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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Here, Coping With Leak/abscess

    Hey darlin' of course no negativity here. This is not something you can control. You're doing everything you can to get back to health and that's whats most important at this time. It makes perfect sense that you regret your surgery right now. I did too in my first few days, and for a lot less heart ache. Don't worry about that right now, just rest and get well. I'm sending you well wishes for a quick healing and many prayers that God will see you through this! Please keep us updated on how you're doing!!! ETA: I've read through your updates and I'm extremely happy to know you're on the road to wellness!! Just FYI, yes Isopure is a clear liquid. I do advise to get the glass RTD bottles though. They taste a lot better than the powder mixes. Also if the flavor is too strong for you, you can dilute with more Water. I had too! All the best to you!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Same Hike at Diamond Head March 2012 - thanks to my sleeve!

    Your progress is amazing!! Great work!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    Aww so pretty
  4. Thanks for the comment in the threads! :-))

  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Persuade Me!

    Absolutely 100% agree with PdxMan. If you aren't truly ready to take that dive, then do yourself a favor and wait it out until you are. This is NOT magic. You will still need to eat proper, you will still need to be physically active. Also, be ready for some serious head trips if you know what I mean. This. Is. Not. The. Easy. Way. Out. Other than that, I have no other reasons on why one should not get this surgery. It helped me to save my life.
  6. Our fat stores hormones, and now that they are all being released - and kinda like in the way you see pictures of spring run-off in the mountains you will likely continue to feel this way. Perhaps it may even get a little worse before it gets better. However, rest assured it does eventually stop. I think I had my ups and downs for at least the first 6 months, and the height of it was in the first 2 months. But, now that I'm no longer losing weight, I'm at a very even keel. Good luck!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need Help Wiz My Post Op Diet

    Hi Mimo, Welcome to VST! Also, huge congratulations on taking the step to a healthier you! Have you tried Isopure? It's a clear Fluid stock full of Protein. Very low calories, no sugar and lots of good whey protein. Also, I was allowed to have protein powders of my choosing beginning post op day 5, the only thing was I could only make it with Water, no milk. All the very best to you. The first few months are the toughest, but you're tougher. You will get through this!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biotin Intake

    Me too! Thank goodness I'm naturally a non hairy person, thanks to my Asian roots - but I have noticed my hair I do have is coming in thicker and I'm having to shave more often than I used to. I guess its a good trade off for having even more splendid hair on my head! Not only that, my skin is looking really great and my nails grow faster and thicker as well.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Overcame And I Did It :)

    You amaze me every single day.
  10. I did NOT lose 160 Lbs by Dieting and Exercise. It WAS lost by Lifestyle Change and Working Out. No Excuses. Period.

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wow, So Many Changes

    WOW!! You look absolutely gorgeous!! Great job. Congrats on all your success and thank you for sharing your journey with us.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Carnie Wilson On The Today Show This Morning

    I believe they just place the band around the "pouch". Which is strange to me. What if it slips?
  13. Some may not agree with this but, I personally did not eat with my family during my pre-op or post-op diets. These diets can be very emotionally draining, especially the pre-op diets. It's NOT easy having a natural stomach and quite literally starving one self. Then to have to watch others eating fabulous meals that I *know* I would like to eat as well made it that much harder. I avoided all food places and events to the best of my ability. Much love to you! Stay strong!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh My!

    It sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Stay strong!! It only gets better and better.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Things I Didn't Know (Lol)

    Welcome! You're right about the health improvelements. I'm certainly enjoying some greater physical and emotional benefits that goes with weight loss! Regarding your acid issues, are you taking any kind of PPIs? I've found that Prilosec (Omeprezole) works amazing for me. Other brands are Nexium and PrevAcid. However neither of those worked as well for me. Everyone's different though and the best way to know is to give each medication at least 2 weeks trial, and using them as directed on the box. Good luck and congrats on all your successes so far! May you have many many more to come.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Excuses I could have made this morning: I woke up late. I'm sleepy. My muscles ache from my tough workouts yesterday. I don't wanna get out of my comfy bed. I haven't finished my coffee yet. I worked out a lot yesterday so I can skip today. I just don't feel like it. NOW... I STILL DID MY WORKOUT THIS MORNING!!! Not only that, I plan to workout several more times too. What's your excuse?
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Biotin Intake

    I take GNC Dry capsules, 5,000mcg 4x per week. However, during rapid hair loss I was taking one daily. I've taken other brands as well, and I've found this brand and dose to be the absolute best.
  18. Excuses I could have made this morning: I woke up late. I'm sleepy. My muscles ache from my tough workouts yesterday. I don't wanna get out of my comfy bed. I haven't finished my coffee yet. I worked out a lot yesterday so I can skip today. I just don't feel like it. NOW... I STILL DID MY WORKOUT THIS MORNING!!! Not only that, I plan to workout several more times too. What's your excuse?

  19. Hows that? I felt like I ate all day... and my intake was barely 1,250 calories. God, thank you so much for providing me with my sleeve!!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Before And During Picture

    You always amazzze me lady!!! You've been through a LOT, yet you never let that keep you from enjoying the journey and being truly appreciative. God bless you sister, and keep it up!!! May those 20 Lbs just melt right off! Xox
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tough Mudder Done!

    Phenomenal!!! Major props, you definitely deserve it!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    shon willis williams

    Lovely face.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Week 3 Back

    Look at that itty bitty waist!!! Rock it sister!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Profile 2 25 12

    You look great!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    side By side

    Wow you're really doing great!!

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