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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cant Wait!

    Truly inspiring!! Congrats on the weight loss and pre-op too. Cheers on your upcoming procedure! You will do fantastic.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Heeeelllllppppp The Scale Wont Move

    Wow congrats on your 6 Lbs!! Thats awesome!! Also, welcome to the losers bench.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Voices Of Experience- Obsessing Over Mfp

    I want to add too that STRESS is a big factor in weight stalling. Our bodies are already freaked out right out of surgery as we drastically reduce the calorie intake, Water stores are depleted as we wipe out our sugar stores... it's not helpful to "worry" ourselves so much that it becomes obsessive. I am not opposed to anyone taking a break from logging our foods. Nor am I opposed to anyone throwing their scales out the window!! As long as you keep some kind of record, then that's all that's really needed. Some will only weigh-in monthly. I have to admit, I weighed daily but I did my best to keep the stresses of it under control. I wasn't perfect but it never got to the point where I was pulling what little hair I had left on my head out!! Anyway, back to the month weigh'ers... they seem like very calm, collected people. So are the people who don't stress themselves over logging day in and day out. I couldn't do that either. I only used that tool (and still do) when I needed to keep track to get be BACK on track. Once I did that, I just simply followed sleever rules - which are Protein first, Veggies/Fruits next then if there's any room left, a few bites of carbs. I did my best to make those better choices too. It all worked well for me. I went through it all too. I stalled, I fell off track a few times, I cried when I couldn't hit Onederland in a day... I mean, yeah it's frustrating. But, long story short, I'm here. You will be too, just remain patient and stress free. Trust me, it makes the ride here a whole lot better. Enjoy the scenery.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months + A Few

    Great job Mike!! Wow you have done really amazing, congrats on all your success. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    197! 197! I'm Under 200!

    What a welcome surprise to wake up to this morning congrats!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    The first ingredient in success is positivity. The first ingredient in positivity is a good self esteem. The first ingredient in a good self esteem is happiness. The first ingredient in happiness is success.
  7. The first ingredient in success is positivity. The first ingredient in positivity is a good self esteem. The first ingredient in a good self esteem is happiness. The first ingredient in happiness is success.

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    "surgery Angels"

    I would love to see more activity in this particular forum! Buddies and mentors are exactly what each of us need to get through this tough journey. This is the best thought-of forum here, and more of us need to become familiar with its benefits, be it PRE or POST op. Believe you me this journey IS TOUGH!! I still struggle, every single day... even at a year and a half post op. But for *myself* my greatest reward in all of this is my being able to assist and guide the countless new oppers that visit our site every month. Anyone looking for that one question answered, is all great and nice... but some folks out there may need a little more. That is perfectly okay, and THAT friends is what this little corner of our website is geared toward. ANYONE needing a little one on one. I'm opening this new thread to invite this prospect to all of you - some to become a surgery angel and others in search of one. What is a "Surgery Angel"? This person is going to be kind of like your tour guide to all things Vertical Sleeve Surgery. Someone you can turn to for any of your pre op or post op needs. Someone you can count on 100% when it seems no one is quite answering your individual question, or perhaps someone is a little too shy to post questions out in the open and would rather keep them more personal. If someone is interested in opening themselves to being such a one on one mentor to someone else, be prepared to give your personal information such as email addresses and perhaps your cell number so they may text you. (Be sure to have your texts set properly on your phone plan!! LOL) If you live close enough, perhaps you can meet in person for any number of reasons, even to check on the person while they are recovering in the hospital. This Surgery Angel will also have the awesome responsibility of notifying the rest of the community here how the patient is doing in the hospital, as sometimes its hard for them to whip on the internet that same day... trust me - I know!! My Surgery Angel did an excellent job checking up on me, then relaying the message. If someone is interested in finding another who will be their Surgery Angel, here are a few things to consider: Surgeon, City of Surgery, Likeness in age, sex, amount of weight to lose (height and starting weight matches), body shape or type, even ethnicity might be a good match for some. Good luck to everyone pre and post op. Finding someone to really rely upon and that is open to guide you in any way on a one to one level is a true blessing. Xoxo
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    The only exercises I recommend up to about 6-8 weeks post op is simply walking. Some sleevers do progress faster than others. If that's the case I advise anyone to ask their Medical Staff if they can handle anything more. Good luck!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Well, your surgery date was barely 3 weeks ago... I would not suggest yoga yet!! Believe me, I understand - I hate being out from my workouts. However, I think it would be best to wait 6-8 weeks to recover before trying anything like Yoga. It does require a lot of stretching, balance and muscle strength to do. Hugs my dear friend, in time you will be able to enjoy Yoga again.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Persistent Outstanding Stand-up Indestructible Tolerant Incredible Victorious Esteemed
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi Dizzle I did deal with a little "angry girl" after surgery. It's usually because all the fat stores are being released rapidly back into our systems as the energy is released from our fat cells. Our brains can't handle it, thus resulting in some pretty wild mood swings. It doesn't last forever (thank goodness!!). I do have to still take Prilosec (I actually take Zegerid), but I did have reflux issues pre sleeve too. There's really know way for me to know if its due from my sleeve or if maybe its left over from my lap band days. As far as the memory and learning, I did have to endure this for awhile. I personally think a lot had to do with my severely decreased caloric and nutritional intake. Now that I'm eating more balanced and more calories, and not having such a negative intake/out take things are back to normal for me mentally. I still have my gall bladder (thank you Jesus!) and thus far things are working well. I will not have my GB removed unless it is medically necessary. HTH!! Thank you for your support!
  13. I need to flush... It just needs to be done!

