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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Hi there neek, eggs can be one of the tough foods for some sleevers. Two was just too much. Next time work on only one. Pain in the chest and subsequent vomiting means you overfilled your tiny tummy. If you notice your stomach is giving you issues today, go on liquids for 24 hours to give your sleeve some recovery time. Take it slow getting back into solids. Take care!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    Praying hard for you!!!! I'm truly shocked to read this... You're so young to go through that. However please know that if you weren't dieting for the sleeve you never would have found those tumors. You are on your way to better health in more ways that you originally thought. STAY STRONG!! Scared I'm sure is a normal response - but stay strong and FIGHT!! You have a little baby that needs you. If you can find any reasons to do that do it for her. In the mean time I'm here praying for you and I'm sure there are many others out there praying for you too. This journey you are now beginning may not make any sense right now, but it will in time. In the mean time though - forage on and stay positive.
  3. Yayyyy CONGRATS!!! I'm so glad everything went well =)) Now get some rest!

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Sleeve & Martiage.

    Only time will help him to understand whether you will leave or not. If you are planning to keep the marriage working even when you are losing weight, then you will have to show him. I always do my best to show my husband that he's the only guy for me. He was very supportive of my choice but he would make comments sometimes in the beginning of worry I'd leave him if I got thin. Well I just kept proving to him over and over that I wouldn't and I didn't. I've been at goal now going on a year and we are still going strong. He is no longer worried. It just take a lot of time and a little bit of extra effort on your part to show him otherwise. Take care!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Been Bad =(

    Lack of nutrients and just simple weight loss itself can cause hair loss. It's a respose that if it's lacking elsewhere as in the muscles and heart, the body will steal it from our skin/nails & hair. Biotin helps with re-growth only, it does not prevent hair from falling out. I do take Biotin and Vitamin E 3X per week and my skin/nails & hair are great. My hair and nails grow really fast and my hair is very thick just like before surgery. The best way to know if you're getting enough Protein right now is for you to log your food. www.myfitnesspal.com Minimum of 60g per day is standard, perhaps more if you're working out in any capacity. Don't forget to drink plenty of Water too. Only do the shakes if you have to, to up your protein, since you don't like them... but really daily protein minimums are a must.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fat Freddies Story

    Hiya Fred, welcome to VST! Sounds like you really have your plate full ( no pun intended! ) The sleeve is going to change you for the better but you will also change in more ways that just your appearance. None of them are bad, they will all make you a better person. Keep those communication lines open with your Dear Wife. If she's getting banded then she's going to go through a lot of emotions as well. Just stay open to one another and try your best to unerstand each of you will feel sensitive for some time. Getting off the sodas is the best thing, good for you. And you WILL be able to enjoy those grandbabies more! Take care and looking forward to following your journey!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Wants and Needs are two very different things. Do you really need that? Or do you just WANT it? It is also the very difference between feeling full and being satisfied... or even head hunger and REAL hunger. Good luck figuring all this out! ;o))
  8. Wants and Needs are two very different things. Do you really need that? Or do you just WANT it? It is also the very difference between feeling full and being satisfied... or even head hunger and REAL hunger. Good luck figuring all this out! ;o))

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Addicted To Exercise

    The results are always the greatest enjoyment. Proof all the hard work is WORKing! Keep it up, you have a lot to look forward to. Not only that, you will hit all your goals that much faster.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Been Bad =(

    Yes!! You DEFINITELY MUST have your Protein. They are the building blocks of our bodies. Don't worry too much though, one day without it won't cause you to get sick but too many days like that will. You might even feel a little fatigued for a few days as a result. Take care of yourself! Sometimes that means doing things we don't like. Three weeks IS a long time to be low on protein. You could be getting enough with your food alone, but the only way to know is if you're logging your intake. 60g or more per day... no questions.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Got Into Operating Room & Surgery Cancelled

    Oh my! I'm praying everything is okay with you. Definitely find out first if your heart is doing fine. Your Sleeve can happen any time. *hugs*
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Nexium Is No Longer Working

    Yes definitely try something else. Any one product is not one size fits all. I also use Prilosec and really is the ONLY one that works for me. I buy the OTC from Walgreens (generic) with added Magnesium. It supposedly helps with absorption and it really does! I haven't had any issues what so ever since I've started using this particular make-up. Anyway a little added Magnesium never hurt anyone anyhow. Electrolytes are always a nice idea! All the best! I hope you will find something that works as well for you as what I've found works for me.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    1St Nut Visit

    Wonderful! You will find the Nutritionist visits are extremely helpful. There is so much information to know, and of course knowledge is POWER! Continue on! Those months will fly by... promise.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv: Me On Film

    That's so awesome!! It's great to feel good about ourselves! You're certainly rockin your thang lady, keep up the great work and keep always being happy for your progress!!
  15. Letting go: Does not mean forgetting. Always keeping in the back of my mind how I got to the lowest point in my life. Staying true to my Sleever life! I'm at goal but that does not mean I can do whatever I want. I have to tredge on and work even harder to STAY HERE!!! Today's food log will look like yesterday's twin. I feel good! :) Have a GREATASTIC day VSTers!!!

