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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Body Shape

    Majority of weight loss patients regardless of shape tend to lose first in the face and shoulders. From there it begins to lose where ever it wants. I lost in the arms and belly next. I was left with huge legs and behind and that was when it began to get really difficult for me. I had to work really hard to get the rest off. Not complaining, just stating facts. I became so lopsided I decided to have liposuction to cure the areas I felt would never go away. I'm glad I did, I feel much more proportionate now.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Zumba...a Lil' Disappointed

    I've never done Zumba but wow I just wanted to tell you GREAT JOB!!! Keep working it, you'll get the moves down eventually. You're burning some serious calories and really that's all that matters... that and having fun doing it.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sugar Addiction

    I'm two years out and I still battle sugar! Just every once in awhile I have to do the Sugar Demon Exorcism... AKA the Basics Bootcamp which I'm doing right now. I've had some hamburgers post op too. I can't even eat close to the amount I used to, though I don't think I've ever thought about putting butter on it... haha Anyway, I'm just here to say I'm normal, I blasted through goal and I'm healthier and more fit than ever in my life. For me, I allow myself a little here and there but when I notice it's too often I have to curb the cravings.
  4. Awesome! Love the lifting picture :)

  5. I just got back from my walk outside... I have to say this is the highlight of my day! As I'm walking a couple of joggers go past me. I was struck as I read the Tshirt of the one on the left. It said: "Some of you wish hard for it. Some of us work hard for it." I NEED TO FIND THAT TSHIRT!!! =D

  6. If I can't fight to better myself, how do I expect anyone to fight along side me? If I can't work to fix what's wrong with me on the inside, how can I expect anyone to want to carry me when I fall? I will always fight to stay true to who I am on the inside, no matter how much my outside may change.

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Hate Everybody

    I sure did It's a very normal emotion to feel. You've got many thoughts going through your head and each one has a certain emotion attached. It makes perfect sense you are not sure how to feel so you come up with anger. Here's the Breakdown: -Im so fat right now : Apathy -I just wish July 11th would hurry up and come : Anxious -How will I make it through the Pre-op? : Worried -Im so fat right now : Self loathing -What if this surgery doesnt work for me? : Pessimism -What if Im always going to be this size? : Feelings of failure -How did I let it get to this point? : Concerned -Im so fat right now : Optimism -I hope I wake up : Fear of the unknown How does someone deal with all those feelings and emotions? Exactly the way you are. I'm going to be honest here, after surgery isn't easier. You're going to continue to have a million emotions like a rollercoaster. HOWEVER, all of them will be worth it. I say it's about one year out when I finally settled in to the new me and began to accept all of this for what it is, and for me it has all been positive. All the best!!
  8. This made me think about how some skinny chicks will do a little song and dance about how fat people get treated in public. I really REALLY hate these. They're usually on TV shows such as Entertainment Tonight where they'll have say, Jessica Alba dress in a "fat suit" and wear fugly sweats and walk around town. Or she'll get on a crowded bus and have the camera follow her doing these things. Sitting there showcasing how rude people are to fatties. This annoys me to no end! First of all, if you've never been fat you will NEVER in your life know what it's like... so don't patronize me. Second... I don't need your pity!!! Now if I were to start a Rants & Raves thread, that's what my topic would be about. ETA: I understand wanting to believe it's us and that we have changed - but I cannot get on that bandwagon. I refuse to take responsibility for someone'd else's damaged views on others. I am the same person on the inside, only my outside has changed. Like I said, if anything I'm far more considerate of myself than ever. I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind or bothering me. Before I would always be quiet and nice, now? Hmphh!! So, others being more kind and helpful to me doesn't have anything to do with me, it's clearly them.
  9. I don't do anything without postivity. I fully believe whatever emotion we push out, we will get that back. If I push out negativity, I will get that back. If I surround myself in a positive manner and with positive people, I ALWAYS get that back. There's no other way for me to live my life.

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi there! My pleasure, and I don't do anything without postivity. I fully believe whatever emotion we push out, we will get that back. If I push out negativity, I will get that back. If I surround myself in a positive manner and with positive people, I ALWAYS get that back. There's no other way for me to live my life. YOU are doing fabulous, keep up the excellent work!!
  11. Hi I seen your question on my photo, yes I'm able to handle large pills once again. :) HTH

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi bugsy Sorry I just now seen this post! I'm not around a whole lot on the weekends. Anyhow, I'll tell you I ate a lot of eggs for the first few months post op. I also ate a lot of Lower Sugar oatmeal from Quaker. I liked ground turkey for my meats. You can make that into a bunch of different recipes. Here's a few websites I'm sure you will find helpful: http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/ That website has TONs of recipes for bariatric folks like you and I, especially if you are newly op'd. I also liked: http://www.weightwatchers.com/food/index.aspx Fabulous dishes there! Good luck!
  13. This is great!! I know I haven't been around too much lately but it's nice to see things like this as I come back. Great job Alex and team! Nice member spotlight too! Though I already knew all that, but lots here didn't. Yes folks, Alex is a real guy! Genuine too.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Fitness Pal

    So, what is this "super secret" VSG group? I'm in many, not sure if I'm in this one yet.
  15. Ohhh heyyy lady!! And look at YOU!! You've blown past your goal -- CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I've missed this place a lot, though at the time I didn't come here much I didn't realize it. But I did, and I'm glad to be back. Nothing is more important for someone to have "been there" and to be able to continue to empathize with what people are going through. It is always my hope that I can even share with them at some point my journey. I just want everyone to feel what I feel. FREEDOM!!!
  16. Me too Meg, I do go out of my way to be especially pleasant to "invisible" people. Not just obese but people I can see seem quiet. Seeing their face light up means the world to me. Honestly.
  17. LOL!! So... I get an email from the website that I deleted a few weeks ago. They are using my profile as the member spotlight this week, I guess to showcase me. Then I get a second email saying she's looking for my profile to link it into the thread but can't find me. Hmmm... well, that's because I deleted it. o.O Sorry! I just didn't feel that place was giving me the support that I'm accustomed to, such as VST, Facebook and my bestie MFP. =)

  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Practicing What I Preach...

    Do you need a little motivation to get "Back to Basics" with your eating? Well, come Monday I'm going to practice what I preach and I'm going to kick my own butt with my food! I've been doing ok, but usually about once a month I need to eat really clean for a few days to make my stomach go back down and to flush out any extra fluids I'm holding on to. I'm going to do my Basics Bootcamp. If you'd like to join me or would just like to follow along, you're more than welcome! I'd like a little company!! But... my only request is if you say you're gonna do it... DOOO ITTTT!! I will hold you accountable for sure. If you're not sure what my Basics Bootcamp is, you can read up on it here: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28139-the-basics-boot-camp/ I will be logging all of my routines and foods at My Fitness Pal. It is set to "friends only", you can find me at the link in my signature line.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Practicing What I Preach...

    Great!! Welcome! Tomorrow it all starts for me. I'm glad! LOL
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    161 Pound Loss In 11 Months..vsg Saved My Life

    So INCREDIBLE!!! Thanks for sharing, you're a real inspiration!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene


    You look awesome! Girl those heels are HAWT!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    New dress

    OMGudness that dress is awesome! You look smaller than a 14 too Great job!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    The new me

    Woohooo!!! Look at those curvies! Youre doing great mamas!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Daughter and I

    Great pic!

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