  14. When I'm eating solid lean meats (Protein first) and veggies, and perhaps a bite or two of carbs it comes out to about 3/4 of 1 Cup of food or .75 Cup. When I'm eating junk, I am a bottomless pit! This is also true for soft foods, such as eggs, oatmeal or yogurts - I can certainly fit in more food. I can easily eat the equivalent of 2 eggs and a few pieces of bacon, but not much more than that.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months And A Pretty Cool Ride So Far.

    You will get back there Stephen, stay positive and you will! I used to be athletic and sporty as a youngster but "life" got in the way... right along with my big belly and big booty. But, I got my sporty back with hard work, dedication and a little help from my sleeve and my friends here at VST. All the very best to you!
  16. How are you? :-) I know I've been MIA and checkin up on ya!!

  17. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow INCREDIBLE!!! What an amazing transformation you've accomplished, congrats to you!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene


    You're going to be glad you did this (before's) because there will be days where the scale is going to drive you nuts. You will always have these to compare to!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene


    What beautiful fur babies!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Snapshot 20120314 79

    Best wishes on your journey! There will be so many of these to come (smiles ) !!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve Revision Is Tomorrow

    Well you're certainly in my thoughts for tomorrow. I wish you the very very best, it is my hope that your sleeve does as well or better for you as mine has been for me. I'm sorry you're last few days have been a little rough, but trust me they will be worth it all. Xox
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help! I Think I Messed Up .....big Time!

    Right now your total protein intake would be fine with about 60-70g per day. Do your best to also get in about 64 Oz of Water.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help! I Think I Messed Up .....big Time!

    I'm afraid its a lot more simple than you might think. You are smack in the middle of the "3rd week stall". Most everyone here will endure this, including myself. The only thing you can do right now is stay positive, have patience and be persistent with your eating and walking. All the best! It will pass, promise.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Any Issues Throwing Up?

    I have only vomited once since being sleeved. I've also been lap banded previous to my sleeve and the differences between the two, though it may not seem so, are great. I was sliming and vomiting all the time, and even in my sleep with my band. Again, I've only vomited once with my sleeve, and that was the day after due to contents not settling in my stomach. The major reason a sleever would vomit is because they are not chewing properly or trying to over eat. As long as you don't do those two things you should be fine. Of course, we can also get "bugs" so that's still a possibility. When I vomited I was still fresh from surgery and heavily medicated so I didn't feel any pain. I'm not sure how it would feel now, and I'm surely not wanting to find out!
  25. For myself I seriously didn't start feeling better until about 4 months post op. I was seriously bad up until about 6 weeks out. From 6 weeks to 4 months began a slow progression to wellness. Once that 4th month started I was feeling quite normal and that was when I started doing some type of daily physical activity. That's really when my moods and spirits lifted! All the best from here forth. Be patient with yourself, you have put your body through a major shock. It's a really big deal, and it's going to take time to feel better. In the mean time, keep coming here for support - we're open 24/7..

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