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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    1/28/12 #1

    Wow you're hair is gorgeous!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    imagejpeg 2 25

    Lookin great there lady!! You look so happy!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    281 lbs

    Paola!! Your smile says it all. Hugs girlie!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awesome!!! You look so happy - The sleeve rocks!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene


    Cute outfit - you look great!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow what an excellent transformation in only 3 months!!! Great job!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Wish Someone Had Told Me....

    I think the biggest thing for me post op was the fatigue. I never heard anyone mention this and even asked lots of people post about their energy and everyone said they could build a sky scraper the next day!! LOL Well not exactly but you get the idea. My first four months I was knocked on my butt tired and it was really hard for me to get anything done. I felt like I was in a fog all the time. However, today that is all gone and I now DO have more energy than I ever had in my life. So, they weren't being dishonest - I guess I was just didn't get responses from others who experienced what I did. Good luck!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Questions For Veterans

    Hmmm... I'm reading her responses and wow in just the last 5 I've read I can see she's really misinformed on a lot of issues. Which makes it really hard for me to listen to pretty much anything she really has to say about any of the issue. Here's a few just because: Losing hair IS true and very common with the VSG AND leaks can be detected up to MONTHS post op. This is ridiculous in itself... My sleeve removed around 85%, and I believe my Surgeon is one of the more aggressive when it comes to this. I don't believe surgeons remove "90% or more" of our stomachs. We wouldn't be left with anything! Anyway, this person has NEVER had WLS!! How am I supposed to take anything she says at face value. She says so herself, if you want the truth talk to a WLS patient of which you would like (ie, sleeve, RnY, band, etc...) and find one who is post 10 years. You will have a very hard time finding a VSG patient of more than 10 years out. Most partial gastrectomies at that time were solely for reasons of stomach cancers and ulcers. Meh. I have no opinion of this blog other than it's really not something I personally would use as a means to get REAL research or information from.
  9. Wow Lex!!! You've done such an incredible job!!! You're journey is going wonderfully, and thanks so much for sharing it with us. Very inspirational.
  10. Hi em Let me just tell you, I wasn't the biggest fan post surgery either. I was quite miserable in fact. I was in pain, every time I swallowed it hurt me, I couldn't get all my fluids or protein in, everything tasted just awful to me, I had no appetite, I had ZERO energy and the list goes on and on! I don't think it really wasn't until about the fourth month that everything started to come together. That black cloud of despair lifted from my head and ever since then I've been riding high. My only advice to you is, with time passes and so does all the bad stuff post surgery. Be patient with yourself. You just had major surgery, take it one day and one sip at a time. Also, the broths that you are using may just need a little doctoring. I didn't just drink Swansons broth all day. I added some bouillon cubes of all different flavors. They were actually really tasty! Those were the only meals I actually looked forward too, because like you all the nasty fake sweet junk just didn't do it for me. Hugs!!! Trust me, if I can get through that so can you. I really did and now you won't find a bigger cheerleader for the sleeve anywhere.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pain After Eating Still Hungry?

    Hi Sheila Aside from the Acid issue, I'm also thinking that you're probably feeling hunger as well due to the amount of carbohydrates you're eating. Normally when I'm eating all carbs, I will get really hungry and really fast too. My body just burns right through it. Perhaps when eating your carbs, couple it with some dense Protein as well. Eat the protein first, then the carbs next. Also you might fare well with eating more vegetables. Good luck to you! This isn't easy to figure out what works and what doesn't. Hang in there and keep on pushing.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Questions For Veterans

    I'd also like to see where this information is posted, please provide a link. I seriously have yet to find ANYONE who is in major regret of their sleeve any number of years out.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    What A Kick In The B?s

    Sorry!! That stinks... Indefinitely or did they already re-schedule you? I hope its not too far into the future.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help, I've Fallen & Can't Get Up!

    SZ!!! I'm so sorry that happened to you! Sometimes its the wackiest things that happen to us that helps us realize we do need the help, and if like yourself are already in the process of having surgery, just makes us want it all the more and FASTER!! On the bright side, I'm glad to hear you're simply waiting for the surgeon to call you... which should be any time now. Hoorahh!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    First Day Of Work

    Awww sorry T The first few weeks back were tough for me. I'll pray for you! xoxo
  16. Wow you should be in surgery right now! Let us know how everything goes!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Interesting you mention that. This is my plan as I slide into more "normal" eating. Monday through Friday I'm a good girl - but Sat & Sun I am not going to track or trip anymore. Also, I'm going to start making all of my meals more balanced. Protein AND Carbs now, where before i would restrict my carbs - I think I was starting to go a little nuts there. I started this morning, and crazy thing, but the weird cravings in my head are all but gone. I did think about something but then thought, well, if I still want some by this weekend then I can have some. Then it just disappeared. Neat trick. LOL I'm carrying on with my 1,000 calories per day burn, in fact I burned over 1,200 on Saturday. I'm doing good! My body is toning up already and I can see a major difference. I still have some work to do but hey, that's life right? Maintenance is so close now (and I mean true maintenance where I'm not always thinking of new things to work on...) and for that I'm so looking forward to it.
  18. My goals for this week Monday thru Friday: To learn to eat well balanced meals! All will have protein and carbs combined. From here, I learn to embrace real-life healthy eating. Knock on wood that all the weight loss methods I've used didn't result in unhealthy results. Kidneys and gallbladder intact, and for the most part my hair held up really well. :) Time to just LIVE MY LIFE!!!

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Anything SF is fine. Also yes, I do eat yogurt.
  20. Wow!!! I just did one of the four hardest pre-sets on my ellipti-KILL Whoooaaa my goodnesss!!! I thought I was gonna die for real... AWESOME WORKOUT!!

  21. Wow!!! I just did one of the four hardest pre-sets on my ellipti-KILL Whoooaaa my goodnesss!!! I thought I was gonna die for real... AWESOME WORKOUT!!

  22. Right on!! Hoping the very best for you, and you are only a few hours away from being sleeved... whooott!!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Restriction & Amount Of Food Tolerated

    I just replied regarding this issue in another thread... here's what I wrote:
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Two Weeks Out And Feeling Really Full

    Don't worry... it takes months to get over that part where you can only eat a few spoonfuls without feeling overly stuffed. In time your sleeve will loosen up (it is very swollen from surgery right now) and you will be able to nourish your body a little better. I still can't eat a lot but I'm more than able to fit in about 1100-1200 calories worth of healthy solid food every day. HTH - there is a bonus to not being able to eat much though and your scale will show it.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finally Got Approved

    That is FANTASTIC NEWS!!! Congrats!!! Your new journey is just around the corner now.

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