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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene


    You are entering into the "3rd week stall" zone. This is far more common than many think. You are not doing anything wrong, you will need patience at this time. Just keep doing all the right things that you are currently doing, continue to heal and keep getting in all your fluids. The scale will start moving again in time. In the mean time, it might be a good idea to stay off the scale for at least a few weeks. I know, easier said than done, but if it's frustrating you then it's just causing you unnecessary stress that is really unhelpful to your efforts. Please note, stress is a factor when it comes to no weight loss as well. Find other ways to measure success, there are so many. What NSV's have you had already? How many inches have you lost? Are there side by side photos you can create to see the difference? Find other avenues, you will see they really do make you feel a lot better.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Feeling A Little Like Frodo.....

    This analogy is SO TRUE!! I've already finished the Trilogy myself, but I can tell you the Victory would not been as sweet without all the battles in between. Keep pushing, and CONGRATS on this major milestone.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Made The Magic 64 Ozs

    You're doing much better than most others. I struggled to get half that in a day for the first whole month. LOL
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    What I Eat

    Amazing!!! This is going to help so many people. ***Attention*** If you are looking for what to eat, definitely read this blog!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Birthday party in June 2009 at Lake Las Vegas

    You look like you are always having so much fun!!! Whoohoo!! Love that smile
  6. LilMissDiva Irene


    You look great!! Cute outfit too.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


  8. I've been on my antibiotics (ZPac!!! Hoorrayyy) for 2 days now. I can already tell I'm on the mend... thank you LORD!! I ended up with acute bronchitis which is not out of the norm for me and the flu. So, I haven't been able to workout for almost a week now. I will get back on the wagon Monday morning and for the first time in DAYSSS I'm actually looking forward to it. I figure I'll start with a session on my stationary bike.

  9. "Success is measured by personal happiness." ~Usher -- Oh how true this is. If you don't get it, you will eventually. You won't know you get it until you get that "huh... I get it" moment. :-)

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hate To Eat Now

    Hi Todd, Don't worry, you will once again be able to enjoy eating and food again. Whoa... I wish this was me!! I love to eat, even though I can't eat a lot - regardless I do once again love it. Anyhow, take your time with all of this. Be patient, and if you must slow down the progress of how and what you are eating then do that. I would do Protein shakes for a few meals per day and only eat one or two other meals. I also had to make sure my meats were puree'd and moist or it would sit like a ton of bricks on my chest. Not everything will work either right off the bat. If you notice something is not working well, don't eat it again for a week or so. Well wishes to you! Again, you are not healing or progressing any differently than most others, rest assured.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lose And Loose Are Two Completely Different Words

    This is pretty funny... in fact, it's so funny I'm even laughing at the people who are SERIOUSLY misspelling words and not even realizing it - while joining in the fun. Yes, some are doing it purposefully, but... others are not. I'm no English Major, I just happen to appreciate it.
  12. Hello Kiki - I'm 18 months out, so you have much to look forward to. I can drink as much water as I ever could, no problem. Early out is another story, so the only thing you can do is allow time to pass until you're able to drink more. During a 45 Minute workout I will fill up a 23.9 Oz Smart Water bottle and I'll usually have to sparse it out or I'll finish it too soon. I also will have a 32 Oz bottle of water at my desk and on aggressive days I'll drink it in 3 hours, less aggressive days I'll do 4 hours. I can drink 2-3 of these on any given day. My usual intake is 72 Oz on days without workout and up to 128 Oz on days where I am working out. Good luck in your journey!
  13. Hi Lisa I'm over 18 months out from my revision from Lap Band to VSG - and I'm doing excellent. I had a blood test only a month ago (have shared the results here) and they are great. The only problem I had is low blood count (anemia - need to up my iron) which is normal for me. I've been anemic pretty much my whole life and runs in my family. Other than that I'm able to keep up with all my supplements and all my levels are right on. I am my own advocate too, so I'm always getting copies of my results to be sure all is well. I DO have a tiny stomach and I'll want to know if anything is borderline or below as it would be a bit more difficult to get them up without quick response and supplements. Anyone who doesn't eat properly has the chance of being malnourished, wether they are thin, or overweight, normal sized stomach or tiny - or whatever the case may be. All the best to you! Do whatever you have to do to be as healthy as you can be. For me, that meant having WLS.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm Certain That Vsg Will Kill Me.

    Hello kimmr... I am a band to sleeve revision too. I'm still alive!! I'm also healthier than I've ever been in my life, smaller than I've been in 2 decades and best of all HAPPIER than I can ever remember being. All the best to you in your journey.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    No way! I can eat way more than others who are just sleeved or even 6 months out - but here's what I can indulge in. I can eat one large slice of pizza or 1.5 slices of Medium. I can eat a Jr. Whopper w/cheese and some fries. I can eat about 4 Oz of breast chicken with a little bit of veggies and rice. As you can see I can eat more of a portion of not so good choices, but my good choices get me full faster. One just needs to be careful in these situations. Things like pop-corn I can eat as much as before... so I limit eating this at all. I still to this day never eat and drink at the same time. I do follow the sleever rules most of the time, but some days I do like to eat my carbs first.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Experiences After Immediately Waking Up? Comment Please..

    I wouldn't say I had an easy go of things. I won't lie to you, I was quite bad off - though not as bad as some. I did have bad nausea and even vomitted one time. It was like coffee grounds and the nurse checked on me, said I was fine. I was quite sedated so the nausea and vomitting felt more like a dream state however I do remember it. Exactly like Doggz I too had lower body numbness and actually had to go pee so bad the nurse ended up having to help me by putting a catheter in for me. It sucked, but hey - I had to go... what are ya gonna do right? After that initial time, I was able to go on my own from there. My pain actually wasn't that bad. The worst parts were what I already mentioned. I'm pretty tough and when I'm sick of laying in bed I force myself up and will myself to get better... lol.. kinda like right now (recovering from the flu). I got through it, and so will you. Jitters are normal, don't worry - what you're feeling is common. I had them too... but yet here I am a year and a half later at goal and thanking GOD daily for my sleeve!!! Here is a thread to help you figure out what you need to take to the hospital: Click this Link
  17. I've been sick, sorry I have been MIA. Be back soon... this is the longest I've been out of it for quite some time.

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ready, Get Set.....go!

    Hi there! Sounds like everything is going great to start I'm looking forward to following your journey!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Here I Go Again

    Hi Ruth I'm also a revision from band to sleeve. I definitely dont regret it at all!! Welcome to the site and I look forward to reading your transition. All the best!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Me and my nephew :)

    He's so itty bitty, and so are you!! Doing so great Candace!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene


    Thats so awesome!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene


    Great smiles!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Anything worth having is twice as worth fighting for. Likewise, anything we see as a trial is a test. Pass it and the rewards will be worth double.
  24. Anything worth having is twice as worth fighting for. Likewise, anything we see as a trial is a test. Pass it and the rewards will be worth double.

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    da ba and i

    Great smiles!!

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