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    The 12 Steps Of Addiction Recovery

    I am a food addict. Or should I say I have an addictive personality. If I enjoy something I have an intense drive to over do it. I don't know why this is, but I am working really hard to fix it. I. AM. NOT. PERFECT. But, I will admit I have problems in my head and I need to fix them. I am posting the 12 Steps of Addiction Recovery. Know them, learn them, live them. The 12 Steps Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction - that our lives had become unmanageable Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs Where I found this information: http://www.12step.org/ Source: The 12 Steps Of Addiction Recovery
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi! I Am New To The Site...

    Hi there Jodi, welcome to VST! Well I'm certainly glad to see new faces all the time. Best wishes on your journey and on your 3 months pre-operative diet and nutrition meetings. Stay strong and keep fighting because ALL OF THIS IS worth it in the end. Take care and see you around!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bummed Beond Beleif . . .

    I can't offer any more advice as everyone here has done such a fabulous job of that already. Just that I completely and whole heartedly understand all of the emotions that result from having to make that ultimate decision on letting one of our precious little furbabies go. I had rescued a cute little baby from the local shelter. She was set to be put down several times by the shelter but the lady had grown so attached and for some reason kept putting it off. I immediately fell for her, she was absolutely a sweetheart. Had crystal clear and pouty eyes, so I took her with me. It made the shelter lady happy as can be! Well long story short I ended finding out she had FIV. *cry* So I knew our time together would be short. I did everything I could for her until I felt it was really time for her to go. I cradled her all the time and babied her. I also had to keep her away from my other furbabies because it can be contagious to them. She would always climb up my shoulders to fall asleep. Man, do I ever miss her. I cried for weeks when I had to do the final goodbyes... it was just time. I still to this day wonder if I did it too soon? It just hurts and it's been 4 years now. I have the most beautiful photo of her encased in one of our cabinets. She was absolutely precious and I'm more thankful than sad to have given her a most happy and loving home for her last 18 months of life. *hugs* to you and your Wife. You both did the right thing.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    24 Hours Until This Band Is Gone!

    Woohoo!!! And look at that, you're already more than half way to goal... you will be there in no time! I'm so happy for you (((hugs)))
  20. GOOD MORNING!!! Liquids!! *NomNom* ROFL! Anyway, every day I wake, *I* choose what to make of it. For the next two days, I will make it a SUCCESS!! I will reduce my workouts to walking only. I don't want to give me any excuses on why I should break the liquid diet. I'm doing this for my friend so I cannot stray! Wishing you all a success filled day :) ROCK IT OUT!!!

  21. It is a very serious and traumatic realization. During the actual weight loss phase it's easy to over look the real issues on why we became obese. The weight loss takes the center stage and we are feeling on top of the world and in control. But once all that stops and we lose that part of our lives and the control that goes along with it, we are left with the same broken spirit and emotions that got us fat in the first place. I only urge anyone that sees another person struggling: instead...

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Small Rant

    I've had to have some heart to hearts with people in my life for the same reason. I think the fact is they don't always know exactly what to say, so whatever comes out is probably not worth saying at all. Perhaps you can just tell your Mom, "Hey Mom I love you very much and I appreciate your being happy for me - but you don't have to comment about my weight every single time you see me." <~~~ Make sure you're smiling when you say that. Sometimes that is enough. It takes the pressure off of her feeling like you expect her to say something and it takes the pressure off of you having to hold inside every crazy thing she mentions. LOL!! If only life were easy huh? Take care, and congrats on all your success thus far. You're doing fantatic.
  23. Sir, being on a diet such as this can make us a bit sensitive. There are a lot of different personalities here, some are more blunt and some are a little softer (including myself). This doesn't mean any of those responses are not being supportive. Perception is reality when reading anything on a message board. I tend to ignore a lot of responses I see here as I do agree they can be wrapped a little nicer, but again that's just my opinion, and as such I choose how I respond. To me it all falls under whether we feel we are doing it right or not (perception of our own personal journey's). That does not mean I should project those same ideals on anyone else. I heard a quote just yesterday that read: "If you think you're doing everything right, then you're doing it wrong." I had to laugh because dangit if I don't see that so much. Not only here but all over the support websites. So, just take any response for what it is - someone's personal opinion. No opinion is fact. I personally think you're doing really good. You reached out in a way I understood it, and I'm glad more of the responses than not were able to help you out in your time of need. We don't need a perfect record to get the sleeve, that is what the sleeve is FOR in my opinion. It's my safety net... however, I'm still the one walking across that tight rope. Stay strong and keep fighting. As long as you're doing that, you will be just fine.
  24. Everyone, When you agree to make posts here at Vertical Sleeve Talk, you agree to maintain a certain code of conduct. This means you will not attack other member which includes name calling. This is a support website, however that doesn't mean all responses are going to be what you may want to hear. As long as the response is done with courtesy and respect, please take it for what it is meant to be. The truth isn't always pleasant, however it's all in how the message is delivered. As long as it is not done in a rude or disrespectful manner then you either can reply in kind or not reply at all. I would prefer not to have to close this thread. It is a very good question and one I do believe many pre-op Sleevers may need to know about. Thanks to all for your continued contributions to VST. Forum Rules: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  25. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

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