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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    What Do You Do For Energy?

    I agree with Julie and PDXman. I had a lot of issues with very bad fatigue for the first four months post op and it was just terrible. It wasn't until I started getting out and walking more and becoming more physically active (calorie burning cardio) that I started to "wake up" because that's how it felt to me. Like I was in a fog all the time. I'm not sure a Rockstar drink is the best choice, but some type of complex carbohydrates completing your meal would also be very helpful. I would usually do a few days of low carbs, but I'd ALWAYS get right back on them because my body does need them to function properly. They provide power, energy and Fiber... my body loves it!!! Good luck to all! Like PDX mentioned, you WILL lose the weight. This isn't a race to lose the fastest, it's a marathon and the end prize is your health and wellness.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Esophagus On Fire !

    Hi monalisa, It sounds like you are on a lot of acid reducers / blockers. I would advise you to seek attention from your medical staff for this one. Hope all is well and things will get better for you! *hugs*
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Last Minute Doubts

    Hi topgun and welcome! There is going to be a lot of work on you personally. The sleeve is only a tool, like a hammer. The hammer isn't going to build a house without the human power behind it. The house also cannot be built without a strong foundation. You are going to have to "diet" to lose the weight. Snacking will slow your weight loss down. Depending on what you eat of course. I see you mentioned pop corn, well I can eat just as much of that as I ever did pre sleeve. It's a major slider food. I am many months out too, so this won't happen the next day, but eventually yes - slider foods are going to go right through you. I think it will be really important to realize what is normal healthy snacking versus out of control bingeing snacking. Thin people snack too, but the difference is they STOP when they should. I have a lot of naturally thin relatives, and I do pay attention to their habits now. They're usually satisfied with a handful of chips, rather than having the bag next to them and going to town. I'm a snacker, but I was still able to lose all my excess weight and then some. It wasn't easy though. I had to exercise a lot of self control and work out to burn extra calories. Most would consider that "dieting"... however, I think in order to achieve lifetime success we will all have to realize this is going to have to be a new way of life. Everything "bad" in moderation, and forever doing everything "good". Good luck to you! YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Complications ;(

    Oh wow, I'm sooo sorry to hear about your complications! I pray you will heal and get well soon. Are you on liquids only? What are you ingesting? Your stomach is already hyper sensitive, it could be that what you are eating/drinking just isn't being accepted by your sleeve. Just a thought, I honestly don't know what it could be. If necessary keep in close contact with your surgeon. *hugs*
  5. I don't think I've ever actually told anyone at work exactly how much I've lost except for a very few, maybe 2 people that I can think of. I mean, the see the significant difference, especially those who knew me from back at my biggest... I still never told them I've lost 160 Lbs. I mean do the math. They'd know I was well over 300 Lbs then. I don't know, it's just not something I ever felt comfortable sharing. My own family doesn't even know how much I've lost, how much I weigh now or even what sizes I wear. The only person who does is my darling husband. We celebrated together when I finally weighed less than him. You don't have to tell anyone anything you aren't comfortable with. You're certainly not alone in that! *hugs*
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fell Way Of The Wagon Last Night! :-(

    And there you have it folks, a happy ending. I'm certainly not perfect... I had a bad day too eating wise, but I too made sure I got all my workouts done! In fact I've already burned 750 calories this morning and before the sun even came up from it's slumber. Every day is a new beginning!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I can now yes. Pretty much nothing bothers my stomach anymore. I can eat a lot more too than first being sleeved, but it's still nothing compared to the general public so I feel confident along with my workouts I should be able to keep my weight off FOREVER!!! I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Share Your Inspirational / Funny Emails Here!

    Debi those were great! LMAO!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi , I Am Home And Feeling Great!

    I am soooo happy for you!!! Welcome to the losers bench!!! The fun... starts... NOW!!! *hugs* And here's your dancing bananas - and everyone knows I don't give those out easily. :wink1: :Banane01: :bananapowerslide: :Banane02: :bananajump: :Banane03: :Banane10: :Banane04:
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 Weeks Post-Op

    Great progress so far!!! Keep the positivity, it will come in handy!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Seven Months Sleeved And Weight Is Slowing Down

    Slowing down to a few pounds per month, I say it was around 10 months out. That was when I got to around 4-5 Lbs per month. I actually have lost 0 Since december, which is fine. I'm not trying to lose pounds anymore, just tone up. Everyone's different though, and really depends how quickly you get to about 20 Lbs or less to lose.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Almost 2 Months Out

    Happy 2 mos!! You're doing great! Don't worry so much about getting to goal, you WILL get there. Just keep doing all the right things, and goal will happen in time. The questions will start popping up all the time on how did you lose the weight. Be prepared for this! It happens all the time. It doesn't last forever though. I used to get asked 20x a day, now it's only down to 10x... haha Keep up the great progress!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    oregon coast 2012

    You look great! Nice picture!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    207119 4666788934 543943934 109981 1737 N

    Looking super classy! Love the glasses!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    2800 73095928934 543943934 1643537 8378214 N

    Lovely!!! Definitely a Diva!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    315704 2101796236149 1582752257 2081941 33554321 N

    Is that pre-op? That is fantastic!! It's not an easy thing to do, so kudos! Love this picture too.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    I've only been burning over 1,000 per day lately. The 1,500 was during my weight loss phase and before my plastic surgeries. I mix them all up with running, walking, elliptical, stationary bike, many DVD workouts which right now I'm doing Kettlebells and Medicine Ball... I just keep doing a bunch of different things every day. I don't want my body getting complacent!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Leg Cramps...

    If you're having bad leg cramps you're likely low on all your electrolytes. Water / Calcium / Magnesium / Potassium. It might be a good idea to drink Gatorade. I used to drink the real Gatorade too, it just seems to be more potent than G2. Good luck!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Don't waste your time worrying about how long it will take you to get to goal, when you have the rest of your life to get there. In my world, there is no end. This IS for life.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Restless Leg?

    I do get RLS and I've had it since I can remember. I've never personally gone to see the Dr. about it, because I personally only seem to get it when I'm not working out. If I miss more than 2 days my legs go crazy. It's the oddest most bizarre feeling. I think it was passed on to me from my father - he has it too. Perhaps try and get a brisk walk in every night. Just do it a few hours before bed time or the adrenaline from walking will keep you up too.. longer-life mentions a correlation between that and low Iron. It's quite possible because I'm anemic and I've been anemic forever. So I can't say that's not it. Good luck!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Oh well! I didn't realize that whoops... LOL Still... you had a lot on you at the time, I can imagine how much of your energy it takes having a brand new life in your world. You're still working on it! All that really matters. To me, only needing to lose 6 Lbs is such a far cry from 60+ from gaining weight back, which in my life would be the case pre-sleeve.
  22. Don't waste your time worrying about how long it will take you to get to goal, when you have the rest of your life to get there. In my world, there is no end. This IS for life.

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Omg I Love Getting Checked Out.

    And the taking pictures of myself... oh lawddd... the taking of pictures... the self love is just outta control.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Critizing The "old" You

    I think an important part of this journey is learning to ignore others opinions of us and simply learning to love ourselves for who we are. Make sure you are doing all this for YOU because really that's the only human life in this world that you have the real power to do anything with. Blessings!

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