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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    April 23!

    Hi Kay I'm praying for a quick recovery for both of your upcoming surgeries. Big hugs, and be sure to walk sip and rest. That's so important! Xox
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Full Liquid Stage Suggestions

    I'll tell you, the first real food I ate post op was the egg. It saved my life I think! I first ate it on day 14 Post Op. I made what was sort of an egg drop soup. I scrambled an egg and beated it into boiling broth. I didn't cook it long either, so they were still very soft (not rubbery or over done). Some people do have problems with eggs, but I think its normal for all types of folks to have issues with anything in the beginning. Just take your time between each bite and see how you handle it before moving on to the next bite. GL!
  3. I've been at goal since August 2011, so I guess I'm going on about 7 months just coasting through life. Of course I'm not sure how I'll feel in another year or 2, but I can tell you from the bottom of my heart I've never felt this way about my lap band. I tried!! Lord knows I did try, but it was false hope for me. I never hit goal or even close, then gained all my weight back. However you did, so you see things a little differently than I do. You see the other side where if complications do arise, feelings can change. I hope that isn't the case here!! There are several posters here who are a few years out as well, and that seem to be happy still, whom you may remember too - OregonDaisy who is also Denise, and Susan. Hopefully they will chime in soon! Thanks for the support too, I do appreciate it. Cheers on your new journey! I hope the very best for you!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Me Photo-Whoring

    Why thank you, got me blushing! lol Well, someday I will be sharing my post Insanity pics... that will be fun. Anyway, keep having the time of your life!! That for me has always been the best part in all this.
  5. Me personally it seemed to be around the 8th month out. My capacity at this time is around 3 quarter cups of food. However, now as I'm starting to open myself up to more foods that I restricted myself from for a long time during weight loss, I'm starting to figure out that junk food can fit in a whole lot better than Baked chicken and veggies.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Me Photo-Whoring

    You look great!
  7. Hi Mindy! I do remember you from LBT in fact. I'm so sorry to hear about your issues with your band. Though I can't say I had slip or erosion issues with mine, I was never able to find a sweet spot. I ended up having well over 20 adjustments in the little over 2.5 years I had mine. Sweetie you are not alone with the "soft food syndrome". It is more common than lots would like to admit with the lap band. I had it simply because after so many fills/unfills I kind of just gave up on them and chose to stay tight. Too tight I guess and that was the beginning of the end for me. I became reliant on ice cream, chips, candy... all that just to get food in. Everything else was like torture. Then I started getting night coughs and I had no idea that was due from my band being too tight until it turned into full fledge acid reflux. So sad... I gained nearly all my weight back as of course that's what happens when you live off ice cream and chips. But I finally decided to end the insanity and get on board with taking my band out and revising to the VSG. I can't say it enough, I thank GOD daily for my Sleeve!! Here's the answers to your individual questions. All the best and welcome to VST!! 1. IF i get converted will my pain ful eating contiune ? In the beginning I did have some pain with eating. I'm not sure if mine was more so due to being a revision, but it was the case. It took about 3 weeks for me to start swallowing more comfortably. However, since the day I've been sleeved I was free from slimies, being choked, night coughs, and just downright miserable eating ever again. I think a lot has to do with being accustomed to how a WLS patient should eat. We do have that going for us, there is no training period. I always say, if there's anything positive I can take from being banded it was that I was prepared for sleeved life! 2. I have seen some people can have a hard time gaining weight after the sleeve ? I think what you might be seeing is that there are a few who might take a little longer to slow down to a stop once goal is met. I did lose more weight than I'd initially intended, in fact though my ticker says 15 Lbs it was more like 30 Lbs. I was adding after my 2nd goal from that point. Anyhow, I intentionally kept losing weight. I was doing it on purpose because I just didn't feel done yet. Either that or I was so used to being in weight loss mode I was afraid of what life would be like not needing or wanting to keep going. I have since then come back down to Earth and even though I have never given up on the idea of general good health, I have stopped trying to make the scale move. I'm always going to do my workouts and do my best to eat healthy, but actual weight loss... no more. This is my maintenance which I consider a lifestyle change. It never truly ends. Anyhow that's just my story, but for the others who continued on for whatever reason, they ultimately were able to stop losing too. And be assured you absolutely can gain weight once goal is met. I've been going up and down around 5 Lbs on the scale on a monthly basis. But that's my normal and I'm starting to get used to it. 3. anyone who has gone from band to sleeve regret it ? Well I'm certainly not one! I don't regret my sleeve one bit. 4. anyone glad they did and why ? This was the best decision I've ever made in regards to my health and well being. I got to goal and quickly, with minimal effort. Yes, I did put the effort in but as long as I was following the sleever rules and getting my workouts in, I was losing the weight and inches. I'm glad because the sleeve saved my life and my sanity!! ETA: I had one surgery and I had mine done in Mexicali by Dr. Aceves. He typically does his surgeries all in one if he can, however he does say that if he has to, he will do two seperate surgeries.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tomorrow (03/27/12) So Ready!

