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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. You will never have room in your heart for those who deserve to be there until you free it up from those who do not. Blessings everyone!! Have a fantastic weekend!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Have A Cold! =*(

    Seems you are months out so you should be fine to take some type of Cold Remedy pills like Day or NyQuil... Avoid NyQuil in liquid. I made that mistake and my stomach felt like it was on fire!! LOL Get well soon!!! Xoxo
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv.. And Other Stuff

    You already know this... but IMO... YOU ROCK!!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    No Pre Op Diet?

    Nope, not everyone will be required to have a pre-op diet. That doesn't mean you don't have to do one on your own. Just my opinion but perhaps the few weeks prior to surgery, use that time to learn the sleever rules, prepare and get used to what life might be like post surgery. It's tough enough without the crash course after. Get smaller plates, utensils and start measuring your foods. Buy things you might need, find Protein supplements that you can stomach, etc. Also, get started with the protein first rules. Get to drinking 64 oz of Water a day (thats my minimum) and find some type of physical activity that you will stick to post op. You will likely lose a few pounds on your own doing this, and as I always say... any weight you lose pre-op is only a few steps closer to goal. It also doesn't hurt to try to be as healthy as you can be while in the OR. Wishing you the very very best in the upcoming weeks!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weight Gain At Hospital For Surgery?

    Yes this happens to a lot of patients. You're just going to have to let time heal you. Keep focusing on healing and getting all your fluids in, the scale will start working with you in time. Xoxo
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    A Funny

    Laughter is always the best medicine.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Scheduled!

    Whoott Whoott!! Only a few weeks away from your new life!!! Well wishes to you, and a very speedy recovery. Sip, Walk, Rest and Repeat.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    First Event Tomorrow

    Awww!!! Big hugs to you!!! Stay strong my fellow sleever!! The encouragement I can give you is, the first social scene post surgery is always the worst as far as anticipation. It's the not knowing what to expect that is the scariest. Then you get there and then realize its not nearly as bad as you thought it would be. HTH!! You will be fine. If you're worried that you won't have the energy to stay too long, I agree with Longer... go in seperate vehicles so you can leave early. Xox
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I The Only One?

    I'm telling you, stress will affect your scale. Especially if you are Pre-Op. You might have to find ways to relax a little bit. It sounds like you're doing really well IMO, it is REALLY hard to keep weight off before surgery. Look toward the positive side!! Either that or find a new hobby, try to relieve your mind a little bit of 24/7 surgery thoughts. It's tough, trust me I know... BTDT. Also, there will be a lot of post oppers who will stop logging in to check in or whatever. They have their surgeries and start living their lives. Perhaps go to her profile and send her a Private Message or email her. I do believe she should receive an email either way. Hugs!!! You WILL get through this.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Date Pushed Up?

    Sure! Just ask... lots of times you can be placed on a wait list. I'm sure any surgeon would be glad to fill any empty spots if they can. Good luck!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Not Again- I Hit That Wall Hard

    Oh my dear I'm soooo sorry to hear about this!! Big big hugs!!! Keep your chin up if you can. I know easier said than done - just know that I am over here praying for you. Question, if you do need some kind of surgery for you other than your sleeve would it be something they can do at the same time? It is not unheard of for patients to have multiple surgeries alongside the sleeve. It seems like it would even be better because one surgery is certainly safer than two. Please keep us updated on how you're doing.!!! Xox
  12. Hello, thanks for the messge. I can't say it enough - the best things you can do for you are to always follow the sleever rules. Protein first, and veggies then IF you can fit them, carbs. Get to exercising when you're released and build up from there. You will have to constantly change up your routine if/when you stall. LOTS OF WATER too!!! You got this!!

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: This morning I've lost 150 LBS!!!

