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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Wowow!! :-( Not a good night for me. I just tried to eat a good healthy dinner and it bit me back in the arse! It got stuck! I haven't had that happen like this since my lap band days... sliming, awful pain and all that. Sheesh... I'm still not sure what brought that on. I only ate about 2.5 Oz of chicken and a few bites of green beans. :-( :-(

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Insanity! Journey... Shaun T Would Be So Proud. ;)

    Thanks Joseph! Don't worry about your English, I understood perfectly. It was a lot of hard work and patience, but I got here - and so will you. Blessings!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gained 10 Lbs This Week

    TOM is Time of the Month.. or your period.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Questions About Protein Drinks. Very Confused

    Sure, I used to mix my powders with Lactaid milk for a long time as my tummy was intolerant. It tasted exactly like as if I made it with milk. And yes to the fruit. The only fruits to be wary of for the first few weeks are ones with tiny seeds, or ones that are very fibrous. In fact, I'd wait for at least 3 weeks before adding fruit, but once you're over your initial healing they should be fine.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Serious Debate On Post-Op Dieting

    As I am at goal and have been here for about 10 months I'd like to push the point that there are far more reasons *I* was overweight than I thought. Quantity? Absolutely. However, WHAT I ate also had a lot to do with me being obese too. Perhaps I didn't think so before, but the sad fact is, it does. I cannot eat a lot, but based on WHAT I'm eating it certainly can fluctuate on the scale on a daily basis. When I'm eating super clean, I can drop weight quick. When I'm not (perhaps a Taco Bell Taco for example) I can see that pound pick right back up where it left off. I'd hate for anyone to get any misconceptions here, as the sad fact is junk food can and absolutely will slow down your weight loss, and perhaps even stall someone more than they'd like. It will always be my suggestion to eat as clean and healthy as one can during weight loss mode. Protein, protein, protein, and lots of Water. A little exercise never hurts either. Good luck to all, and with that - no one is here anyone else's food police! I'm just sharing my personal experiences, anyone can either accept it or deny it. Tis' up to anyone individually.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Minutes Away

    Cheers, prayers and get well wishes!! Check in when you're feeling up to it. Walk, sip, rest and repeat!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gained 10 Lbs This Week

    Hi there! Well, to be perfectly honest it's probably a lot more simple than you may think. Eating "out" you're more than likely eating far more sodium than your body needs. Your probably retaining Water like crazy right now. Are you near TOM too? That might be a factor. Restaurant pump our foods full of so much garbage, and since you're body was used to eating super clean for the last few weeks, it would be no wonder you'd gain as fast as you did. My suggestion would be to get back to clean eating ASAP. Lower your sodium and sugar intake as much as you can, and flush with as much water as you can muster. So, Protein first! Water next and get some walking in there if you can as well. Give it a few days before you weigh in, I'm sure it will come right off. Make sure you have a potty near by! Cheers!!
  8. I can eat both rice and Pasta now, but only as of 1 year post op. My tummy does PREFER brown rice or Dreamfields pasta better, which I'm used to these so I actually like eating them more. White rice/pasta still gives me yucky issues to this day. Hang in there sweet lady! You'll be okay, and if all else fails, do your best to look around and find alternatives that work for you. Turns out if you're anything like me, you may end up liking them more.
  9. Do not worry, this is quite common and normal. You're not doing anything wrong. The third week stall can last even up to 5 weeks is usually the most I've heard from anyone. Anything longer it seems maybe someone might need to diligently start looking into any problems. Anyhow, just keep pushing your fluids, keep walking and always stay positive and patient in the process. This is a long journey, you will have to keep fighting the temptation of impatience.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    LOL Coops... hey, did you save those maternity pants? Now would be a perfect time to "kindly" return them.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Butt Hurts!?!

    Nice story Congrats, it sounds like you are doing fantastic so far! I agree with Dorrie, don't mention it unless she asks one on one. Be open and honest, you could save her life. Otherwise it's probably not a good idea. This sort of intervention should only be done when someone is in it 110%. Cheers on your awesome journey!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv And Sv Too!

