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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pain After Eating Still Hungry?

    Based on the fact you mention you get hungry AFTER eating, I'm willing to go out there and say it's acid. Our sleeves will still create (or try to) as much acid as it did pre surgery, so we get a big over abundance of it. It may feel like hunger to some people. Are you on any kind of acid blockers or PPI's? I'm on Zegerid and it seems to help a great deal. I know many others take either prescription or Prevacid, or Nexium. Maybe you should ask your Dr. about it, or try some OTC medications to help you. Good luck!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    A New Me

    I am wishing you both very well on your surgeries next week!!! Getting sleeved was the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. It gave me my life back and the freedom I feel can never be paid back. Doing well on the pre opt diet is going to serve you well in a lot of ways, and just losing weight pre surgery is one of them. That's weight you don't have to worry about post op!! CONGRATS WHOOO!!!
  3. Yep it worked! Got my email and I ordered the green and purple. 6.93 total... great find thanks!! whoott!!
  4. I just signed up under the second email address and it said they are sending the $10 to my email address. I know theyre running a lil slow on the emails. It took me 10 minutes to get my first one, now I'm waiting for my second email with the $10 coupon.
  5. Awesome!! Gonna do this. I have so many email addresses... how many referrals can I do? LOLOL
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Right on!!! Remember now, from here go back to sleever rules... Protein first, keep up with the workouts and keep flushing that water. *hugs*
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Hey whats this? Those clothes are a bit big on ya. Jus sayin.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Best. News. Ever.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hey no problem! Its delicious AND nutritious... can 't beat that. Whenever I'm getting ready to make some I actually really look forward to it.
  10. If you can't help lift someone UP, then don't spend your time bringing them DOWN. The RIGHT thing to do is just exit stage LEFT.

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    If you can't help lift someone UP, then don't spend your time bringing them DOWN. The RIGHT thing to do is just exit stage LEFT.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    @Globe, trying new things is what always kept me successful. I think you're doing fine, hang in there!! @Coops, I'm saying I just love to burn calories and sweat my... well I don't wanna say booty because that's the one thing I will never compromise. :wink1: @Meg, I'm continuing to pray for you! I hope you can find out whats going on and get that stress test. HUGS!! @Lynda, I know!! I think I'm finally just now feeling good after breaking away from the snacking. I had to stop for this month. I just need to get back into shape. @M2, congrats on the weight loss!! Wow, that was a great one!! RE: MnMs... how could anyone mention that right now? I have for some reason started to really like them a lot. I crave them during TOM and any other time I cannot have them around. I don't trust myself around them at all. So, I tried the kettlebells for the first time ever. It came with a workout DVD and WOWWW!!! It kicked my butt! I was huffing and puffing like crazy. It really does burn some serious calories... and I'm in total love here. I've posted a picture to prove it. Yeahhh!!!
  13. I don't "exercise" - this is the real deal. I WORK OUT!!!

  14. 501 Calories to burn... and away I GOOOO!!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hmmm... well, how long will you be in the hospital would be my first question. If you will be in the hospital for more than 2 nights, I'd say you really don't need anyone's help. By then you should be able to get up and walk around on your own. You won't need to cook really, heating up broth and pouring yourself drinks doesn't take up much energy. Getting up and down from bed or toilet is as easy as having high back chairs around you where you need them the most... That said, you really should have someone with you for at least the first 48 hours. Just to keep an eye on you, make sure your sleeping, and of course getting you out of bed to walk around. This is my opinion only of course. I just know that I needed to have someone around to help me out. Good luck to you!!! It's tough enough without having to worry you may have to go it alone.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sick Feeling

    Is Dexilant prescription only?
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    A Run

    LOLOL!!! Oh yeah... and I looove that feeling!!! Light as air baby and no one can catch me! I love going for my walks around the State Capitol. I actually walk against the grain because I get tired of trying to pass everyone. I still have to pass some folks, but I find that I actually RUN by em. Heehee !!!!
  18. @Libbe - Oh well, no biggie... I guess that might be a standard price then. Maybe mine were more too? LOL - it was a long time ago that I bought them. I'm still gonna hit up Walmart, I have the day off and my Walmart rule is no shopping after 8am, because that's when the crazy folk come out.
  19. I think it was around month 8 I got to my total capacity. I can't usually do more than 6 oz of food if I'm eating properly. Some sleeves can go up to 8 oz though, just something I've noticed over the time of reading many stories. Good luck!
  20. You gained it all back? I'm sorry to hear that! Your metabolism might be the type that you have to keep your carbs very low to keep losing. I don't typically gain the weight back what I lose. I just make sure once I'm done with the 5 days I still refrain from salts, sugars and total carbs over 60g. Continue with drinking lots of Water, and always Protein first. *hugs* It's not a race dear, it's a marathon. You will figure out what works for you!! Just never give up. Thats the only rule.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene


    @Vance it really is!! It's very lo cal and its high in protein. I do consider it a guilty pleasure because of the corn, but heck - it could be a lot worse right?
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..

    If it is true your wife only needs to lose 40-50 Lbs then you're in luck. You will never find a surgeon in his right mind who will perform any weight loss surgery on her.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Some Advice - Don't Know What To Do Or Say..

    @Lovinghusband, Short but sweet here... personally I think this is a conversation you and your dear Wife should be having. Not between You, me and everyone else on the internet, EXCEPT her. I understand your concern for her. You care whether she lives or dies... but do not forget - we ALL will die someday. She's just trying to avoid dying young and living the life of a sick fat person. No one wants to live like that, no you, not me - and not anyone. I've never met a TRULY happy fat person. Never, and I never will. You said so yourself, you've never been overweight, so IMO anything you say to us comes from someone who doesn't understand what it's like. Perhaps someday you might? Oh and then you will know. That said I do not wish that on you. I don't wish that on my worst enemy. So, PLEASE do NOT wish this upon your Wife.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene


    Have you ever made taco Soup? I'm going to on Super Sunday. :smile1: http://www.food.com/...aco-soup-213785 It's usually served with Tostitos Baked! Tortilla Chip Scoops, I will still be doing my LoCarbs so no chips for me... boohoo!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Stupid Commercials

    @Mater - Thanks!! It's vert hard work and might even feel like downright torture sometimes, but by golly I wouldn't trade in one single second to give that back!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
