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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. RnY and Sleeves are very different stomachs. The GB stomach is the size of 2 grapes... the newly sleeved stomach is much larger than that. She will catch up as far as how much she can eat. Dare I say it can even get larger. I've seen some RnYers who are years out and at social gatherings they are able to put away what to me looks like quite a bit. Almost as much as other normal folks eat!! Bread and all... I don't think I'll ever have a capacity like that. I'm maxed out for sure, and my max is about 6 oz. At 2 months out I was eating about one egg and maybe one bite of something else. Not too much different than what I see you two mention. I think I'm doing really good for being almost 17 months out. HTH
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Long Post Op Before Food?

    My surgeons post op guidelines are: 10 days of clears (on day 5 I was allowed Protein powders but made with Water only) Then day 11-20 were full liquids, adding in puddings, yogurts, milks (didnt really do a lot of that) fruit juices, V8, etc... Days 21-30 were mushies and purees. I only started with one meal per day mushies. I really took my time, and I'm glad I did. No rush, I had the rest of my life to get back to more solids. Days 31 and beyond I could start adding in solids as it felt ok to do so. If you feel you want to go slower and take your time with it, you won't be doing anything but helping yourself to get into your new stomach easier. Good luck!! It's always a good idea to take your time, especially with the sleeve. It can be really picky and finicky in the beginning.
  3. I truly and deeply believe with all my heart that GOD wants us to be healthy, and he wants us to treat our bodies like temples. We are the guardian of our physical selves, and that is why HE made gluttony a sin. There is a negative consequence to eating far more than we need to live and thrive. We store all the un needed calories as fat and our waistlines become severely out of shape. We have to carry our burden with us every single day, no where to hide!! I'll tell you what, I had the same thoughts too pre op. I wondered why I couldn't do this on my own. I prayed and prayed for answers, and guess what... the sleeve was my answer. Well, finally it began to feel more like insanity, and I know GOD does not want me to live like that. HE wants his children to be happy AND healthy. When I went into Dr. Aceves section of the hospital, he had hanging in his reception area a painting of a surgeon... but his hands were being guided by GOD. It was at that very second I knew this was the right thing to do. I took that moment and Praised HIM and Thanked HIM for making this possible for me!! Since then I knew I'd be spreading this little joy with everyone I possibly could. Not only that, once I realized that this was the road to take, so many doors opened for me to make it possible!! I can never doubt that this was HIS will. Now, it's your turn. Take this moment and make it yours. Don't turn away from what is going to be a true miracle for you!! All the best to you, and know that we all will be here anytime - we all need to vent sometimes. This isn't easy!! It's always nice to know we aren't the only one, ya know? :wink1:
  4. Everyone will react differently post op. No one is in the wrong here on how one feels. I was on the side of no appetite post VSG. I was almost repulsed by food... However, I do know that isn't how it is for everyone. It is really hard and I guess I can understand this because that is how it was for me post lap band. It was quite miserable to be hungry and not be allowed to eat. I fully get the need to vent about this! I don't have many suggestions, only hugs!! Stay strong, soon enough you will begin to be able to move along in your food stages and things will begin to get better for you. It may not be until you hit the mushies phase, but still you will get there Jellyfish.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sick Feeling

    Have you ever given Prilosec (Omeprazole generic) a try? It is the only medication that worked for me at all. Nexium didn't do a darned thing, and Prevacid seemed to make my acid worse... I hope you can find something! That acid is aweful. I now take Zegerid, it's amazingly great for me. It's Omeprazole with an absorbing ingredient attached.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    200+ Miles Powerwalking - Down 131 Lbs

    WOW!!! Congrats Papa Bob!!! You totally ROCK!! Keep checking in and inspiring me to keep up with my running too.
  7. Some folks will experience their 3rd week stall for some time. The longest I've seen is 5 weeks long... that's if you're continuing to do all the right things. Just keep following along your path and one day you'll wake up to an excellent loss. I would suggest not weighing in for awhile, but whenever I do that I get ignored... ha!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sex?!?!?!?! Omg Someone Help Me?!

