that was said and done, they just wished me the best. Well... and they see me now and most people don't even recognize me!!! LOL It's all good, don't worry. Everything will work itself out. If all else fails, your Dear Grandmother can watch you thin out and realize this was a great thing after all. By the way, are you positive she was being negative? I think you should talk to her and if it means that much, ask her to tell you exactly what she is thinking. Communication is the key to all of this.

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