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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Will A Revision Work For Me?

    I was revised from Lap Band to VSG on 9/15/2010. I lost to my goal in 10.5 months and have been maintaining ever since. The Lap Band was a failed experiment for me, and I too am addicted to food. It can be done, and for me the VSG was a far greater tool than the Lap Band. *Hugs* There is hope out there!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    New To The Board- 7 Days Post Op

    Hi Tonya, welcome! Having food distaste post op is really normal. I had it too. Though, today my taste buds are back to normal, thank goodness. I'm glad to hear though you have been able to find some Protein supplements that you do like. Lots find that difficult post op. Just keep hanging in there! This time next year will be a whole new you!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting Closer To Surgery Time!

    Hiya Joni! Welcome to the board! Listen, if I can do it - you can do it. I'm the worst when it comes to dieting (food) but I look toward what I'm good at. Such as maintaining my workouts and getting to basics when I really need to. I made it! You will too. You are especially fortunate too that you have a live in coach! That is so awesome. Cheers to both you and your hubby.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Guy!

    Welcome to posting eazye!! I'm sure you'll really do fantastic with your new tool, when you get it. I love mine and thank GOD daily for it!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can't Stop Crying...

    Prayers going out to both of you!! No worries, this surgery may be tough but any one of us are tougher. Just putting that first step forward to ask your PCP about the surgery shows that. *hugs* On this day next year, no one will even recognize you as the same person.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeved Yesterday And Sick :-(

    Congrats on your new tiny tummy!! Don't worry, feeling nausea and/or vomiting post op is really quite normal. I did both and though it wasn't fun, it did pass. Today, I'm a whole new person!! Can't say enough about it. Get your rest and do your best to sip tiny and get up and walk whenever you can. Xoxo
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    I chose to go small with plastics at first too, though our reasons are different - still it's ok to space it out. Do the most important to you right now, and believe me it will help you a great deal mentally. It has helped me to accept the rest of my imperfections and ultimately I am extremely happy today. I do want to have more done down the line, but I'm not totally depressed when looking in the mirror anymore. I'm also not constantly counting on it happening in the near future and don't even really think about it. It's a really nice feeling.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene


    Catracks, yes, little seeds are thought to perhaps get caught in the incision line. It's always better to wait to eat them for a few months out. Being you are two months, I'm sure you're fine.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    I swallow seeds accidently sometimes, and I've never had any issues to date. The tiny seeds are an issue in the first few months but pretty much after that you are good to go. HTH BTW.. Love Pomegramate!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    What Am I Throwing Up?

    Please let us know how you're doing once you place the call to your Dr. I do hope all is well with you!! Xoxo
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    First Size 10 Jeans!

    Wonderful!!! When I was losing it was always getting tinier clothes that I celebrated the most. You're doing fabulous things lady!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Healthy!

    And THAT friends is what this is really all about. I don't remember if I updated the whole heart murmur issue, but my results did come back great. So, I do not need to do any more follow up regarding that issue. My heart beats strong and happy!! I'm so grateful, so thank the LORD that is now a non-issue for me. Also, I have gotten a copy of my last panel. Wow, I can honestly say I'm really working hard to ensure a healthy body! I'm far from perfect folks though, I mean... I did have half a burger for lunch today AND some seasoned fries too!!! NOOO SAY IT ISN'T SO!!! :ph34r: LOL, anyhow, it is what it is. I enjoyed every bite too. However, here's the thing. I'm at goal, so no biggie. AND, unlike before I could only eat half (actually less than half because I'd buy other things too in the past) what I purchased. Ohhhh thank you sleevie!! Here's what my blood panel showed (as of 2/17/12): Test..................My Result.................Normal Range Sodium............140 mmol/L..................135-146 Potassium........4.4 mmol/L...................3.5-5.3 Chloride...........106 mmol/L..................98-110 CO2.................25 mmol/L....................21-33 Urea Nitro.........15 mg/dL.....................7-25 Creatinine.........0.71 mg/dL..................0.50-1.10 Glucose............76 mg/dL....................65-99 :wub: Calcium.............9.2 mg/dL...................8.6-10.2 Protein.............6.3 g/dL......................6.2-8.3 (not sure how or why it's borderline... that's all I eat!! ) Albumin............4.1 g/dL......................3.6-5.1 Globulin............2.2 g/dL.....................2.2-3.9 A/G Ratio.........1.9 ratio......................1.0-2.1 AST(Liver).......19 U/L.........................10-30 Bilirubin............0.6 mg/dL...................0.2-1.2 ALT.................15 U/L.........................6-40 Alkaline Phos...46 U/L........................33-115 Cholesterol......164mg/dL..................125-200 Triglycer..........62 mg/dL...................<150 VLDL Chol.......12 mg/dL...................<30 LDL Choles.....95 mg/dL...................<130 HDL Choles.....57 mg/dL...................> or = 46 Chol/HDL Ratio...2.9........................< or = 5.0 CARDIAC RISK FACTOR: LOW RISK :wub: LDL/HDL Ratio...1.67........................2.35-4.12 (BELOW AVG RISK!! ) Vitamin D (25).....50 ng/mL...............30-100 (According to recent studies being above 50 is best for optimal health, I will need to bump up my intake a little bit, though could be winter too...) Vitamin D3...........50 ng/mL Vitamin D2...........<4 White Blood.......1.9 Thou/uL...............3.8-10.8 Red Blood.........4.51 Mill/uL................3.80-5.10 Hemoglobin.......11.7 g/dL..................11.7-15.5 (*sigh* Guess I'll be upping that Iron intake!) Hematocrit.........36.2%.......................35.0-45.0 MCV..................80 fL.........................80.0-100.0 MCH..................26.0 pg....................27.0-33.0 (Yep!! Need to up that iron... my achilles heel! I just wanted to say I have been really craving beef, which is really high in iron. Our bodies know what we need, we only need listen.) MCHC...............32.3 g/dL..................32.0-36.0 RDW.................14.6%......................11.0-15.0 Platelet Ct.........274 Thou/uL..............140-400 Vitamin B-12.....718 pg/mL.................200-1100 AND THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! Take good care of yourself, and if all else fails be your own advocate. I demand these on a 6 month basis, and then I go get these copies from my Dr to keep an eye on my levels. I'd say I'm doing fan-freakin-tastic!! I've always had anemia issues, so this is not a shock to me. It's just ever more important to keep an eye on it since I can only eat so much. BLESSINGS!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Healthy!

