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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pre-Surgery 4

    WOWWW!!!! You look like a totally different person... GREAT AND FABULOUS WORK YOUVE DONE!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Down 157 lbs!!!!

    Wow you look super slim!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    February 10, 2012

    Awwww!!! Cute puppy! You look great! Keep going strong!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Thanks for the add!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Excuses Excuses Excuses... Just take the bull by the horns and do what you set out to do. Become healthy, fit and fight for a better longer life!!!
  6. Excuses Excuses Excuses... Just take the bull by the horns and do what you set out to do. Become healthy, fit and fight for a better longer life!!!

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgey Was On 2-6. Just Some Questions

    .. Yes this is VERY normal. You have to put yourself on a schedule. Drink so many ounces every hour or so. Also, all fluids count to your total. Protein Shakes, jellos, pop sicles, all that. I however did not count yogurts or anything that solid. I've heard some do though, so you'll have to choose yourself, or ask your surgeon what they suggest. Re: Crystal Light, isn't something I have ever really consumed much of. When I do though I dilute it, such as only using half tubes instead of the whole thing, or putting much more Water than the 16.9 oz bottle. I just prefer water myself.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Acid/ Heartburn

    For me Prilosec (generic version Omeprazole) has worked the best. I now take Zegerid, which is just Omeprazole plus an added absorption medication. Those might be a bit large for you right now, but Prilosec pills are very very small.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    Khy, I use GNC Brand Biotin 5,000 mcg dry capsules. I use to take every night before bed but I'm down to 4x per week. I've tried several other brands and the GNC brand has worked the best for me.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Biotin does not prevent hair loss, but is excellent with helping it to grow back. I've been taking it since 4 months post op which was right around the time it started falling out. While my hair did continue to fall out for many months, at least the regrowth was just as fast. My hair is once again thick and more healthy now than it has ever been. Not only that it works fantastic for healthy strong nails too. I have to clip my nails constantly, and I never get my nails done in a shop. I fear the spread of disease and germs there! Also, I would always get plenty of Protein in and it still did not prevent the hair loss. I was always getting around 80-100g per day. Good luck!
  11. Love, Challenge, Motivate, Forgive... YOURSELF!!!

  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    Great! It is wonderful, and can even be considered a nice winter comfort food.
  13. I only spend so much time on a particular subject when it's something I love to do, and when its something I believe in 110%!!! I want EVERYONE I come into contact with to succeed, to feel good about themselves and thier accomplishments, and most of all to own any downfalls, but I will be right here to pick you back up and dust you off. Have a great weekend everyone!! <3

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Great!!! I'm so glad I could help!! Send me a friend request there, I've actually grown to really love it there. Since you're not working out as much I'd say 800-1,000 calories per day right now should be fine. Your body will let you know when your fitness level is ready for the next step. I always caution others to take it slow when beginning a workout routine. I find that when others start too far advanced they do risk injury as well as burnout. Burnout is the worst thing you can do because it will stop you from continuing on. Well I guess injury could do the same thing. You're going to do great! Just keep mental toughness, you have to have that! *hugs*
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    My New Numbers

    Youre doing fantastic congrats!!! Yayyy!!! To update your ticker, you just click on it in your signature, it will take you to your ticker site. Enter your password and click the enter button with your mouse. Pressing enter on your keyboard wont work.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Am No Longer Diabetic!

    CONGRATS!!! This is sooo worthy of some dancing bananas!!! :xena_banana: :woot: :not_ripe: :Banane59: :Banane57: :Banane54:
  17. Gah! Some people! But that's right, just "whatever" those people. You're doing fantastic and those types just want to cut you off at your knees. Don't let them.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fell Way Of The Wagon Last Night! :-(

