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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Today: No excuses. I'm feeling good and ready to tackle the day. I'm gonna get mine - and I wanna see you go get yours!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Intense Exercise And Weight Gain

    Well... not EXACTLY like that. What I mean is, the more your body is used to working out - the more you have to workout your body to continue to get results. It's about raising your pulse to certain levels with cardio, and the more fit you are the more energy it takes to do that. However, the best way to burn fat is to build muscles. That's what I'm doing now. And again, the more muscles you build, the more you have do to build more. Thanks for the encouragement too!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Intense Exercise And Weight Gain

    I do mix up my workouts daily. I rarely do the same workout 2 days in a row unless you consider walking a workout. That's the only one I'll do consecutively. I absolutely do stall or gain weight when I'm working out hard core. If I'm not getting my 7th day of rest I will retain Water like no one's business. However once I take one or two days off from working out my body will lose the weight on the scale and all is right with the world again. Also, the more conditioned you get to working out, the harder it is to get fat loss. Weight is a tricky thing, especially if your body is considered in athletic condition. I'm 5'7, I weigh 169 Lbs and yet my Body Fat is 18%. My BMI is still over in the overweight category. Go figure!?! I really don't have any fat to lose, unless I chose to lose another 5 or 10 Lbs. Which I don't want to, and will choose not to.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Prayers Are Needed

    I'm sorry I missed this! Well I will continue on with prayer that everything continues to heal. I am glad to see you're doing much better! Continuing to pray for you and your good health. Please check in and let us know how you're doing!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Goal Is To Be Obese

    Hi CJinMI Congrats on your success thus far! You are doing an outstanding job at losing the weight! I was also around the same BMI starting as you. I think my BMI is about a 26 now. The good thing about goals is they're never set in stone. You can always make up new ones as you go along! So, all the best as you reach your goal - and for any future ones you might decide to make!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Yes, it was a promotional price. He is an excellent surgeon, FACS and I even know someone who had theirs done by him. It was a no brainer for me!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    To LOSE the weight, you will have to GAIN: Strength, Motivation, Determination, A willing mind, An unyielding heart, An unfailing spirit, and constant thankfulness for all the goodness in your life. You must FEED yourself daily with healthy nourishment, water, positive words, love, physical activity and encouragement & being lead in the right direction from your supporters, whoever they are.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you so much I've been through it all! Pain physically, emotionally - but I always come out of every situation stronger than I went in. With God by my side, I will NEVER go wrong. When is your surgery??
  9. Thank you my dear! =)

  10. To LOSE the weight, you will have to GAIN: Strength, Motivation, Determination, A willing mind, An unyielding heart, An unfailing spirit, and constant thankfulness for all the goodness in your life. You must FEED yourself daily with healthy nourishment, water, positive words, love, physical activity and encouragement & being lead in the right direction from your supporters, whoever they are.

  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery In The Morning!

    Wow well you should be all sleeved up by now! =) Healing prayers sent your way! Please let us know how you're doing, and walk, rest, sip and repeat!
  12. Every single morning I wake up thankful for seeing another day. I'm thankful for all the many blessings I have in my life and for all the wonderful people GOD has brought in my path. My motivating factors are all of these people. My Husband, my family and my Sleever, Weight Loss, Health & Fitness friends. I always work hard to do right by all of you! What and who are your motivating factors?

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bringing Back An Oldie But Goodie!

    I too love Richard Simmons! I even have him on Facebook, he is so inspirational and always reminding everyone daily to "do the right thing". And Callanetics is another oldie but goodie. :0 I still do some of those workouts as well.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    3Rd Year "sleever" Blues......

    You've already received excellent advice and from very experienced sleevers. Get back to basics. I'm almost 2 years out and this has never failed me. I never have to do liquids unless my stomach feels sick, otherwise I just do Protein first, veggies and fruits second and "good" carbs last. And lots of Water. It will come off, and if possible do some "Calories out" by doing exercise. Log your activities for awhile if you have to. ((((((hugs)))))) It is ALWAYS easier said than done, but we will ALWAYS be here too to offer support and motivation whenever needed. I've fallen off the wagon at times, but I make sure I get back on with the help of my friends.
  15. I am not for nor against anyone having a food funeral. Just that everyone should always do what they think is right for them. I had a food funeral before my Lap Band but I didn't have one before revising to my sleeve. I guess the difference in those two pre-ops was realizing I'd be able to have those things again someday, so adding on weight pre-op wasn't worth it to me. I like the list though, its really good. And I agree with Patrick 100% in regards to soda. I do have a few sips here and there, but rarely do I crave it. It has zero nutritional value and one thing most people seem to neglect realizing is that soda can have a negative effect on our hydration. Well wishes to all!!
  16. Hiya VST!! Well a new week begins. Is there anything you can do to make a difference in your journey? Always stay on the positive track because it is that road which leads to ultimate success. =)

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cost Of Vsg In Mexico

    Hello everyone, Please keep in mind we always allow discussions and viewpoints from all, as long as they remain respectful, without name calling and kept to first hand knowledge and accounts of all Surgeons. We prefer not to moderate with an Iron fist here, so I on behalf of the moderation staff I ask that we perhaps bring the topic back down as this subject at hand, which is very helpful to many seeking information on the prices of Mexico Sleeve Surgery. Thanking you in advance. I am also posting a direct link to the Terms at which everyone agreed to when signing up to this website: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Yes you can drink Slim Fast shakes... though I would encourage perhaps another option. They are very high in sugar. Have you tried the Atkins RTD? I find them very tasty
  19. Good Sunday Morning everyone ♥ A new week is here, which means a new week to create goals and make any changes you feel might need to happen. I myself just realized I had not been watching my weekly Osteen messages in probably 6 weeks now. His messages always inspire me and bring me hope!! So I have it set to record and remind me to watch today. :) Also this week work will be begging a lot of my time. I have a lot to do and need to get it OUT!! My word for this week: ACCOMPL...

  20. Ohhh WOWWW!!! You look sooo smashin Hunny!!! xoxo I think the BEST of it is the smile.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    2 Weeks Sleeved

    WOWW!! 66 Lbs lost thats is so INCREDIBLE!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Absence, My Apologies, My Updates! ! !

    You're one of the strongest women I've ever come across anywhere, and continue to be so. Hugs and prayers to you! I'm glad to hear Nugget is doing great!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Saying Goodbye To My Scale

    Good for you on realizing what works. It's so important to remember the scale does NOT define our entire journey. So many factors go into how well or not we are doing. Everyone is different and weighing often does more harm than good. I weigh in about 3-4x per week, but it doesn't affect my day so it's not a big deal. Only time it did was when I was trying to hit Onederland... lol
  24. Wowww Congrats!!! You're doing excellent! You ARE inspiring many, so thank you!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    First Nsv

    Wow!! Congrats on the NSV AND on your awesome losses... that was FAST! =)

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