    When we lose weight, and especially as rapidly as we do, the hormones that have been stored in our fat cells are suddenly released - and LOTS of it. I was all over the place during that time... I was such a moody ******!! LOL - anyway you're going through a very normal process. No worries!! :wink1: On the flipside now though, my cycles are super normal... more normal than I ever remember and I'm on an even keel. So, it balances itself out eventually.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hubby Doesnt Understand

    Big big hugs!! It's normal to be sensitive, and it's also normal to want your Hubby to be more supportive of you during this time you are going through. Circa made an excellent point, its almost impossible for him to feel empathy because he has no idea what you are going through, but a little sympathy would be nice. Your world is changing a lot, and we will be here to listen to you vent, talk and we will also be here when you begin to lose lots of weight and we will all Celebrate with you! Hang in there!! All of this will be but a distant memory and even very soon.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sick Feeling

    Hi Peacequeen, Im so so sorry to hear you've had some issues post op. I see you've also been diagnosed with a leak. Dear, have you spoken to your Surgeon? They will need to keep extra close tabs on you since you've already been diagnosed with a prior leak. Please call your Surgeon ASAP. Also, please check in to let us know how you're doing. Hugs and prayers going out to you!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Worried My Liver Won't Be "shrunk" Enough

    If you've already addressed this with your Surgeon and they said you'll be fine I wouldn't worry to much about it. Do your very best though to get and stay on track. This is a crazy journey!! You'll want to go in with your best foot forward. Hugs!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Coool Way To Stay Hydrated

    I did not know that! Wonderful find, thanks for sharing. I like regular Gatorade too, I think I'll be trying this in the Summer time.
  13. Hi Sassy, you mentioned you are a year out. I do not rely on Protein shakes as meals. For me, having solids all the time will get me full very fast and remain satisfied, usually all the way until I make myself eat again (as long as it's not carb heavy). I only have a Protein shake no more than 1 a day and its only always following a tough workout. That said, I do not consider that a real meal, more a snack. Good luck to you!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does Pain After Eating Go Away? How Long?

    Yes the pain will go away. I have zero pain anymore, and funny but I even feel "real" full sensation now too. It gets here super fast though, not like before sleevie!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Back In The Hospital

    Get well soon PreciousCargo! I'm glad to hear you went to your Drs office when you realized you weren't healing well enough. xoxo!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Long Term Results? Maintenence.

    Hi Kat and welcome!! I've been at "maintenance" since August of 2011. I've either been losing weight or since last month I've finally not lost nor gained any weight. It was weird staying the same. I was sleeved in Sept of 2010. Its not been difficult for me at all to keep the weight off really. In fact I've gone back to some bad habits recently but I'm stopping all that right now. I'm drinking an unjury chicken Soup as we speak. I'm probably going to start losing weight again because my eating will get back to right and I'm going to be toning back up. Anyhow, I just wanted to give you some hope that maintenance is possible!! Here is a good thread you might find useful in reading: http://www.verticals...sleeve-surgery/ Good luck on your journey!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hooorrrayyyyy!!! Wonderful news!! Sometimes we have to be that sqeaky wheel, ya know? Cheers to you!!
  18. Doing good! Today I've had an Atkins Latte shake, 6oz Yoplait Light Blueberry and I'm about to have a warm fixmeup Unjury Chicken soup. Feeling better already. *whew* :) :) :)

  19. Hey I seen your post about your cardiology appt. I hope all is well with you and you find your answers.. Prayers going out for you! Xox

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did I Make A Mistake?

    Awww :-( My dear but you ARE a loser.. The good kind!! So WELCOME!! Take solace in knowing I too felt exactly like you're feeling right now. Yes, I doubted I did the right thing as I laid in pain in recovery or in my hospital bed. However, today I don't think you will find a BIGGER little cheerleader out there for the sleeve. :cheer2: I'm loving it a billion times over!!! Give it time, right now all you can do is get your rest, heal, sip and walk walk walk!! Vent away too, that's what we are here for. Just know I feel ya.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    So anyway, on Wednesday I start my favorite way to get me back on track, and I'm so ready!!! Been down a lot recovering from my surgeries, but I got time on my side now and it's time to get back to my fit and fierce form!! I will check in daily to provide what I've eaten for the day. Yeahhh!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Got Out Of Surgery...

    wonderful news Welcome to the losers bench!! continue to walk sip and rest - and get better!! Hugs!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Re Engauging The Couch To 5k.

    @cludgie, thats great lady!! Keep it up! I'm taking my time seriously slowly. I'm doin it though... and February I'm gonna start knocking it outta the park.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Re Engauging The Couch To 5k.

    I have been out of commission since August and it's driving me crazy!!! I have been really moody and feeling under the weather since then. I miss my running!! So, starting Sunday I'm RE starting my Couch to 5K running plan. I can't wait! It should be a lot easier this time around than the first time... haha! I've gotten some much slimmer legs so that should help a lot! Though I have done a little here and there, but have only ran one full 5K in between all my down times. In those getting back into it, I've noticed taking a break of a few weeks or more and I have to recondition my muscles all over again. So... but this time I won't have to stop!!! YAYYYAYYYY!!! If anyone would like to join in, that would be great. Good luck! http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