    We actually have a BR right around the corner from us. We've only been there twice since me being sleeved!! I used to be there constantly before my sleeve! My willpower must be stronger than I thought. yay!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    *hugs* There will come a moment where one will realize that the sleeve is nothing more than a small stomach. Our brains will still operate the same way it did before. The whole not wanting to eat feeling only lasted for me for about 4 months. After that I still had to deal with all the same need to eat feelings I ever did before. I couldn't eat AS MUCH of it, and that was the only difference. Now there are even slider foods that I *can* eat as much as I could before. I have to really watch my portion sizes with those. Just something to look out for. Don't beat yourself up! You are human!! We are living the same flaw, but please know as long as you really do the best you can, you can keep it muffled most of the time. I have to trick myself to keep me from eating bad foods. I now have myself on a eating schedule, much like a baby would be. Monday through Friday I'm still logging my foods, and I eat ONLY at certain times of the day. I just work really well like this. I'm a type person where I thrive under order and regimen. I cannot live life by the seat of my pants, because left to my own devices I will usually choose the wrong answer. Here's my suggestions: Get yourself off the bad carbs/sugar. Do really low carbs like mentioned in this diet. It will help ease the cravings for it. Log everything! I use www.myfitnesspal.com - I am Lilmissdiva_Irene there, send me a FR! Once those 5 days are up, get back to a healthy well balanced eating plan. Protein first, then veggies and a few bites of good complex carbohydrates for your solid meals. Keep logging!! Do not eat past 7 PM!! It's just not good, and believe me, I have a hard time with this one too. I am really trying hard to stop that. If you do not already, begin some type or workout routine. Even burning an additional 500 calories per day translates too an extra Lb of fat gone forever every week that you would not have lost otherwise! Find a regimen that works for you. Here's mine, Monday through Friday I avoid the "C"s... that being: Candy Crackers Cakes Chocolate Cookies Chips Cereal Pop Corn Ice Cream I do not log on the weekends though but please note, I am not trying to lose weight. If you are still trying to lose, then maybe leave yourself only 1 free day per week. It's NOT easy!! I stress this all the time, but never ever forget - YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  20. So funny you mention this! I was just thinking about the fact Kohl's smalles size is a 4... and if I keep losing anymore inches those will be too big for me. So sad! I really didn't want to get smaller than that. It's so amazing how at least for me thinking I could never get this small, yet I did. I always claimed that I had "big bones" (which I do, I checked)... just not big enough to use as an excuse to NOT be thin. :wink1:
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    @escape pod - congrats!! Thats great! @Lynda, hey I go through those spells too sometimes where I just don't have the fortitude to constantly think about perfect days either. It happens! The important thing is just getting back on track. It's really difficult to lose the smaller you are. I've been stuck at 170 since Dec now, and really, for awhile during Holidays I ate anything I wanted. No movement, but I've been being really really good for almost 2 weeks now and still no movement. I'm totally ok with that, it just intrigues me a lot! I've been logging my food for 10 days now and I've been way below what I'm burning what I'm consuming daily and you'd think I'd have to be losing.. just makes sense but I'm not. Crzy!! Anyhow, happy Friday to all! Mine begins in less than 3 hours... can't wait!!! Whooo!!
  22. Hi Jackie!! I seen from your ticker you are 2 Lbs below goal...THAT IS AWESOME!!! Congrats, you really rocked your sleeve hunny!!

  23. Heya moray and WELCOME!! The answer to your questions are YES YES YES!!! Now... the first few months note that you may not have the best energy. Mine was pretty much kaput... but once I started to do my routines again, including walking, running and exercise machines, etc. I started to get my energy back. And, I cannot tell you how much energy I have now. I burn a thousand calories through workouts every day and sometimes it doesn't even feel like it's enough!! I might bump that up to 1,500 a day next month. Anyhow, CONGRATS on your decision to change your life. You're lucky you're able to do this so young. Whoohooo!! You will be able to dunk without effort someday.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Start Of A Bad Morning

    The first few months are by far the hardest. You will get through this!! *hugs* And, if you can only take the gummies take 2... it won't hurt you. Something is better than nothing. All the best!!
  25. Yup what she said!! My gym is at home though, and my playground is outside. Love it!!!

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