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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    before & after

    Incredible!! Very noticeable difference. Keep up the excellent work!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before my Sleeve

    Thats a lovely outfit
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    lake quachita flexin

    Wow!! You've really been workin out!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    7 Weeks- Down 39.5 Pounds

    Fantastic!! Looking great! The smile says it all.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Alex Smiling

    Hey it's about time you posted a photo album!! Lookin good Mr!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Where Are All The Men Sleevers?

    Well... gee... us women aren't all that bad. It's nice there are a few good WLS men out there, but we don't bite. At least I don't (admit it).
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Target Doesn't Want My Money! A Rant.

    *ahem* Pardon me for interjecting here but... I do personally still shop at TarJey. In fact I just bought 3 cute, lightweight summer T's just 2 days ago. Okay, as you were...
  8. I am desperately trying to research this little Devil known as food Cravings - AKA Head Hunger. Man, it sucks sometimes!! Especially being a woman, and TOM... it will throw me off track faster than a tiny rock in front of a train. I'm finding I have been thinking deep about a certain craving I'll have and wondering what it all means. Why am I craving a certain food, when and how? I'm starting to realize that perhaps our bodies really tell us something when we are craving healthier versions of food. Such as, I'd been craving a lot of beef in the last month or so. Be honest, I've never really been a huge fan of it, but just lately I can't seem to get enough. I began to wonder if maybe my Iron might have been too low. I've battled anemia my whole life, and I did notice a lot of fatigue lately. That's not really like me, really, and considering I can only consume so much food at one time it was a great possibility. Well with my last panel come to find out that absolutely yes, my iron WAS below normal. I was always able to keep it around borderline or just above. This time it WAS below the marker. So, it's true or maybe I'm imagining it that the craving for beef was my brain telling me I needed to up my iron. It makes perfect sense to me. However... what about chocolate or sugar cravings? Do our bodies ever really require chocolate? Yes, our bodies DO need sugar - not nearly as much as we might consume, but we do need it. I'm positive I probably STILL eat more than I need, so why do I crave more? This article really goes in depth with that subject, and just as I'd suspected for the longest time... our bodies absolutely DO become addicted to it, just like a drug addict. It fills our brains with dopamine and triggers that euphoric response. What to do? We MUST eat sugar, we NEED it. Ugghhh... anyway, I'm just tinkering with all of this knowledge to better help understand my brain, body and all it's chemical functions. I'm hopeful that with all this knowing, it can possibly help me to better avoid giving in to those demands. *lol* http://tlc.howstuffw...ood-craving.htm ETA: It also stinks that men have an advantage over us ladies when it comes to this. They have far less instances of this!! If I ever wanted to be a man, this would be the ONLY reason.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Understanding Food Craving (Great Article)

    That is very interesting! Thanks for that. I do take extra Magnesium with my Calcium supplement... or at least I used to. I'm not sure if the one I'm using now has Magn in it.
  10. Um... kinda weird NSV... as I was walking my trak outside, about 5 different men tried waving hello at me, and even a few stopped in their tracks so I could go by. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a very happily married woman - but that's one ego boost right there!!

  11. Major props to you girlie!!! You're eventually gonna pass me on the reps. LOL ;o) Okay, it's Monday here, so I know it is there... let's do this!

  12. The sleeping beast has been awoken. Rawwwrrrr!!! I'm gonna kick fats @$$ from here to timbuktu!! Heck I may do something I rarely do, and that's make a weight goal.. Ha!

  13. Sooo true!! Staying encouraged and enjoying the scenery is always the better option is this very long journey. Blessings, and YOU LOOK MARVELOUS!!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    Mine work... are your personal settings correct?
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve Vs Roux N Y...the Race Is On!

    This is very interesting! I'm going to have to say if I were to just guess, I'd say you'd probably win. I don't know what it is, but men are excellent at weight loss. I think you all deal a whole lot less with Water fluctuations and the monthly drama that inflict us women. Regardless both of you are now losers!!
  16. Mmm'kay!! I'm not sure if everyone here knows this but I've recently been tested quite a bit. Things have been slowly but surely calming down in my life, and GOD willing the trend will continue. :-) I'm feeling really good physically AND emotionally - and I'm ready to get my mind back in the game. This coming week I will get back on track with excellent eating and getting all my workouts in. Next week starts... INSANITY!!! WHOOTT!!!...

  17. Mmm'kay!! I'm not sure if everyone here knows this but I've recently been tested quite a bit. Things have been slowly but surely calming down in my life, and GOD willing the trend will continue. :-) I'm feeling really good physically AND emotionally - and I'm ready to get my mind back in the game. This coming week I will get back on track with excellent eating and getting all my workouts in. Next week starts... INSANITY!!! WHOOTT!!!...

  18. Mmm'kay!! I'm not sure if everyone here knows this but I've recently been tested quite a bit. Things have been slowly but surely calming down in my life, and GOD willing the trend will continue. :-) I'm feeling really good physically AND emotionally - and I'm ready to get my mind back in the game. This coming week I will get back on track with excellent eating and getting all my workouts in. Next week starts... INSANITY!!! WHOOTT!!!...

  19. Hey y'all, I just thought I'd share a great website I was introduced to by a very lovely lady here. It's purpose is to motivate those who love to workout, like myself, to really challenge themselves and each other. It's based on a point system, and I admit it's pretty interesting and fun!!! It used to be closed and only eligible by invitation only, but I believe as of a few days ago it has been opened to the public. Have fun spending those calories!!! http://www.fitocracy.com/home/
  20. LilMissDiva Irene


    I highly suggest anyone stay as far away from chips for as long as humanly possible post op. I realize it's unrealistic to think we will never again eat them, but they absolutely will slow down or inhibit weight loss efforts. I only say this because I know it's already tough enough as it is!!
  21. Good morning to me! Wow, I just so happened to look at my arms and I've notice... my batwings are disappearing!!! It IS true it takes a few years for the skin to snap back as much as it will. Patience is required here too. :-)) Just thought I'd give a little hope to others!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Anytime!! This thread is for any reason! Sharing, listening, learning AND venting. I hope you will have a more fair day tomorrow. I've had many days like that, just don't let it last too long. Constant "me" bashing has been my best excuse to do and eat whatever I want. I know I don't want to go down that road anymore! Hugs!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Secret Of My Success

    Terri, I do personally eat Whole Grain Saltines. When I'm being good, these are really the only crackers I will allow myself. They also seem to be more filling than any other cracker I've tried. I do however stay FAR FAR AWAY from Ritz!!! Those things are the Devils Work!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi Terri, I personally LOVE Weight Watchers recipes!! http://www.weightwatchers.com/food/index.aspx You can also find a whole great many meal swaps here. There are some very crafty folks amongst us with great recipe ideas. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/9-recipe-sharing/ Also, The World According to Eggface has some amazing ideas, all bariatric friendly. http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ Good luck!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Sooo beautiful!! Inside and out!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
