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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene


    Outstanding progress!! I'm amazed!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    12 days post op. lovin this thing :))

    You look great!! Nice sweater belt combo.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    You look amazing!! I'm going to mail that package out to you on Friday. Doing great!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    20120213 135547

    You look fabulous!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours

    It is almost like Pilates... sort of. You're using the weight of your body against itself in a series of Fluid movements. It was designed by someone with a back problem, so it's supposed to be able done by those with joint issues. That said, I cannot do all of the techniques... I too have bad knees and not able to apply too much weight agains them. Good luck!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I think the best tool you can have with your sleeve is to log your food intake. Also pay close attention to what your eating and if you post a plus or minus on the scale. Drink plenty of Water too!! 64 oz should be your minimum, that and minimum 60g Protein... It should work. You have to be patient with the process. I didn't lose weight every single day. Some days or some weeks I stayed the same, I just kept doing the best I could and eventually the weight just fell off. No stress!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Insentive Boyfriend

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gonna Get To Goal. Wanna Join Me?

    Oh my dear!! Big big hugs to you!! :-( Please take care of yourself, and know that you and your students family is in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi!! I almost missed this message! :blush2: I never had babies, but I did carry around a lot of weight on my belly for a few decades so I suppose that's something... I can tell you this, semi-low carb eating is excellent for losing the belly fat. I did around 60g per day of complex carbohydrates during my weight loss phase. The only exercise I can truly say worked my abs too is running. It is the most excellent for overall body toning that I've seen. I'm picking it back up again and slowly but surely and getting my flat belly back. Good luck!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi there! It seems you are about 2 months out so you're likely able to eat almost anything. Probably not salads or steaks, but near anything. I'll tell you what, I also didn't like to eat much then either. I had almost zero appetite and NOTHING was appealing to me. It was as if food was disgusting but I only consumed it because I had to, to survive. I really really did enjoy a few things though. My favorites were cream of wheat, refried Beans with a touch of salsa, Wendy's Chili with some cheese added, I liked to puree some rotisserie chicken (it's actually really good) adding some mayo, eggs anything or egg drop Soup, or tuna and mayo. I was pretty limited on what I liked. I pretty much ate mostly chicken or tuna fish for my protein. I couldn't fit much in either. I did supplement A LOT with Protein shakes because all I could get in were a few tablespoons of food at that time, and I didn't like to eat more than a few times per day. It wasn't even until about 4 months out that I started feeling semi-normal with my eating. Take your time, it's no rush. Be kind and easy on yourself. Time will heal you and eventually you will be back to normal. Note too that this is the best time post op for weight loss, so take full advantage!! All the very best to you.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey you guys...

    Gratzzz Papa Jack!!! Doing great!!!
  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Whoohoooo you did it!!! What a fabulous moment for you!
  13. Thank you everyone for all the encouragement you all give me!! I'm taking a full break today, yesterday I only burned 600ish calories and will burn the same tomorrow. After that it's back on schedule. I'm also going to be flushing with LOTS of water... my body is screaming!! LOL :)

  14. Okay. I really think my body needs a break from workouts. I'm only doing my calisthenics tonight then taking tomorrow off. Then Wednesday I'll do a light session, then it will be back on schedule after that

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    When Did You Stop/start Buying Clothing?

    I lived at Goodwill!! They do have some great clothes there, you just need to have the time to sift through everything. In my area they also have great deals on Holidays where everything in the store is an additional 50% off!! I'd come out of there with 20 pair pants for 60 bucks! Are you kidding me?? That made my day. Not only that I would also buy a few sizes smaller than I really was too, as incentive. I'd try them on every few weeks to see how I was doing and even if I couldn't get them on all the way it was still a victory for me, because of how they fitted on me the last time I tried them on. If at last time I could only get them up to my thighs and this time I got it over my bum, well I knew I was losing! It was great. Good luck!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First 25!

    You've gone through so much, and you sooo deserve to have awesome moments like this!! CONGRATS!! You're on your way for sure!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv--While In Jamaica!

    Awww!! And self confidence is the BEST thing to come out of all this hard work. CHEERS!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Insentive Boyfriend

    I'm so glad you spoke up and out! Sometimes thats all that really needs to happen. I do think though he WAS being insensitive, but he's not going to know what you're feeling or thinking unless you express it. I feel women put way too much emphasis on expecting a man to just know what we want. They don't and the sooner any woman in a relationship figures this out, the better their relationships will be. Either that or at least the woman will realize that she really is with a bum and it's time to go, rather than spend years wasted on a guy that's just not worthy of her. Heal well, and I do hope things will turn around now that you've said your peace. :smile1: If that were my hubby I'd flat out tell him NO, I am NOT fixing you a chocolate cake for Valentines Day. If he asked why not, I'd tell him that he is diabetic and I love him enough not to. In answer to your questions, why don't you ask him why he doesn't do those things for you. I've actually told my husband that before many years ago when we first got together. I had no shame, and I expected to be treated like a lady because that's exactly what I am. He answered me that undoubtedly yes, I am a lady - needless to say we never had to have that conversation again. Good luck to you! I have to comment on this, and maybe it can be seen as a bit harsh but the truth is the truth. Yelling at you is considered mental abuse. I know it, I lived it with my Mom and Stepdad growing up. As you lose weight and gain confidence you will see what I mean, and I do hope that if he can't change then you will see to it that you find yourself looking for it elsewhere.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp With Creole Mustard

    Score Kelly!! That sounds amazing. I'm sooo printing this one off. Thanks for sharing!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Stop It Already

    For the most part this is a very supportive forum. Most might think I'm being biased, and perhaps I am little bit - but I just do my best to not allow a few bad apples spoil my whole bunch. Everyone's entitled to his or her opinion as long as it's not done in a manner in which anyone is singled out personally and/or meant as a personal attack. That forum rule in its simplest form has kept order here for years now. Post away!!
  21. Lots of stores have put their sweats on clearance recently. Go get some!! I know WalMart did for a fact, and I'm sure they won't last long. Also, get them loose on you because the incisions will be a bit sore - including perhaps a sports bra or maybe some camisoles that won't rub against them. All the best!!
  22. Wonderful!! You will love your entire experience. Keep me updated on how you're doing!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    Only a few weeks away!! How exciting!!
  24. Whoottt!! 64 oz. in and it's only 9:30 am!!!

  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    aWWWW You look amazing lady!!! GREAT JOB!!

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