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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Be strong! Strong arms, strong heart, strong head and strong will. We are all capable of this, one only needs to find it within. Reach in and pull it out!!
  2. Be strong! Strong arms, strong heart, strong head and strong will. We are all capable of this, one only needs to find it within. Reach in and pull it out!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    Great catch!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow you look incredible!!! You look awesome in red too. Congrats on your success!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Photo 72

    Gorgeous hair and smile!! Well wishes on your journey!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve Revision Is Tomorrow

    Oh wow!! That's different, I've never heard that happen before. I'm glad you went to the ER though, because that's definitely different. Other than that, welcome to being sleeved!! It is my hope you will continue to recover now without incident!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Secret Of My Success

    FYI: I have created the Rules on a Word Doc file (you can find it at the bottom of my first post). Trust me, I have printed it out myself so I can paste it up to always look at. Stay strong Sleevers!!!
  8. S, I don't think you really have anything to be ashamed of. You're at goal, and everything in moderation IS okay now. The trick is if you notice you're starting to gain, then it's a good idea to eat 95% healthy again. Being at goal that shouldn't need to be more than a few weeks. Maintenance is not magic! Maintenance is stepping on the scale periodically, continuing with workouts (as you show you're doing, and doing a great job BTW!!!) but letting go of that crazy emotional tie or guilt that food has over us. I don't know what that is, and hey I only know because I get that way too. But for me, I'm just letting go. Not in a bad way, but just to say as long as I'm not gaining I won't feel guilty. If I am, then it's time to get that few pounds off and once it is, move on!! One last thing, pasta is not a bad thing. There is a healthier alternative called Dreamfields. I believe Kim is the one who suggested it before and quite honestly I seriously cannot tell the difference between that and real pasta. In fact I did have some real pasta last weekend and I hated it. It felt so heavy in my stomach and all I wanted was my Dreamfields!! Imagine that... ...and if you're working out as much as you say you are, you NEED CARBOHYDRATES!!! My goodness... sorry I get so fired up with all the Carb bashing. Don't feel bad, okay dear? You know you rock!!! *hugs*
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Secret Of My Success

    I'm always being asked how or what I did to get to where I am now. I'm always happy to answer any questions anyone brings to me, because I completely understand. I mean, I've been through it - the ups, the downs, the in-betweens... and I had even considered writing up a huge novel-like post to spell it all out. But life got in the way, and here I am today. Time got away from me and my project fell off the map. That's okay because I think that made the picture in my mind that I was trying to canvass a lot more clear. I'm seeing the forest for the trees now - and I have to tell you, the secret of my success is far more simple than I ever thought. Finally early this morning as I was getting ready for work I started to simplify all the things I did that worked for me, and here is what I came up with: The 5 P's to my success: Positivity. Patience. Persistence. Push Fluids. Protein First. Minding my Q's: Quit the Salt. Quit the Sugar. Quit the Excuses. Quit the Denial. Avoiding the C's: Candy, Crackers, Cakes, Chocolate, Cookies, Chips, popCorn, iceCream. When it comes down to it, these are the things that got me to where I am today. Seriously, nothing more and nothing less. I mean sure, I worked out and a lot - but I've got that covered with Persistence AND Quit the Excuses... Blessings to you all. You'll get there, just keep doing all the right things!! I know, I say that all the time, and you ask - "well, what's that"?? Now, I've got "All the right things" written out on your screen. Source: The Secret Of My Success
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    my journey.jpg

    Incredible results! You look great, and that dress is soo cute!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Member

    Hi Pixie, that .5 - 1 Lb per day is an average. This doesn't actually mean you will lose weight every single day. It means some days you will lose, some you won't - but ultimately it will seem like you're losing about 1 Lb per day. From what I've read of your #'s it actually sounds like you are ahead of the average. You were 261 just before you started your pre-op diet. I'm not sure how long you were on your diet but today you weigh 237. That's a loss of 24 Lbs, and you are 10 days post op. Sounds good to me.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    When Can You Drive Again?

    This was me, pretty much word for word. I did get a little stiff sitting in the same position for a long time but getting up and walking/stretching seemed to help a lot. As long as you are not on any pain medication or anything that might inhibit your drively safely, you should be fine. Good luck!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone Done Lip Augmentation?

    Thanks so much ladies! Yes, I am definitely going to try the lip plumpers first. Far less costly, and I might not even like the idea of fuller lips, who knows? I do agree that most times it is obvious someone has had their lips enhanced, and truthfully that is not the extent to which I want to go.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Did It! (Cue Oscar Music)

    WOW!!! Incredible. You men ain't no joke when it comes to weight loss. Forgive me but I'm just a little bit jealous over here. Anyhoo, CONGRATS!! Sheesh, it seems like yesterday hearing you around here and your excitement for your upcoming surgery. If I may make a suggestion? Your screen name is no longer "fitting".
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone Done Lip Augmentation?

    I know that's right, and was why I was looking for feedback. Some ladies take the lip injections to the extreme! LOL Thanks so much for your honesty!!
  16. Give me an inch over a pound any day!!! I certainly don't wear my scale around my neck. I prefer shopping for adorable tiny clothes all day long.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anyone Done Lip Augmentation?

    I am humbled!! I'm going to start small anyhow. I was given some suggestions on lip plumpers, and I'll be checking out Sephora soon.
  18. I am thoroughly convinced my co-workers have a fat addendum out on me. o_O

  19. Thank you S, sooo much for this thread! Sometimes it felt like there are only 2 or 3 of us who maintain a constant here who were sleeved in 2010. I'm so grateful to see all of you!! Not sure where I was when this thread was first started, but heck, better late than never right? Congrats on your 5K!! Amazing feeling isn't it? I haven't done one in almost 8 months now, taking time to heal from this or that - then all my personal drama going on in the last few months! But I'm doing the Komen run here in May, and I'm really looking forward to it. Hugs sweetie!! :wub: Hi Michelle, long time no see! It sounds like you've been doing great! Congrats! Girlie you rock and you know it!! Big hugs!! You have always been a strong voice of reason here, and I whole heartedly thank YOU for all you've done for me and so many others. I know you've talked me down from the ledge several times. Xoxo!! You are so tiny!! Hunny I know you rocked your sleeve, GREAT JOB!!! I need you and all you other long timers too. It's fun helping out the new sleevers, but it also nice to cut it up with the long timers too.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    Yeah lady!! I never doubted it though. Congrats!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Annoying Secretary

    :lol: Good stuff!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Annoying Secretary

    Ohhh Cheese!!! Why do people do this?? Anyway my suggestions for you: #1 - Please tell your surgeon that his secretary is free willing out unwarranted diet tips. I find this highly strange that someone in a Bariatric Surgeons office feels the need to do this. In my opinion, she should know better, and if she doesn't, she needs to be found out. #2 - If and that's a BIG IF she's still there when you've lost all your weight and she's gained all hers back with a few extra pounds, you will have the last laugh. *hugs*
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 Months Before/after Pics

    You look incredible!!! Congrats on all your success, you're really rockin your sleeve! BTW I looove that blue dress, very cute!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Secret Of My Success

    I know that's right!!! I'm going to start praying whenever I get the urge... I'm so serious!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Insanity! Journey... Shaun T Would Be So Proud. ;)

    Still waiting!! I'm hoping by next Monday... but I'm still very congested in my chest. Please PLEASE get better!! I really want to get started.

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