    Yayyy!!! I'm glad it's working for you! It's perfectly ok to weight every day. I have been in the last week as I'm trying really hard to get my mind right before I get way off track and it helps. It's just really important to note that if it seems to ruin your whole day, and go off the deep end when you don't see a loss every single day, then it's not a good thing. It is all in the mindset. Keep up the good work!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breast Loss

    Right? I have to say I absolutely love my boobies!! It is great to look down and see such a beautiful sight. It honestly does make the other imperfections a lot more tolerable. Don't regret my augmentation in the least.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    I'm pretty far out from surgery but starting at around 4 months out I began to eat and introduce more fruits into my diet. Early out I was eating bananas and the softer fruits, but didn't start the citrus fruits until later due to the acidic content. Fruit is wonderful and super healthy for our bodies, full and packed with nutrients and Vitamins we NEED to survive! GOD created these amazing foods for us to take in and enjoy at the same time as replenishing our systems with what we need. I have eaten everything to date pretty much (unless I just don't like it, like avocadoes) as a matter of fact I have a tablespoon of cranberries in my oatmeal right this second. That said when I am working hard to lose weight quickly I do ignore fruits for a few days. But it's never really any longer than that. Fruits and veggies!! Sooo important for us.
  16. Do NOT waiver! You got this, and for the record I'm always open for interpretation. :-) I do not regret my surgery for one second!!! *hugs*

  17. That's right girlie, the postivite crowd will take this place BACK!! :-) <3

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    I believe that was egg beaters, and yes cheese.
  19. Good morning Sleevers and Sleevers-to-Be!! What are you doing today to reach your goals? If you are at goal, what are you doing today to stay there?

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Healthy!

    Thank you sleeve friends!!!! I feel really good, and I can finally say after sooo many years that I am comfortable with where I am! S - You're in my prayers sister!! <3
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Can Post Here Now!

    Whooohoooooo!!!! Happy Dance for you!! I'm so glad to hear everything went well. Heal and rest up... but in the mean time, do your best to get up and walking.
  22. How are you doing? :-)

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lapband To Sleeve Is It As Good As Everyone Says?

    I revised from my Lap Band to the VSG on 9/15/10. I am doing outstanding and I was able to reach my final goal in just over 10 months. There are so many benefits that I've found regarding having my sleeve rather than my band, but I think the greatest one is the freedom to live my life! No fills/unfills, port pain, stuck food, soft food syndrome, slimies, tight/loose effects.. none of that. Sorry to say but I do NOT miss the lap band. All the best to you!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Magnesium Citrate Dilemma

    I wouldn't think it could be a problem. You might want to clear that with your Dr just to be sure though. I didn't even have to take anything to clean me out pre-op and I'm perfectly ok. Good luck!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Healthy!

    Thank you Vance! Believe me, I don't beat myself up... or at least I do my best not to. As long as the majority of what you're doing is the right thing, then you're doing great. And you are SO RIGHT! Let's see, this is what I used to eat... (I can't believe I'm writing this down BTW!!) A double anything (WBC or Double Whopper type thing), Largest fries available and a shake on top of that. Sometimes if I was feeling lucky I'd even throw in some chicken nuggets too... WHOO!! I could eat any man under the table, no lie.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
