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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Alcohol Abuse - Bypass Study

    I can't view videos at work (boo!!) but I truly believe we can all be very susceptible to other addictions post op. Once "food" is taken away and if issues aren't worked through we can find something else to numb our senses. Such as shopping, sex, being online too much, attention seeking, soft foods (high in sugar - easily digestible), working out (I may fall into this category myself and have been working hard to slow it down), and much much more. Things I look out for is/are: How much time am I spending doing (insert vice here)?, is it interfering with friendships/relationships?, am I not having enough time left over to do necessities such as house cleaning/bills/work?, could it be another way to harm my health both mentally or physically? All of these things should be considered when deciding if it's just too much. Thanks for sharing! This is an incredibly important subject for Post Op mental and physical health.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Boot Camp Diet

    Its in the Pre-op & Post-op Diets section Here's a link: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/28139-the-basics-boot-camp/
  3. I have a poll in regards to hunger suppression. I have also created a few questions for those who have been sleeved at least more than a few months. I have been thinking about a revision from band to sleeve for more than awhile now. I keep going back and forth with it. I won?t go into details right now with my band because maybe I?m just being a little selfish with my reasons, but that to me is really important right now. I?m not getting any younger and I just want something that actually will give me what is advertised! Thanks to anyone who is willing to help out a bit? J I?m sure most of these questions have been asked a zillion times, but I?m going to start moving forward with this quickly and would like some ?one-stop-shopping!? LOL Questions: 1) How long have you been sleeved? 2) Who was your surgeon? 3) What were your experiences with your surgeon? 4) Would you recommend your surgeon? 5) How much weight have you lost since your sleeve date? 6) What type of sleeve do you have? 7) Would you recommend the type of sleeve you have? 8) Do you find you still have the necessary level of energy to sustain a good workout? 9) Do you find it difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it? 10) Do you have trouble eating, such as getting ?stuck?? 11) What is the one things about getting the surgery that you regret? 12) Would you do this surgery again, or would you have made another choice? THANKS TO ALL!!! POLL QUESTION: What is your hunger level NOW in comparison to Pre-Sleeve? I am between 96% hunger cured to 100% hunger cured. I am between 90% hunger cured to 95% hunger cured. I am between 80% hunger cured to 89% hunger cured. I am between 70% hunger cured to 79% hunger cured. I am between 50% hunger cured to 69% hunger cured. I am between 26% hunger cured to 49% hunger cured. I am between 1% hunger cured to 25% hunger cured. I am 0% hunger cured.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    I can easily get in about 40 Oz in a workout session now. I'm going on 2 years post op this summer. I don't believe it was until around 6 months post op that I was able start gulping though not as much as right now. I can gulp almost a third of a 16 oz bottle so long as nothing else is in my stomach at the time. That said, it felt like I'd never get here! So I definitely understand how you feel. Rest assured though it will happen eventually. For now though definitely take your time with sipping.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Acronyms - Lets Make A List...

    Onederland is when you reach a weight that starts with a 1 instead of a 2, or 3.. etc. 199 Lbs or less.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Acronyms - Lets Make A List...

    Here's the obvious ones: VSG = Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy VST = Vertical Sleeve Talk MFP = My Fitness Pal GB = Gastric Bypass DS = Doudenal Switch LB = Lap Band LBT = Lap Band Talk NSV = Non scale Victory (Nice moments of weight loss not including the number on the scale)
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I just sent some friend requests out! Again, anyone is welcome to send me one. Please let me know where you found me though, thanks!
  8. Some days you just have to declare a little harder that it WILL ABSOLUTELY be a good day!! For me, it is the case... >.< Keeping it moving though, because I'm that chick. ;))

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Omg.....the Runs Why Wont They Stop!

    Liquids in / Liquids out. I'm sure you're okay!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    11Months Later...life Is Good.

    Fabulous! Congrats on all of your success to date. Just being able to feel normal is one of the best NSV's and getting our health back. WOOHOO!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Help With Overeating

    You need to start measuring your food right away, and stick to it. Be careful, you can seriously hurt yourself over doing it. Keep that in your mind as you feel you want to start going over board. You can put yourself in the hospital for weeks. *hugs*
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finally Got A Date

    Excellent news! How exciting for you Time will fly so in the mean time continue to get acclimated here with what to expect post op. Though there will not be anything like going through it. Stay strong!
  13. Excellent news! Keep us updated on how you're doing.
  14. I would like to nominate: Tiffykins She has been a catalyst for this website since day one. IMO has made it what it is, even though she has been quiet lately. It was she who motivated me to use my Sleeve to the best of my ability! She's pregnant with her 2nd baby Post OP and I think she can bring a lot of hope to many women here who are doing this for pregnancy hopes. Also her candidness keeps everyone in touch with the reality of Weight Loss Surgery and her knowledge is just out of this world. favoredone She is a light beacon! Her positivity is absolutely radiant and her eloquence touches so many here. She is very special and I'm sure she'd be able to write something very nice about her journey thus far. sleeve 4 me Again another amazing member who always expresses her Faith and brings so much hope and positivity to the forums. Her journey has been incredible and her keeping the weight off for going on 2 years post op, she's doing fantastic. She gives hope for the future of the sleeve!!
  15. Hi Dear yes the good Lord has answered your prayers! Please keep me updated on how you're doing. :)

  16. LilMissDiva Irene


    LOL!!! You're right, she'll probably bail out a few times before she sticks around. It's okay though, you've got her in your grasp. Congrats!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Weight loss should not be about a number on a scale nor a number inside a pair of pants. It SHOULD be about life changing moments, and coming to terms with what brought us here. If we do not do that, we will always run the risk of putting those pounds back on. Something brought us to the point where we realized it was out of control, work out those issues, and make your goal about fixing that. The rest of your life and keeping the weight off depends on it. Sexy is how you feel on the inside... not what you wear on the outside.
  18. Weight loss should not be about a number on a scale nor a number inside a pair of pants. It SHOULD be about life changing moments, and coming to terms with what brought us here. If we do not do that, we will always run the risk of putting those pounds back on. Something brought to the point where we realized it was out of control, work out those issues, and make your goal about fixing that. The rest of your life and keeping the weight off depends on it. Sexy is how you feel on the inside...

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    Yes it's nice getting here, Size 6, 4, 2... I even fit in some 0's. Hey, I won't give it back for anything - but really is SHOULD be about your health first. Keep in mind too a lot is going to change on your way down. I posted something this morning that I think you might appreciate. Sexy is how you feel on the inside... not what you wear on the outside. It takes a lot to finally understand that statement. A million emotions and situations go into that one tiny sentence. Being happy because you had to strength to take your life back, you will see will become priority. It IMO should not be tied into a number inside a pair of jeans.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bummed Beond Beleif . . .

    Hey Rootman, I'm so terribly sorry to hear you're going through some really tough times. I have some fur babies too and no, it's never easy having to say good bye and let them go. I know nothing I say can make it any better, I just want to know I'll keep your well wishes in my thoughts and in hopes you can stay stronger than the situation. It is really hard not to feed our pain... I wish I had an answer to that one but I don't. Wishing you and you dear Wife the best.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Member

    I think if you click on the actual ticker in your signature line it should lead you to update? I believe that's the case, I don't have a VST ticker but is the case with ticker factory. Congrats on Onederlan!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Yep! You can start it anytime.
  23. If I knew how to stop doing what I'm doing, I would still keep doing what I'm doing!

  24. Have a BLESSED Sunday everyone! Keep fighting always! =) "People with goals succeed because they know where they are going… It’s as simple as that. – Earl Nightingale"

  25. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

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