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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    This Is A Big Day For Me!

    HOORRAAAYYYYY!!!! This deserves a Banana Dance!!! :Banane01: :Banane07: :Banane05: :Banane03:
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ohhhhh Yeah! Whoo Hoo!

    Hello!!! Rock it, you totally deserve to. I'm super duper happy for you!!!
  3. LOL *hugs* dear... deep deep breaths!!! I understand why you're so anxious. I have to tell you, being sleeved was the best thing ever to happen to me, so you have a lot to look forward to. My fingers are crossed in hopes you will get your scheduling soon.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Weeks Post Op!

    2bfit, how very wonderful for you! Happy 1 month sleeve-a-versary!! You're doing fabulous - ohhhh tiny dancerrr... LOL
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ack, Did I Just Eat Way Too Much?

    Hi there, sometimes there will be a newly sleeved patient that will experience the "non" full feelings. I did, it hurt my esophagus with every sip so I was never able to get 5oz Protein shake in, unless you gave me 3 hours to do it. What you probably would benefit doing is measuring your portions. Your stomach has been sliced right along with your nerve endings. You're numbness will keep you from feeling any sensation of being done or close. Right now, its probably better to measure to about 3-4 oz max. Then perhaps an hour or two later go for more. Don't worry though, you are just as normal as those who do have to take it slow by force. All the best to ya, and WELCOME TO THE LOSERS BENCH!!
  6. Hi!! Welcome to VST, and thanks for the FR. :) Gimme a holler if you ever need anything. Xox

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 1/2 Months Out And Stalled!

    You're welcome! I'm on My Fitness Pal too, you can find me at Lilmissdiva_Irene - friend me there! I am going to take the month of February by storm and you will get to see how I *roll*...
  8. I was revised from band to sleeve on 9/15/2010. I can't tell you how GLAD I am to be sleeved now. Me and the band never got along and it always seemed to work against me, not with me. In fact, I blame it for my becoming addicted to sugar - I never cared about that stuff before getting soft food syndrome. I can eat anything I want with the sleeve, no slimes, no stucks nothing. I think just being banded has gotten me an advantage in this because I do think that virgin sleevers do go through some kind of learning process with this. I did take my time in researching though, and I didn't revise for a year of trying over and over again with my band. Finally I decided to stop the insanity and try something different. It worked out for me!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will Workout Prevent Sagging Skin?

    Blackanese is right on. That said, it is not going to prevent all skin issues. Time will help with this the most. It can take up to 2 years for the full results on how well your skin will retract. IMPO, I never let this scare me from having weight loss surgery. I'd rather have some loose skin than have it packed in and be morbidly obese. I can hide my skin, I cannot hide being fat.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 1/2 Months Out And Stalled!

    Hi Emma, are you logging your food or daily intake? This might really help you find the culprit in your stall. Also, when your stalled (which you are, it's been 3 weeks now) it could be your body is just learning to cope with your daily routine. You might find success with changing things up a bit. Do a new eating routine, go even lower with carbs or lower your calorie intake for a few days. I never stayed at the exact same calories or same workouts for more than a few days at a time. It always kept my body guessing and really, I never had a true stall unless you count right now. However, I'm not really *trying* to lose either anymore, so I'm fine with it. I have some eating plans that might work for you, here is a link you might find interesting. Basics Bootcamp Also, one last thing, how much Water are you getting in a day? I always tell people this is the biggest secret to my success. Tons of water! :smile1: You'll figure it out. You don't have to stop unless you believe you can't or your won't. *hugs*
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Weight Loss Journey

    Anewday, amazing!!! Thanks so much for sharing your weight losses with us. I'm sure you will really spark some hope into many. Big Hugs and here's to you losing that last 13 Lbs. Rock on!!
  12. Awww Leah!! Lookin good miss lady!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Have A Leak!

    Oh dear... Please stay strong and get well and healed as fast as you can!!!
  14. HAHAA!! My gudness... I just worked my elliptical so hard it stopped and reset way before I was done!! O.o

  15. That?s right!! Next Wednesday is the big day for me! I?m soooo excited I can hardly stand it! This past 5 weeks has absolutely flown by. I?m still thinking of things I?m going to need? it?s like a never ending story. I'm so glad I decided to start sooner rather than later. I would?ve felt truly overwhelmed this coming weekend. Thank you all so very much for all your support!! This is the best support website on the WWW? no lie. I?m fortunate! So I?ll post my pre-op stuff here and post-op to avoid making new threads for every little thing (unless it's major!). I also won?t dig too much into my past ? only that I was banded on 2/11/08 and its going to be removed in the process. All the very best to anyone being sleeved around this time too! Ok, and everyone else too? I mean, I don?t want to leave anyone out. Make your dreams reality!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm being SLEEVED on Sept. 15, 2010 by Dr. Aceves!!

    What great memories!!! And what a FABULOUS year and a half this has been. Do yourselves all a favor, find your surgery day thread and re-read it months out after you have reached goal. It's so WORTH IT!!! :whoo: :bananapowerslide: :bananajump: :Banane10: :Banane21: :Banane20: :woot:
  17. I think my intense pain lasted about 2 weeks, then it started subsiding. Don't hesitate to call back to your surgeon if you feel something isn't right. Make them earn their keep.
  18. LOL thanks for the photo comment! You made me heehee!! ;-)

  19. Haa!!! Yes, best to be clear because that is what I was thinking.. and its OK if you did too. That said, I do love Us and People. Very good reads.
  20. @HBskinny - Yes ask your Surgeon. Mine did not use the same scars. I've got 10 scars all over my stomach. I mean, its not really a big deal to me or my Hubby - but I'm sure it could be for some others. Good question.
  21. ROFL!!! @Beach.. trashy magazines?? Seriously, that's the first time I've heard of this. I'm sure it is quite entertaining.
  22. Hi there! I was revised from band to sleeve on 9.15.10 - and sounds like you and I had similar experiences. Though I've never needed to be hospitalized with being too tight, I certainly know how it feels to not be able to drink simple Water. If you have any questions, I'm always happy to answer any. The sleeve saved me!! I don't regret my revision even a tiny bit.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Sleeve Patient 1 Week Post Op

    mikelyn123, Congrats on your newly sleeved tummy! Welcome to the losers bench... best of all though CONGRATS on your first pounds lost as a sleever! Whooottt!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Sorry humpty but I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. I will start this on Feb 1st, so I'll be sure to log in myself and let you all see me doing my own little program. :ciappa:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Alright now Lili!!! :Banane57:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