    That's awesome Vickie!! Being pre-op I'd have to say huge congratulations!!! Keep up the pace and you will be able to schedule your surgery in no time at all!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    People Are Balloon Bursters

    I'm not exactly sure what this post is in reference too, however - it's a good idea to just let the negative comments slide off your back. There are several thousand registered members here and of course it makes sense you will come across a thousand different personalities. If the negativity gets out of control or what you feel is disruptive, then by all means send us a report and we will handle it accordingly. Live well! Don't stress about what others are doing - just keep doing you and everything will fall into place.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Seperated Stomach Muscles Or Diastasis Recti

    Oh wow so this is an alternative to surgery? Interesting. I'm years away from any kind of tummy tuck, etc - but these B&A photos look promising.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    You Can Gain Weight With The Sleeve

    LOL yep me too! When I had my body fat % checked, they mentioned my lean mass weighs nearly 120 Lbs. I'd like to see what 10 Lbs of body fat would look like on me, however - that just isn't too healthy for a woman of 5'7... Ha!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Insanity! Journey... Shaun T Would Be So Proud. ;)

    Yes I remember you telling me that, wow what a great challenge for all of you! All the best and I'll root for you and Hubby. Get it!! Yes, you watch the DVD with Shaun T and his 2 sidekicks. He preps you on what to do and starts the timer for one minute. You have to do as many reps as you can in one minute. Lots of get ups and bend overs and things. I doubt anyone would know exactly how to do these without watching the DVD anyway... It's really difficult! I like to think I'm far beyond a beginner with this (as the disclaimer does say THIS IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS!!) yet I found it had my on the floor trying to catch my breath! LOL It was fun though and as I was able to keep up with the sidekicks (somewhat) it made me feel really proud. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm good to go for tomorrow!! So, this afternoon I will walk about 3.5 Miles during lunch hour and tonight I will hit my elliptical trainer. Woot!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Of course I don't mind! Thanks for the credit and kudos, I do appreciate it very much. By looking at your signature it appears you're quite the success story!! Wonderful job!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Insanity! Journey... Shaun T Would Be So Proud. ;)

    Ohh Myy Goodnessss!!!! Okay, Fact #1 I am SUPER PROUD OF MYSELF THIS MORNING!!! Amazing I was able to nearly keep up with them on the Fit Test!! Woot!! The only ones I was much slower than the team was on the ones I had to baby my knees, which I'm totally okay with. Fact #2, by the time the Fit Test was over I had to crawl to write down my results and I felt like I wanted to die... and it was just the Fit Test!!! Fact #3, I will need to use the Beachbody Mat next time because I got some rug burn goin' on. :-P Fact #4, I will DEFINITELY need to do a warm up on my stationary bike tomorrow morning before tackling the workout. The 2 minutes they do is not nearly enough. Fact #5, I'm a PRO at stretching... Ha!! ) Have a WONDERFUL AND SUCCESSFUL day today WL World!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Strong, healthy, fit, and happy!! Nope, not a DOGGONE thing wrong with that!! Whatever it takes for someone to get there, they should definitely work toward it. Have a blessed day weight loss world. GO GET YOURS!!
  20. Strong, healthy, fit, and happy!! Nope, not a DOGGONE thing wrong with that!! Whatever it takes for someone to get there, they should definitely work toward it. Have a blessed day weight loss world. GO GET YOURS!!

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Progress Picture #2

    Awesome progres!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    The new do

    Yayyy!! So much to smile about now!
  23. Yikes... still full from lunch. Doing a few days of liquids gets the sleeve acting right and super tight. I know it won't last but still, nice! ;o)

  24. LilMissDiva Irene


    Wow you look awesome!!!!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Year Anniversary Today!

    Happy Sleeversary!!! Hang in there, and if all else fails just remember your Sleevie is right there to catch you. Woot!!

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