    Hey there MQ!! Well you've come to the right place for VST friends and support. I was right where you are now just about a year and a half ago, and now today I am shouting from the highest rooftops how awesome the sleeve really is! Being nervous is very common, so no worries there. I'm praying for you that your surgery is just another day at the office for your Surgeon. Don't forget to check in and let us know how you're healing! Be Blessed!!
  9. Hi Carly I had a drainage tube and it was in for about 2 days. It was removed the day before I left the hospital. I won't lie it was pretty uncomfortable and was hurting when I had to move my torso with it in there. Also when the Nurse removed it, it was pretty creepy feeling. All that said, it wasn't so much painful as it was annoying and strange feeling. They pull it out quick though and once it's out it's easy to forget about. Especially when you're doing your happy dance as you look in the mirror wearing your tiny clothes.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi there, the answer is yes you will be able to enjoy all these wonderful foods again someday*. *You may not be able to enjoy all these foods right away, as some sleevers experience sensitivity to foods that are high in fats, some pastas, breads, dairies and anything high in sugar... which it is probably better to avoid them as best one can until goal is reached. Good luck!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello New To The Site :)

    Hiya Ana and welcome to VST!! I too am a revision from band to sleeve, and I too agree that my recovery was a lot better with the VSG. Or maybe just that I already knew what to expect, who knows. Wishing you well as you continue to recover and with that all the wonderful results the sleeve can give! Stay strong and positive, you WILL get to your target weight. Cheers!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    Very exciting!!! Your new journey has begun... hold on to your hat!!
  13. You've had a fantastically successful weekend!! Congrats and all the best as you enter into Maintenance Town.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Advice For Loss

    Stay being positive! Remember, most of us lose in the "stairstep" manner. Some weeks are good losses, some weeks will be silent. It's ok, it doesn't mean we're finish in any way. We think of weight loss in averages.. which normally is about 1-3 Lbs per week. That doesn't mean you will actually lose that every week. That means if you haven't lost any weight in the last 3 weeks, then when the losses catch up, you will probably have 2 weeks worth of some really high numbers. If you haven't started yet, you might want to begin some time of workout routine. Start small, don't push yourself too much just starting out or you will get burnout and might give up. Also, how much Water are you getting in? 64 Oz should be about your minimum. Try bumping it up by a 16 Oz bottle. See if that helps. Also, try to find other ways to measure your success. The scale does not define you or how well you're doing. It's only a piece of the puzzle, don't let it have any more worth than it should. You deserve to be happy, so find ways to keep yourself on the positive road. Think back in the last month. Have you gotten any compliments? How are your clothes fitting? Do you have any side by side photos to compare, from last month to today? There are so many avenues! Pick the one that keeps you motivated.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Do I Handle...

    ^^^ This
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today Is The Big Day!

    Wishing you the very best today, and I pray the LORD watches over you and guides your Surgeons hands. Xox See you on the losers bench! Don't forget to check in and let us know how you're doing.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scheduled For Sleeve In 1 Month

    I had my surgery on 9/15/10, so about 18 months ago.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scheduled For Sleeve In 1 Month

    Hey ruperto, congratulations on taking the next step for a better future! My suggestions to you are remain positive, have patience (in all areas, weight loss and in your recovery) and stay persistent even when things aren't looking so bright. This isn't going to be easy breezy.. nothing worth doing ever is. One thing I know for a fact though is all the ups and downs are more than worth the results. Stay strong and soon you will be a LOSER like me and all the rest of us Sleevers.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow!! Incredible results so far. Keep up the positive spirit, and right on with realizing its not all about the scale. So many wonderful results come shining through, we only need to discover them. Congrats!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oprah Kriste Ally

    To each their own. Why didn't I choose to continue struggling and battling for the rest of my life with diet and exercise alone? It's all a personal decision, and I always say unless you are 110% in then by all means do not attempt.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    IMG 5876

    Hey Big Craig, you got this!!! I hope your surgery went smooth.
  22. Wow I must really been sick! I was only able to do 15 minutes at Aerobic level on my stationary bike this morning. I had to stop as I began to feel a little yucky.. but otherwise it was nice to be able to do a little something. Every day will get better so long as I remain patient and not push it too much. My goal for today: Push fluids!!

  23. What an incredible transformation!!! Thank you so much for sharing this, you may not even realize it but you probably just encouraged THOUSANDS with your testimony here. I also can attest to my metabolism going at light speed since losing so much weight and working out coupled with proper nutrition... we CAN change our systems! Keep up the excellent work, and cheers to your success.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv - One Small Step

    Cludgie, that is AWESOME!!! 12 Minute mile (less than even!) is not that bad... c'mon lady give yourself some credit because it is due. No matter what though, it's more about finding enjoyable activities, especially those you can do as a family. Lotsa hugs and keep up with that spirit!!! I'm so happy for you.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Teeth And Gums

    Strangest thing, a few weeks after I had my VSG I did too notice my gums were extremely sensitive. I even had to have a root canal and crown placement on one of my teeth!! To this day I always believed it was due from lack of nutrients during the few weeks post op where I couldn't eat properly. It hasn't been the case since, though I am quite diligent with ensuring I'm getting proper and balanced nutrition and taking my supplements. If you think it's lasting longer than it should, I do suggest contacting your Dentist to find out what the issue might be. I hope they can find out what might be the problem. Xox

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