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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Huge huge milestone, I"m soooo happy for you!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last Meal...lol.

    Well I'm about a year and a half out and here's how much of that I could *probably* eat, considering I'm having a loooong meal and talking with whomever I'm with. I could maybe eat 4 oz of steak, 2-3 broccoli crowns, one carrot slice, one or two onion rings and yes even a few to a few more spoonfuls of the chocolate mousse. That if and only if we are at the table for an hour or more. If it's 30 minutes or less cut that steak in half (2 oz).
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Fat Pants

    Right on Sasi!!! You've done outstanding!!
  4. That was very interesting thanks lady!
  5. Heyyy Susan!! Girl, do NOT worry! I know you, and I know that you are one tough determined chick when the times right for you. I have done Weight Watchers many times as well and I've always been successful with it. I do like it very much and it is very easy to navigate. I do like My Fitness Pal, but hey, it's not for everyone. Anyhow, whatever the main reason is you prefer WW over anything else doesn't matter. What DOES matter is that it works for you, so sign up! I know they do specials around this time of year. I'm not sure if you might have missed the promo period or not but better find out before more time passes. Also I know for a fact continuing to come HERE for support means the world to me. There's always the awesome ones who continue to challenge and inspire and I really need that all the time. Just because I'm thin now does not mean I can stray away from the plan, I have to stay diligent to keep the weight off. So, having these great supporters around me daily helps keep me in check. Don't worry about the gain dear, if you start now, I bet you will have most of that gone by the end of February. Start flushing, get back to some type of workout routine and get off the carbs. BTW I'm starting my bootcamp Wednesday. If you'd like to join me... let's do it together! But you gotta check in. Here's where I'll be checking in here at VST: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28139-the-basics-boot-camp/ and http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28952-gonna-get-to-goal-wanna-join-me/
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Great analysis and you are absolutely right. I never do this for more than the 5 days. Also, once that 5 days is up I go back to the very easily and simply followed Sleever rules being, protein first, veggies second and a few bites of good complex carbs. I do drink a lot of water, but I do also workout a lot so my water always needs to be replaced. I think anyone should try to find out how much water one needs for each person individually. ETA: the Atkins and South Beach Diet references are very right on, I've been eating their style since 2008. I don't know what Paleo is...
  7. Congrats on your weight loss, you're doing FABULOUS!! I'm sorry to hear you're feeling fatigue. But like everyone else has already mentioned a blood panel is a good way to figure out what's going on. Most likely you will find that D-3, B-12 and Iron are huge reasons why we feel tired. Try taking some b-12 sublingual, I find mine at Rite-Aid and Sam's Club. Good luck!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Home From Having My Lapband Removed!

    Hey Glenda, I'm glad to hear all went well with the band removal! I pray your healing continues positively, and I also pray that your sleeve surgery happens soon and a very soon! Xox
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Okay ladies, I propose this to all of you... I too have been snacking to my hearts content since the Holidays... Ack!!! Well there's NO WAY I'm going to get the belly flab to go away if I keep doing that. Carbs is the worst enemy when it comes to that so, I have made a deal with myself that for the entire month of February I am NOT going to snack on any carbs. It is NOT!!! going to be easy, but I think once I get through my 5 day plan it should be a lot easier to endure the rest of the month. Not only that, know that I only have to make it through the shortest month of the year, it will make me feel a little better. If any of you want to join in with me... let's do it!!! I've seen ALL you ladies in action and I *know* you got it in you to do it. What say you?? I could use a little extra motivation too, knowing that I gotta stay strong because others will be watching me. That's also why I've decided to finally join My Fitness Pal. I'm going to start logging again, and I will have my food diary open to anyone and everyone. My handle there is Lilmissdiva_Irene - in case anyone wants to follow along. Good luck to all! I also will share my one month success too regarding the kettlebells/medicine ball.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cheap Protein Shakes

    Atkins is good too, you will also find those at WalMart. Tons of variety and IMO not that expensive.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    What Is Best Peanut Butter?