    What a great morning!! I was really hoping to break into the 170's before my surgery on Thursday... well I beat that by 4 days!! WHOOTT!! AND... From my highest weight ever, I'm down a total of 150.2 LBS!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I never did imagine I'd be right here where I am right now. In only 8.2 more Lbs I'll have lost 100 Lbs total from my sleeve date. Great things continue to happen, while working the sleeve!! It's wonders are boundless!!!! Source: This morning I've lost 150 LBS!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Omg Anyone With Sizr 12 Clothes To Give

    Yes I still do!!! Please PM me the address you want me to send too. I'll get right on it since I know you need them ASAP. Size 12's...
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Weird Feeling In My Throat

    Yes, sure did, you're very swollen in your throat. Only one suggestion, if it gets bad please call your surgeon for advice. I never needed to though. Xox
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Mini, I had no idea you had a baby - CONGRATS !!! I'm super happy for you!! Definitely don't beat yourself up, thats going to happen being pregnant and so you didn't lose the weight yet. I see you're working on it now, so good for you. I hope all is well today, please check in when you can.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hubby Has A Question

    Well... I am going on 17 months post op and I still get gurgly. Not sure if this will ever go away, but it seems like it might.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    This is very very common with the heavier you are. Clothes made in the much larger sizes can carry over many inches by the way they are made. Stretchy materials, elastics, etc... you probably can already fit a smaller size but just may not be all that necessary yet. Hugs!! You will get there. Believe you me, the smaller sizes are a PITA in their own right. You have to try on EVERYTHING because no one manufacturer makes the same size exact. Its really annoying.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is It Ok To Eat Doritos After Being Sleeved ?

    Well since you're just asking from the literal sense, yes I can eat Doritos... without problem. Do not mistake that with "without consequence"!! :-P
  20. Great job Dorrie!!! Just fabulous!! We all got each other, I do love it here! <3
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im Soo Sleepy

    I dealt with a really bad case of fatigue post op. It lasted for months too! I was getting all my supplements... everything! I was lacking nothing. I'll tell you what finally got me out of my funk. Picking up with my workouts. Now, you're only one month out so I in no way advise that, but - don't do like I did and wait for 4 months down the line to start picking up some kind of routine. Also, I notice a HUGE difference in my mood and fatigue even now if there is a morning where I don't wake up early and get my cardio in. I don't workout every single day, but it does affect me negatively when I don't. I'd rather give my body a rest from time to time though. One last thing to consider, it is Winter and this might have some effect on you as well. Good luck! ETA: I just seen what PDX wrote... I also had to up my carbs some too. I was getting less than 30g and upped it to 60g a day and I started feeling way better.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Nails Won't Grow?!?

    I use Biotin 5,000 mcg 4x per week. It helps with my hair and finger/toe nail growth/re-growth A LOT!! I get mine from GNC, dry capsule form.
  23. @Sleeve, this is a very personal decision. If you feel fine at 165 Lbs then who am I to tell you otherwise? As long as you are happy and healthy, then I say go for it. The good thing about having a higher weight goal is, it will be easier to get there. If it's too low you run the risk of never making it and thus making you feel a failure... when any of us who are sleeved are anything but!! Another consideration is, if you hit 165 and feel you want to lose a little more then you can. All the best!! @Lynda, I hope you can find that article, I'd love to see it!! Great response too, whoott!!
  24. I started taking full length pictures back in 2008 in when I was Lap-Banded, and was down around 100 Lbs from my highest weight. So I guess I'd say 100 Lbs lost, and I was 330 Lbs at my highest. I NEVER took photos when I was at my largest. In fact that brown sweater photo you see I was FORCED to take that simply by guilt. Meanies... LOL That is the only picture of me at my biggest that I know exists. I highly doubt there are any others. Now... seeing what everyone else sees is another beast in itself. I think as time is passing I'm seeing it a lot more. I mean, seeing myself for who I really am. A normal sized woman. Yeah, crazy!! I've been super obese and way over weight for decades. Realizing I'm a normal size now is hard to accept. I never feel fat anymore when I'm taking photos, but there are times when I'm sitting down and I do feel fat... or just walking around. I call those my "fat days". I happen to think this is normal though. I've heard many very thin women mention they were having fat days and I thought they were being ridiculous. Now I know what they are talking about. I think it takes a long time to over come this. As a matter of fact, I've still never been to a clothing boutique yet. You know, the ones where you won't find anything over a Size 12 or whatever. I plan to, I have no doubt I'd be able to wear their clothes... it's just a weird thing I have in my "fat" brain.

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