    I tried many different brands of Natural or low sodium peanut butters and to me none satisfied what I really wanted. So it's either Skippy Super Chunk or nada. Not really a big deal to me anyway, one tablespoon satisfies the craving and it actually fills me good.
  12. Actually in the beginning lots did change for me, but over time I've gotten all my taste buds back. I can say at this time the only notable difference is that pre-op I hated peanuts and peanut butter, and now? I LOVE THEM!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Sounds like you had a funnn time there coops!! Also, it really really does all come down to calories in / calories out. Not that it will show on the scale that instant but as long as you keep yourself in the negative side the fat will disappear and the weight will come off. Patience!! Something I need to work on... ha! Yeah so, I have heard GREAT things about the kettlebells and seen some proof elsewhere that it works the tummy area really good. That and the medicine ball. I start all this wednesday. I've gotten myself a lil headstart too, but as of Feb. 1 this girl is gonna get SUMMER READY!!! Thanks Lila & Coops for the welcome! Xox
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Oh and last night I went out to Big 5 and bought some Kettlebells and a Medicine ball, equipped with some DVD's that came with. Fun!!! ) February is gonna be kick butt.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Heyyyyy y'all!!! I'm in!!! I've decided to start toning up and working on my core section. Since my lipo's I have been zooming in on my stomach and it needs WORRKKK!! Yowzaa... I really don't care about the scale to be perfectly honest. Well, if ya know me, y'all already know that. But... I want to get ready for this Summer. Lean hawt machine is my new goal. Yeahh!! I know all of you ROCK and all of you can do this. Lotsa love!! Xox
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Did I ever think the sleeve might not work? Yes!! There were moments when I caught myself disbelieving. That said, I immediately told myself to stop!! It's all insanity and one thing I was never going to be was a self proclaimed failure. It's all internal, you are going to be what you make of yourself. Don't do that to yourself. No one other than YOU has the power to call YOU a success and for YOU to really believe that. That is YOUR job.
  18. Good morning, Let me be real this morning. If you feel disappointed in anything you are doing in your journey, then you ARE setting yourself up for a lot more disappointment. No one on this Earth is perfect. Not me, not you, not Jenny down the street that you look at every day and wish you had her body... If you make a "mistake" just forget about it and move on. Holding on to negativity will only breed more negativity. Another thing, our attitude and outlook will never be wrong. So, if you believe you're going to fail, then you will. You absolutely will have to change that attitude if you are going to succeed. I've been down and out for a long time. It took ME Six and one half years to become who I am today!! Guess what... in all those years I NEVER DOUBTED I'd be here... so therefore, I AM HERE!!! Did I ever think this might not work? Yes!! There were moments when I caught myself disbelieving. That said, I immediately told myself to stop that! It's all insanity and one thing I was never going to be was a self proclaimed failure. It's all internal my dear, you are going to be what you make of yourself. Don't do that to yourself. No one here has the power but YOU to call YOU a success and for YOU to really believe that. That is YOUR job.
  19. Just thought I'd share, this is what I take. Also, the Vitamins plus the Calcium I bought at costco for about 23 bucks total. Awesome!!! I heart Costco. The only thing you don't see is the Zegerid. That's what I take as my PPI.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    *I* believe GOD would NEVER give me something more than I can handle. ANYTHING he puts on my plate, I see it as a meal to feast - not one to waste.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Got Some Bad News...i Need A Pick Me Up!

    Hugs hugs hugs my dear friend!!! In my honest opinion you ALREADY HAVE started to change your outlook on exercise. I seen you just did a 5K, and if I recall correctly you would always be climbing Mt. Roubideaux (sp?)... you've already begun. Do NOT let this get you down. You and I have very similar beliefs, and *I* believe GOD would NEVER give me something more than I can handle. ANYTHING he puts on my plate, I see it as a meal to feast - not one to waste. Get what I mean? Perhaps HE is telling you something? Lotsa love!!! Now go out there and kick some booty!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery On Monday! Let's Go!

    Right on!!! Go get ittt!!! Good thoughts and great healing prayers going out to you. The losers bench is getting coooold here because our booties are getting too small to cover it. We need some fresh meat!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I believe with all my heart any sleever can continue to lose for as long as they want. You have to look inside though, and wish it true bad enough to keep going. I always get a little bluesy during the Winter. I LOVE being outside and walking amongst the warm sunshine. I'm a California girl 100% and this is bred in me!! Well in Winter I just hate going outside because it's so blasted cold!! (Boo!!) and rainy and gray... YUCK!! This always makes me less than excited and happy and guess what? My weight often stalls too. Well, let me rephrase that. This is the time of year where I would put on a lot of weight. Let me be real about that! However, I am beyond HAPPY because I didn't gain ANY weight this winter. Last winter I was losing, and this one I probably lost maybe 5 Lbs since November. Great!! I'll take it. February I've decided I'm going to start seriously toning up and working on my belly area. I have no doubt in my mind that I won't achieve that. I've come too far now to think otherwise. This should be true for ANY OF US!! We have all come much too far to think "this is the end". NO way... this is just a fork in the road for you. Sometimes we need a little "shake up" to get things moving again. Try this, it's already helped a lot of people here, and it's saved me from losing my brain when I would stall out: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28139-the-basics-boot-camp/page__st__60 Good luck to you!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Peek Inside My Medicine Cabinet

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Peek Inside My Medicine Cabinet

    The Pseudoephedrine I use very sparingly. I have very bad athma and allergies and I have to take them to clear me up sometimes. It's bad for my HBP though, so I have to be careful with them. The Vitamin E was suggested by my plastic surgeon. It's the "healing" vitamin and my PS scars are almost non existant from it!! It's amazing stuff. It also helps with soft skin.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
